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Most Damaging Martial Maneuver?


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I have the 5th Edition Revised rule book and the 5th Edition Fantasy Hero,

But I haven't got the new UMA or such like.


I was trying to design a manuever that specialized swordsmen used for breaking through mage's Force Fields.


Then In Fanatasy hero I come across maneuvers like ( On Page 387 )

Chop Smash, -2 OCV +1 DCV Weapon +4DC Strike


Looking through the Old Ninja Hero and UMA, you couldn't make a maneuver quite this good....


I was expecting to get the max damage at

-2 OCV -2 DCV Full Phase +XDC Strike

( -4Pts ) (-4Pts ) + ( 3 Pts Per DC Killing )


What Is the Biggest Killing Damage maneuver available now?

It's to be used in a martial art where the default element is Killing Damage Swords.


And In the Above Example Is that still Halved when you add it to your weapon?

Eg If PC Has a 6 DC ( 2D6 ) GreatSword and enough STR ...

Does He Do 8 DC ( 3D6 - 1 ) + Excess STR DC ?

or is it 10 DC ( 3D6 + 1 ) + Excess STR DC ?


I seem to remember seeing a Maneuver written Similiarly with +6DC Killing,?


It seems I may not need to design a new maneuver if the standard Ones give you +4 DC of Killing Damage and a DCV Bonus



I didn't want to use 'Deadly Blow' or any power like construct,

This is just the Special Maneuver "Fencing" Martial Artists may learn to help them deal with Wizards

So I just wanted to know what the biggest Killing Damage Marial Arts Maneuver is?


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Re: Most Damaging Martial Maneuver?


Then In Fanatasy hero I come across maneuvers like ( On Page 387 )

Chop Smash, -2 OCV +1 DCV Weapon +4DC Strike


Looking through the Old Ninja Hero and UMA, you couldn't make a maneuver quite this good....


I was expecting to get the max damage at

-2 OCV -2 DCV Full Phase +XDC Strike

( -4Pts ) (-4Pts ) + ( 3 Pts Per DC Killing )


What Is the Biggest Killing Damage maneuver available now?

It's to be used in a martial art where the default element is Killing Damage Swords.


And In the Above Example Is that still Halved when you add it to your weapon?

Eg If PC Has a 6 DC ( 2D6 ) GreatSword and enough STR ...

Does He Do 8 DC ( 3D6 - 1 ) + Excess STR DC ?

or is it 10 DC ( 3D6 + 1 ) + Excess STR DC ?


The maneuver you refer to looks just like Offensive Strike, a standard maneuver. It's normal damage, not killing. If you use it with a killing damage weapon, it will add 2 DC to the damage, so the greatsword will end up doing 3d6-1. There's a section in 5th ed on adding damage - ALL martial maneuvers are halved when adding to weapon, even the maneuver 'killing strike'. (Personally, I've house-ruled that, as it still only ends up adding 2DC, same as offensive strike, with worse CV mods. Then again, I'm working on 5E, not 5ER, so it may have changed.)


Hmm. If you wanna break through forcefields... possibly consider extra Str, only while pushing, only vs forcefields, or something like that. Up the increased END to a level where they can't do it too often or they'll pass out. At an extreme limit, make it a truly extended push - 1 point of END per point of STR. That's nasty. Might be too nasty.


Failing that, a dispel/suppress. Won't help the attack itself, as adjustment powers work after the damage is applied, but would simulate the *attack*-"Ha, I am unharmed!"-*shatter*-"Damn." combo.


YMMV. :) Beauty and curse of Hero is that there are so many ways to build something...

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Re: Most Damaging Martial Maneuver?


Actually, considering what you want to use it for, I would use Piercing from the Dark Champions book. You can buy Piercing versus Resistant Defenses at 3 points per point of defense removed, so by spending, say, 9 points, you remove 3 points of Resistant Defenses for that particular attack, say All-Out, or Chop Strike.

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Re: Most Damaging Martial Maneuver?


The maneuver you refer to looks just like Offensive Strike' date=' a standard maneuver. It's normal damage, not killing. If you use it with a killing damage weapon, it will add 2 DC to the damage, so the greatsword will end up doing 3d6-1. There's a section in 5th ed on adding damage - ALL martial maneuvers are halved when adding to weapon, even the maneuver 'killing strike'. (Personally, I've house-ruled that, as it still only ends up adding 2DC, same as offensive strike, with worse CV mods. Then again, I'm working on 5E, not 5ER, so it may have changed.)[/quote']


Thanks, that's just the sort of verification I was after.

The eample character on page 387 of FH - Halfreda - uses an axe and has 'of course' a Martial Art for it.

She Has A maneuver called: Chop / Smash

5 Pts, -2 OCV +1 DCV Weapon + 4DC Strike

that helped to confuse me, as her art I assumed uses an Axe and is thus usually Killing attack.

Under the 4th Edition such a maneuver would cost:

-2OCV = ( -1 ) * 2 = -2 Pts

+1DCV = ( +1 ) * 1 = 1 Pts

4DC Normal = ( +1 ) * 2 ( for 2DC ) + ( +2 ) * 2 ( for 2 More DC )

for a total of 5 Pts...

That's kind of good if you are designing a 'Club' Martial art...


I just wanted to know, if under the new System, I designed a Martial art based Solely On Killing Damage, ie totally for Swords:

Is it still so that the cost is:

K-Damage ( Killing ) +3pts Per 1 DC Maximum +4DC/K ( UMA 4th pg 109 )


So A true +4DC/K Maneuver would cost

12 Pts for +4DC/K ( and thus need -7 Pts to cut it back to 5 Pts )


-2DCV = -2Pts

-2OCV = -2Pts

Half Move Required = -1 Pts

Lasting Restriction = -1 Pts

Unbalancing ( Opponent gets first go next ) = -1Pts

= 5 Pts


And thus wind up with a maneuver that say allows

a 6DC Greatsword to do 10 DC K + ( STR DC )

ie 3D6 + 1 + STR

So you get a maneuver that does lots of damage, and leaves you vulnerable.


My question being is this still ok under the 'new' rules, or is their something in between...


I do not want to use: Piercing, Deadly Blow and etc. This just represents a Maneuver that any skilled 'Fencer' may learn, without requiring any Powers or such.

And the Killing Damage Manuever if performed with an 'Armour Splitter' (AP weapon ) will most likely do serious damage


I also definitely did not want to make any sort Of Power construct - Extra Damage Only versus Force Field, that definitely stay in the realm of Spells or powers.

The above maneuver will help deal with the Enemy 'Knights' in Plate even more easily than the Wizards ( Probaly in Chain + Force Field )



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Re: Most Damaging Martial Maneuver?


I was thinking something like "The war god's blessing" PEN on up to 60 points (4D6) only vs magical defense...so if you hide behind a FF then you take body from every hit....drop the sheild and fight like a "real man " and the PEN goes away...:)

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