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How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"?

Dr Archeville

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One of my characters in an online Champions game is an undead with, among other things, regeneration (representing his enduring 'lifeforce' and that the energies which animate him permeate every cell of his body) and the Resistance (5 points) Talent (his sense of pain is practically non-existent). I'd like for him to have the ability to pluck out one of his eyes, place it somewhere (or have it placed somewhere by someone else), and retain the ability to see through it. Drawbacks would include that while an extracted eye is 'active,' he cannot regenerate it (so he won't be plucking out his eyes and placing them willy-nilly), and so would only have one eye in his head (and lack depth perception); if he had both eyes out, he would be effectively blind (a hefty Side-Effect, I'd think). I'm thinking the eye itself could count as an Obvious Foci (it's an eyeball, it's obviously looking at you; perhaps the dangling bit of optic nerve cord glows with necromantic energies), though its accessibility/inaccessibility would seem to vary based on where they were placed (i.e., if the eye's just out in the open, or hidden on a bookshelf). The field of vision of the Clairvoyance would be limited to what the eye could see based on where it was placed/oriented, and changing views would require actually moving the eyeball, which would have no ability to move on its own, a definite Limit. (I may with experience points upgrade it so the character can snaps off some of his fingers, or a whole hand, and make a Crawling Eye, like the one seen in Bride of the Re-Animator.) If the eye is 'deactivated,' is simply becomes an inert, normal, dead eyeball, and the character can regrow his own at his usual Regeneration rate.


How should I go about writing this up?

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Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"?


I would say Clairsentience with a reduced version of Blackout (do I have the name of that Limitation right? The one that keeps you from seing your normal surroundings) for the depth perception and loss of normal vision if the Clairsentience is used twice, and Lockout between the Clairsentience and the Regeneration.


That you essentially cannot turn off the Clairsentience without retrieving the eyeball could be worth something as well, except for that last bit you mentioned about regrowing a new one if the Clairsentience turns off. BTW, I would say Physical Manifestation is probably more appropriate than Focus in this case, but that's your call.


That you cannot activate the Clairsentience without (for the most part) being at the target point might be a form of the No Range Limitation, except I think that might keep you from continuing to use the Power once you leave the position, so you might take something like: No Range, Only for Activation (-1/4) (note: half value).

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Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"?


Phyiscal Manifestation? Is that a 5ER thing? I've only got 5E.

Yeah. I believe it first appeared on Fantasy Hero or something. Now it is included in 5ER. It basically means there is some physical thing that represents a use of the Power, and if it is destroyed the Power turns off.

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Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"?


I'd agree with presdidigitator: clairsentience sounds ideal, but it wouldn't be Hero if there wasn't another way of doing it...


You could buy stretching (doesn't cross intervening space) (eyeballs only). :D


And with the Stretching, unless you add more and more Lims, there's no mechanic to prevent him from constantly re-orienting the eyball to change his field of vision.


There is, however, a _very_ expensive limitation on his range!:eek:

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Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"?




Hrrmm... could Stretching w/ Does Not Cross Intervening Spaces be used for a "Detachable Body Parts" power? Tear off a hand, have it scuttle around (to flick switches, or for sneak attacks), or to take off his head and recite Shakespearean quotations....

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Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"?




Hrrmm... could Stretching w/ Does Not Cross Intervening Spaces be used for a "Detachable Body Parts" power? Tear off a hand, have it scuttle around (to flick switches, or for sneak attacks), or to take off his head and recite Shakespearean quotations....

I think you might also need some levels of Indirect for that. Maybe even IPE for the sneak attack thing, but not necessarily.

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Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"?


N-Ray vision with suitable limitations, perhaps?


I like the Clairsentience idea better, but I thought I'd throw this out there.

Hrm...if you want to see everything inbetween and be affected by range, sure. :) Come on, this is exactly what Clairsentience is for! Why are we working so hard to buy it in some complex way with some other Power(s)? Heh.

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Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"?


Hrm...if you want to see everything inbetween and be affected by range' date=' sure. :) Come on, this is exactly what Clairsentience is for! Why are we working so hard to buy it in some complex way with some other Power(s)? Heh.[/quote']


uh, because this is the Hero Boards and if we haven't suggested at least 6 difference ways to do anything we have failed in our mission.


Has anyone suggested EDM: This Dimension; Any location; Eyeball Only?


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Re: How to do "Remote Zombie Eyeballs"?


Technically, that means that moving the eyeball is the special effect. As it would be totally removed from the character, it should rightly cease to function.


But if the remote eyeball is merely a special effect for Clairsentience, then there is no issue.


but it's a zombie character, so I reckon that eye ain't gettin' no deader.....


This is one of those things were mechanics can conflict, obviously.


I think that Clairsentience is the most elegant solution, though personally I wouldn't force the player to take a limitation as to 'field of vision.' It's a dead eyeball that still works, and even works across great distances. I don't think that letting it wobble about a little bit is going to suddenly make the build unacceptable. Assume he rips out some muscle tissue as well, which functions as a little bipod or something....

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