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How to you make a missile immune to missile deflection/reflection?

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Place the advantage Area effect 1-Hex: Accurate on the attack power. Normally, AE attacks cannot be missile deflected, though their SFX and the GM are the ulitmate judge as to whether or not a specific AE attack can be deflected.


Another option is Indirect. According to The Ultimate Martial Artist a Hand to Hand attack with the Indirect advantage cannot be Blocked. Since Missile Deflection is the equivalent to Block (except its used against ranged attacks) the same may apply in this case. Again, this is a GM's call.


The third option is the make the attack with the Invisible Power Effects advantage. If they can't see/sense it, its damn near impossible to deflect it (1/2 OCV to deflect...possibly 0 OCV...something to bring up to Steve)


Putting all three of the above advantages onto a single attack power would make it pretty much indeflectable.


Happy Hunting.

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Re: How to you make a missile immune to missile deflection/reflection?


Originally posted by zen_hydra

I want to make a non-AOE missile attack that can't be deflected/reflected.


Don't dismiss AE 1-Hex: Accurate out of hand either. This advantage is specifically meant to represent a non-Area Effect attack that is either very accurate or seeking or some such ability that makes it target an enemy as if it were a hex (DCV-3)...it doesn't actually make the attack encompass an area.

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Don't forget the special effects. Missile Deflection can be lots of things, same for your missile. Why can't it be deflected? How does the Missile Deflection work? You can buy AE-1hex accurate and a load of skill levels, but what is it?


If it's a heat seeker and the Missile Deflection is a wall of ice, then the missile should be deflected. It's not just numbers.


[edited to make clearer the "it blocks heat" special effect of missile deflection]

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I would have *sworn* I saw a specific "Cannot be Deflected" advantage somewhere in FREd. I appear to be wrong, however.


Best basis for comparison appears to be the Affects Desolid advantage and the One-Hex-Accurate options, both at +1/2. Unless Missile Deflection is far more common in your games than they seem to be in mine, that sounds a little on the heavy side to me.

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