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ok two things. first you guys are right 2 per rolls then death is to extreme. i was over reacting. also by not killing him in his sleep i get a new plot. the second thing is that my game is a champions game that is becoming a dark champions game, just fyi. but anyways you guys are right and if i did that it would be stupid. and blue your right, its too much like save or die. what i'll have happen instead, is even thought the evidence proved golden sun innocent, the dad will still hunt him. but he not hire an assasin, instead he will train himself until he can take on a hero and then become a villian. so in summry: thanks for the advice or i would have done something stupid. second i need to think this plot out a lot more.

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thanks for the advice or i would have done something stupid. second i need to think this plot out a lot more.

What? :jawdrop: That's all you have to say? You have 1 rep point, spread the love with those whose ideas you liked, such as Blue. Quote a bit from him and say "Thanks, Repped."


But this "No rep for you" smacks of soup-Naziism! Of all the newbie things to do....





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after i finished reading i relised something. i have not done the 2 per rolls or die yet, i was planing to do it on game day tomorrow. and you're right i'm an inexperienced GM i've be running this game for 3 months which is not enough time to become a good GM. but thank you guys for the help. i'm really glad i posted here else i would have done something very stupid. so thanks agian for the help. and for you who asked, yes my game is a gritty game. BH was caught and put in the slammer and the CSI department cleared golden sun, the dad doesn't belive this, so now in a couple months-year the PCs will have a brand new villian running around. i have a back up plot i will run instead, for an ocation

where my planned plot doesn't work. the team is going to meet anubis for the first time. the local museme is doing an egyption exibit, and look whats this? the book of the dead? NAH! couldn't be!............ or could it?

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ok two things. first you guys are right 2 per rolls then death is to extreme. i was over reacting. also by not killing him in his sleep i get a new plot. the second thing is that my game is a champions game that is becoming a dark champions game' date=' just fyi. but anyways you guys are right and if i did that it would be stupid. and blue your right, its too much like save or die. what i'll have happen instead, is even thought the evidence proved golden sun innocent, the dad will still hunt him. but he not hire an assasin, instead he will train himself until he can take on a hero and then become a villian. so in summry: thanks for the advice or i would have done something stupid. second i need to think this plot out a lot more.[/quote']


Welcome to the boards, laddie!

To contrast Kirby's tounge in cheek criticisim, I think you deserve a bit of praise.

After 3 pages worth of responces basically saying your idea sucks, you have both the brains and the stones to come in and admit that you hadn't thought it through, and to show how'll you'll be responding to the situation.

As you've probably seen by now... the boards are a great freaking place to come for both ideas and to get a sounding board for your own ideas.


One hint tho... you might want to spend a little more time on the format of your posts.... people will read you better if you look like you've put a bit more thought into how things will look on the screen. (the spacebar is your friend)


Repped as a how-do and hearty handshake

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thanks, and i'll try and work on my post structure


and rep to you for the advice.


i also think that i will start anouther post were i will ppost what i plan to do for my game, that way people can look at it, review it, and catch any mistakes. which will make my all the more enjoyable for my players.


thanks agian for the help

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oh, before i go any farther here is the hero groups roster.


HAWK: the team leader and face man. one power 20" flight. also has a bird-a-rang. based off of the team leader from gatchaman (great movie!). the player is a great guy and GM, whos been playing for 10ish years. he always is helping me out and then tears my plot to shreads :D


CATCH: the teams deflection artist. can grow many hands at will. absorbs all damage, and can funnel EB into his EB (which starts at 0d6). great person. been in my game from the start and helps push plot.


FISHBOY: a hydromancer who suprise suprise looks like a fishboy. he has a multitude of powers and is distracted by shinies. (which makes for great side plots).


GOLDEN SUN: the archer mystic (who started this thread) he is also new to the system. he tries his best to help, but often makes things worse. but he tries so its all good.


RIU: the teams mystic. channels power from the one true source (like robert jordan novels) he is also a mentalist. he helps the team out with the mystic stuff. good player.


