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help me! :)


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Hi! I need some help to create the main power of my hero character:


I'd like he can be able to make change of state (from a solid to liquid, from al liquid to gas and viceversa and from a solid to gas ) of things or people with a touch or a hand to hand attack. and


but I' m not be able to do that, i didn't find a combination of power that match my need




Ps: sorry for my poor English, but I'm an italian Guy

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Re: help me! :)



Sean is right, as usual, but I do have a few comments and questions, as usual. :)

Hero is based on the idea of "reasoning from effect".


So the first thing to think about when you are building a power is:

"What do I want it to do?"


When you say that you want to turn objects or people into a liquid or gas,

what actual effect are you looking for?


Are you trying to damage them?


Are you trying to make it so that they can't move?


Are you trying to make it so that they can't attack anything?


Something like "Desolidification w/ the Useable as Attack Advantage" might work well too.


You could change them to a liquid or gassy form, and they would not be able to attack anything unless they had some attacks bought with "Affects Solid".


Just a thought.



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Re: help me! :)


KA has hit the nail on the head here. Turning something/somebody into something else is usually the special effect of some game mechanic rather than a game mechanic in and of itself. If transforming the targe to air effectivelly kills it, you can use a Killing Attack. If transforming it into water makes hit flow downhill against its will, it might be Running with Usable As Attack. You can use Transform to just say "poof, you're a gas", but I'd do so only as a last resort.

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