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Seeds of Change: Repercussions


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The time is currently 2004. Same as in this world. Due to several dramatic events, the existence of extremely powerful superhumans being has been revealed, along with the possibility that the US has access to certain extraterrestrial technology that might give it a several centuries boost on applied technology across the board. A number of countries seem to have been mainting covery super soldier programs including Germany and Japan and random appearances have been cropping up across the globe. Any suggested global political reactions?

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Re: Seeds of Change: Repercussions


America is strongly believed to have access to technology centuries ahead of the rest of the world:


All other countries will respond angrily. The UN will be a 100% demand-the-USA-share telethon [please skip inserting real-world political opinions here, use the NGD boards]. Economic war will break out, as countries try to strong-arm concessions from the US by denying trade.


The US will be isolated, even its "friends" won't be able to (a) ignore the rest of the world's envy and anger (B) fully trust that they will be included in the future economic dominance of the US.


I'm not as clear on the effects of the appearance of super-people. I'm assuming that isn't restricted to the US? Even so, with the US suspected of having ET-tech, many will blame the US for the appearance of the supers.

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Re: Seeds of Change: Repercussions


The US currently has:


Pandora: A young "woman" with some unususal psionic and physical abilites including matter and energy manipulation, superhuman strength in 70-80 and nearly completely invulnerability to any current conventional weapons system. She just recently revealed herself by taking an unsanctioned Christmas flight to Toronto Canada and walking around the city for awhile.


TAOs (Tactically Augmented Organisms) Genetically engineered super soldiers grown with alien biotech possseing superhuman strength, resilance, flight and and a number of other abilities There are currently 50 and that number can be doubled within a year.


Depending on the actions of the PCs additional superhuman resources (Such a young woman with Hulk level strength and resistance to injury) and 750 point mentalist may become available shortly.


Germany has one active "Super soldier" Avatar but he's more officially under watch they working for the government. An aggresive attempt to "recruit" him has gone wrong and he's currently on the run.


Japan has Project: Ran, a mutant girl with devastating energy projection abilites, toughness and enhanced speed and agility but had not confirmed nor denied the existence of other superhumans.

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Re: Seeds of Change: Repercussions


For what it's worth, I think second and third-tiered powers would hoard their meta-humans jealously; the europeans especially, like France and the UK guarding their old-world power via nuclear weapons.


((As a player, I'd still be interested, if there's room for Hurricane. If not, then good luck with the game and all the best.))

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Re: Seeds of Change: Repercussions


America is strongly believed to have access to technology centuries ahead of the rest of the world:


All other countries will respond angrily. The UN will be a 100% demand-the-USA-share telethon [please skip inserting real-world political opinions here, use the NGD boards]. Economic war will break out, as countries try to strong-arm concessions from the US by denying trade.


The US will be isolated, even its "friends" won't be able to (a) ignore the rest of the world's envy and anger (B) fully trust that they will be included in the future economic dominance of the US.


Well...they'll _try_. But a boycott is hard enough at the best of times; successfully boycotting one of the biggest economic powers on the planet will vastly more difficult. And it gets even _more_ difficult if the American government starts cannily suggesting that governments that ignore the attempted boycott might be rewarded with a little of that oh-so-valuable ultra-tech....

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Re: Seeds of Change: Repercussions


Betcha the other countries would be spying the heck out of the U.S.A.'s 'super science' assets. Anyone with a 750+ point super is a world power, anyone who doesn't have them is suddenly less potent on the world stage. The more supers you got, the more 'juice' you got - China just easily became the world's greatest super-power if it's an even distribution based on population.


Nuclear Weapons are nice and all that, but I'll take high end superhumans ANY day of the week. Especially when you've got mega-intellect, mentalists, crazy telekinetic tricks, mastery of the EM spectrum, and reality manipulation showing up. I can just see the NPC super-brain yawning, "I built a selective fission-suppression field that encompasses the planet... nuclear war is so passe".


