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The Riddler - adventure ideas


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I have this idea for a Riddler type villain - a puzzle guy who leaves clues - but I'm having trouble with the clues and riddles part. Anybody run an adventure with this type of bad guy? Any suggestions on resources I could check out?


Any guidance is appreciated.



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Re: The Riddler - adventure ideas


The who...? A what...? Damn, sorry I'm late. Is it over?


That was a nice resource there, Hermit. I like the deduction hints. And the most important piece of advice: If the players come up with a better explanation, go for it!


Do you already have the plot or crime in mind? Creating the riddles/clues after that should be pretty easy. Depending upon how absurd you wanna be, of course.


So, ummm...how smart are your players? :whistle::sneaky:

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Re: The Riddler - adventure ideas




I have this idea for a Riddler type villain - a puzzle guy who leaves clues - but I'm having trouble with the clues and riddles part. Anybody run an adventure with this type of bad guy? Any suggestions on resources I could check out?


Any guidance is appreciated.





Only one, this guy is doing this because he wants to show off how smart he is, not because he wants to get caught. Therefore go get some back issues of Scientific American and base his "clues" on the math games and puzzlers they have a regular column for. Or use some similar resource, particularly you might want to look at "sucker" wagers in all their forms 'cause otherwise this guy is gonna be The Big Loser.

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Re: The Riddler - adventure ideas


You can always go pick up a Dell puzzle book and adapt things. They have all sorts of puzzles and codes. Or adapt anything else that comes to mind. Try this:


Can you picture?

You have to see it in your mind.

Can you picture?

What's quick and easy to find?

Can you picture?

You have to...


And then create a room with some sort of trigger. Stick this on the wall. Or have a view screen come on with the villain reciting it when they enter the room(which of course locks them in immediately).


For the record, those are lyrics from "Can You Picture That?" from the Muppet Movie(Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem rule!)

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Re: The Riddler - adventure ideas


Do however, remember that the players may not know things/figure things out that their characters could. Bob might not get that reference to non-Euclidian geometry, but Dr. Awesome would. When the players are stumped, give them some help via INT/Deduction/appropriate KS rolls to help nudge them along.

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