BLACKRIDER: a cop, whos night job is as a hero. he uses a motorcycle as his main weapon/transportation. the player is a bit spaztic, but all around a good kid.


LINK: the teams weapon master. the character IS link. he works well with the team, and the player is always realy helpful.


CHAMELON: the teams alien and shapeshifter. also a jack-of-all trades and infaltration expert. the player is a good guy, who like a good game.


COLLATERAL DAMAGE: the teams brick and mr. money-bags. he, as his name suggests, sometimes can use a "bit" to much force. :rolleyes: the player is a good guy.


SCOPE: a powered armor merc/assasin who really hasn't joined the group yet.

but the player is a good man. so it willl work out evetualy.


PHOENIX: the teams ship and its AI. both of which the stole from DR. D. the ship is fun for me to play and give me many a plot idea.


BACKGROUND: this is a wired mesh of genres. the game takes place in hudson city, except HC is on the west coast and has reaplaced hollywood (aka gold city). gold city was destroyed 2 years back in a huge fight with dr. D in the end he fired the orbital cannon and blew up much of the city. the city didn't have a river through it before he fired it, now it does. all that was left of doctor destroyer was his... BOOT. so now 2 years later the city has been renamed and is being rebuilt as hudson city.


well thats all for now. let me know what you guys think


thanks for the help!

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Wow! You've that many people in your group? Lucky you!


Starting a new thread for your future plans: "here's what happened, here's what I'm thinking of doing, what do you think?" will get you some ideas (some good, some bad, some way out there. After a while, you'll have the feel you want. :thumbup:

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Sounds like fun! You have a lot of characters - same here. My game has 8 PCs. I find I have to be on guard against the battles bogging down.


We get to play about 3 hours. I tend to "storytell" battles against hordes of mooks because to really fight it out takes more time than we have. We play a round or two so the die rollers get to do their thing, then I storytell the rest of the battle. I'm trying to get the players to take over some of that, but I'm a lot better at improvisational narrative.


Everyone has fun. Have you had problems with such a large group?

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To Nightbringer:


I just hope you know that none of us meant anything personally. We didn't like the idea what you were considering but we're glad that you asked us for advice. By your own admission you're a new GM but hey weren't most of us at one point? And those who weren't new GM's don't know the learning curve.


Good luck with the campaign and please visit us or ask advice any time!

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Sounds like good fodder for the campaign. Good reoccuring problem for the PC. I wouldnt make them take the Hunted for free though; find some equivalent Disad the character does have that has outlived its usefulness and swap it out as a normal part of the character's "growth".


One thing though:






line breaks












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First, I'm glad to know there's a GM who can admit they were wrong. It's a real sign of maturity.


Second, there's one aspect to the situation that hasn't been addressed yet. Unless the father has criminal contacts up the yin yang, there is no way he could hire Blood Orchid before the police told him the hero wasn't responsible. And if he did have those sorts of contacts, then he was probably a crime figure and should have had a bodyguard for his son. The phonebook doesn't exactly have listings for Assassians or Hit Men ;) It's still possible for it to happen as you said, but not as likely. Maybe the father made a hollow threat or there's some punk with a knife impersonating BO. (I just read his write up in Predators and it would be easy, but very stupid, for someone to claim to be BO.)


When a GM makes a mistake, there are 2 ways to handle it. Admit it or change things so it's not much of a mistake. In this case I would make the father a minor figure in organized crime and why they MAY know BO, the higher ups don't want to waste the resources for someone as expensive as BO for such a minor thing. Someone trying to make money out of the situation will contact the father and claim to be BO but is little more than a trained normal who is no threat and will tell the team who hired her. Once word of the failed hit gets out, the father will be in trouble from his organization so the PCs will have to PROTECT him from his former co-workers.


As for an OOPS moment, in one session our resident alien knocked a cultist into a sacrifce circle. None of us knew it was exactly the WRONG thing to do (even our mage, my character didn't know how bad that was until it was too late). The GM fixed it with a little time travel, sacrifice of an NPC's powers, and mind controlled PCs to prevent the worst of the effects from happening.

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