So if you're a non-US world power with multiple high end superhumans, finding out what the United States' doing with the 'alien tech' would be something of a high priority. Plausible deniability would be a nice thing here, of course. Don't want the U.S. to take a poke at you with their covert assets while you're scoping them out. But I think it would be easy enough to cover up any 'official' governmental involvement given the (doubtless) widespread avarice that would be spreading across the globe like ripples on a pond.


Also, there's the non-governmental factor to consider. Surely not everyone with high end superhuman might is going to ally themselves with an existing global power. I could see one or more factions springing up almost overnight, mutual protection pacts with one or more superhumans are something that I've been giving serious consideration as I watch the plot unfold from within the game, and it seems likely that this would definitely come into play for the non-aligned superhumans when the powers that be start to lean on them. Given the age range (nobody older than 19ish), I would assume a certain impulsivity overall (though obviously there would be some exceptions) and a willingness to disregard other people's welfare for your own (and some tendencies to resolve situations rather directly/abruptly, and to see the world in rather black and white terms). Teenagers with cosmic might are a scary, scary concept.


Also, if there are less potent superhumans emerging as well they would be factored into the equation. A 300 point super-agent with clairvoyance or mentalist talents would be a force to be reckoned with in the intelligence community. Slap on another 100 points of skills and they'd be a friggin' terror. Invisibility, Desolidification, Special Senses like N-Ray Vision, all would be extremely useful in the covert ops department, and they'd have a much tougher time staying clear of governmental interests than the 'super high power' crowd.


Likewise, given the global geo-political situation, I'd be real concerned about the 750+ superhumans turning up in 'rogue nations'. They're a lot scarier than your typical third-world angry youth. Be afraid of the high-end 'angry West-bank Palestinian kid' and his high end 'angry Gaza-Settler Israeli' counterpart. Be very afraid. Especially if you're anywhere nearby when they run into one another.


I'd expect conflicts between superhumans to pop up in the coming weeks. Probably some serious collateral damage (maybe not though, depending on the nature of their powers - a dueling martial artist vs. speedster wouldn't necessarily trash the surrounding town).


[As a super-human playing in the campaign, I'm thinking that allies are becoming a prime commodity for me real fast. Alliances, mutual protection pacts, and plans to keep from getting locked away in some government missile silo, shot at and pushed into slaughtering a couple hundred special forces soldiers, crippling some western country's infrastructure - or killed. Those are going to quickly become of paramount importance the way things are shaping up.]


Very very interesting PBEM Nexus. Seriously. I'm enjoying it tremendously! :thumbup:

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Re: Seeds of Change: Repercussions


It still scares me with, with a slightly more aggressive player at her Helm, Psyche could end the Iraq war in a couple of days. Or elevate if she so choose. Without any real way to stop here. 18d6 Mind Control and Mind scan go along way.

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Re: Seeds of Change: Repercussions


It still scares me with' date=' with a slightly more aggressive player at her Helm, Psyche could end the Iraq war in a couple of days. Or elevate if she so choose. Without any real way to stop here. 18d6 Mind Control and Mind scan go along way.[/quote']


I thought the Seeds of Change game had folded. Or did you revive it?

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Re: Seeds of Change: Repercussions


Yeah, I was thinking about that when I noted her Mind Control in the game. Or she could pretty much pick who she wanted to win elections (just go around for a couple years planting +30 Ego post-hypnotic suggestions on key government officials - say the elections official and state supreme court membership, oh and the federal supreme court while you're at it), set up her own 'shadow government' or what have you. Very scary. She really could effectively take over any country she wants more or less.


Edit: It won't even help much when people develop 'anti-mind control' tech. I was looking at Avatar, and with his (admittedly reduced) mental defense and ego (27 vs. mind control total), an average roll will still give her a +30 ego result on that 18d6 mind control. Sheeeeeesh. Scary 750 point mentalist.

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