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Skilled with a pen?

Manic Typist

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This is for all of the members out there who have anything remotely like skill when it comes to drawing/sketching.


I was wondering if any kind and generous soul out there was willing to do sketches/drawings of character descriptions for a campaign I'm running.


Of course, this is obviously an almost ridiculous request, and I will not be the least offended if no one has the time or inclination.


But who knows? Maybe someone out there would like the challenge of drawing a variety of fantasy characters, if they have any spare time of course.

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Re: Skilled with a pen?


That's an excellent suggestion. I might do that.


However, I would feel even more embarassed to be approaching COMPLETE strangers such as those, who I have no "rep" with, as opposed to you chaps, who while still strangers..... we have more of a realtionship.


Anyone you know there who doesn't mind doing character drawings?

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Re: Skilled with a pen?


You could always check out some of the stock art from http://www.rpgnow.com


For example, the bard who I use to explain rules in some of my handouts, Eldedd is from Mongoose Publishing. The rates are reasonable and the art can be so-so but it'll do in a pinch.






Greg Volz

Natural Twenty Gaming


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Re: Skilled with a pen?


I considered doing a prize bit, but if I was going to do that..... then I would expect some significant entrys. Like, I might give twenty character descriptions (a combination of my PCs and NPCs in various campaigns) as "prompts" for entrys, and give 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes. I would make the prizes the previous three months "half-off" books, which I would have bought half off each.


Don't give me that look! I'm a teenager! Cash is not a light thing for me. Besdies, I think it would work pretty well.


I'm sorry, but is there a specifica database on d20 of this "stock art?" I couldn't find it, but maybe I was looking in all the wrong places...


Thnx all! Always open to more ideas!

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Re: Skilled with a pen?


Oh, most assuredly I would do that for any one doing that for their OWN. As a matter of fact, I wish I had thought of it when I started out my current campaign....


But......... someone in my campaign who drew for me........ bonus points..... that might work.


I might know a guy.


But still........



Thanks once more!

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Re: Skilled with a pen?


Thank you everyone very much!


Kind souls!


Super Squirrel, thnx for the offer of backup! I appreciate it!

Curufea............ I have no idea what your name means, but you went above and beyond.


Thanks again all!



I might be able to help. There's a few little complications, but if you're not looking for totally professional quality art, I may be able to assist. Here's some background:


I used to do the character artwork for World Maker's Global Guardians website, on a pro-bono approach. It took me hours to do each sketch, but I lost my confidence after a few years, and gave it up (sadly, I don't take criticism well, which is something that doesn't behove any artist). I was enrolled in an art school, but I had to drop out for financial reasons. My artwork is very comic booky, and like I said, it's not professional quality. I work best when I have inspirations. I'm no where near the calibre of Storn or some of the other artists on this board (Keith comes to mind, as well as a few others, I'm sure).


Stylistically, I'm trying to head to more exageration of key features in my work. I found that all of my men had the same face / different hair formula, and I've tried to tweak that. Generally exagerate a feature or two to bring out the personality in it.


I have no examples on line, currently, of my work. At least, none that are recent.


Let me put it this way, though. I'm free. :)


I don't have a good scanner, but I might be able to wrangle one up.


Lemme know. If you give me a week or so, I'll be scanning some racial examinations for my fantasy hero site. that'll let you see some of my "work" to decide if it's non-sucky.



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