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Build question on a VPP


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Okay, let's say that I have a guy who can literally sing reality into whatever he wants. I figure that the easiest way to cover this is with a VPP. But now the issues.


He must be singing continuously to make the changes he wants.


So, that is incantations, but then I add required throughout. But do I add that to the control cost or just the "spells" in the pool?


Pros and Cons of both builds sought.

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Re: Build question on a VPP


Incantations to both the control cost and all the spells in the pool, then upgrade to Incantations Throughout on the constant powers in the pool.


If you applied Incantations Throughout to the control cost, you couldn't use Instant powers (as the limitation would be meaningless).

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Re: Build question on a VPP


If you applied Incantations Throughout to the control cost, you couldn't use Instant powers (as the limitation would be meaningless).


Would he even need to apply Incantations to the control cost? Does he have to sing to alter the nature of the VPP or does he merely need to sing to use the 'Reality-Altering' powers?

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Re: Build question on a VPP


Would he even need to apply Incantations to the control cost? Does he have to sing to alter the nature of the VPP or does he merely need to sing to use the 'Reality-Altering' powers?


Depends. Take a look:


Variable Power Pool, 60 base + 24 control cost, (90 Active Points); all slots Incantations (-1/4)


Above, the incantations are applied as a Common Modifier, affecting all slots and the control cost itself. He can never change the pool or use any power without incantations. He gets a -1/4 limit on every slot in the pool as well. Going by the Gadget Pool example, he can take also more extreme forms of Incantations on the slotsl.


Variable Power Pool, 60 base + 24 control cost, (90 Active Points); Incantations (-1/4)


Now, the incantations apply to the VPP only. He needs to incant to change slots, but once his slots are changed, he can use his powers without using any form of incantation.


Same cost for the pool, different costs for the powers in the pool.


Finally, he could take the pool with no limits on the control cost and no required limits on the slots, but that's not really the effect he seems to be after.

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Re: Build question on a VPP


Thanks for the feedback and yeah, I'll clarify what I'm trying to do here.


Basically, this guy sings and spells go into effect. He can melt metal, control weather, make his sword able to cut fog, stop other people's magic, transform things into their basic materials (Sled to pile of wood, etc.), put everything on an island to sleep. He doesn't seem to ever use instant powers, but that may be the result of me not looking enough, not a real limit. All of the above powers take time to go into effect and he spends the whole time singing.


He does not seem to need to sing to "switch" spells, he just stops singing one and starts singing a new one.

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Re: Build question on a VPP


Thanks for the feedback and yeah, I'll clarify what I'm trying to do here.


Basically, this guy sings and spells go into effect. He can melt metal, control weather, make his sword able to cut fog, stop other people's magic, transform things into their basic materials (Sled to pile of wood, etc.), put everything on an island to sleep. He doesn't seem to ever use instant powers, but that may be the result of me not looking enough, not a real limit. All of the above powers take time to go into effect and he spends the whole time singing.


He does not seem to need to sing to "switch" spells, he just stops singing one and starts singing a new one.


A few of those are instant powers (in order: RKAED vs Metal or a Transform, Change Environment, Dispell Fog or Change Environment, Suppress or Dispell, Transformation Attack, and a Megascale AOE Ego Attack or NND).


I'd say it's a -1/4 Incantations on the control cost and all slots, with some slots getting Incantations Throughout and possible Extra Time.

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Re: Build question on a VPP


A few of those are instant powers (in order: RKAED vs Metal or a Transform, Change Environment, Dispell Fog or Change Environment, Suppress or Dispell, Transformation Attack, and a Megascale AOE Ego Attack or NND).


I'd say it's a -1/4 Incantations on the control cost and all slots, with some slots getting Incantations Throughout and possible Extra Time.

You are of course, 100% correct. I was thinking in terms of onset of effect and not the actual power. My bad. :(

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Re: Build question on a VPP


I would just do it on the control cost unless he has to sing to instatiate the power each time, even after the change in power allocation has occurred. In other words, he sings, and changes his VPP from something like an EB and FF to an RKA and Armor. But he doesn't use either power just yet. A turn later, he fires the RKA. If he does NOT need to whistle then, it should only be on the control cost. Just to be clear.

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Re: Build question on a VPP




Changing the song changes the effect, there is no need to go into a little side song that changes the slots. It is exactly the same as pulling another gadget out of the Utility Belt. The relevant points are how has he bought the VVP to change slots? Power Skill? Zero Phase? Half Phase? or worse no change in combat (ie none of the above?)


Also remember a solioquoy takes no time, as would singing a song (incantation), requires extra time would be like having to belt out an entire song to get the effect in real time. In combat he gets the whole word balloon out and lightning strikes the ships.



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Re: Build question on a VPP


If he can simply stop singing one song and start singing another (i.e. use different powers) at any time, it sounds to me like a Zero-Phase or Half-Phase action to change slots (possibly with a Skill Roll) and Incantations as a common Limitation on all the slots.


EDIT: As part of the definition for the SFX on the VPP (or as a -0 Limitation) I would add that all Constant Powers must have Incantations Throughout, and whatever other case-by-case Limitations you think there should be. If you find that it starts getting really restrictive on the powers (or kind of Powers) available, it might warrent another Limitation on the Control Cost.

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