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Using secret telepathy


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Assuming a basic mentalism power set (Multipower with EGO attack, mental illusions, mind control, and telepathy; mental defense; and mind scan; let's say a cap of 80 active points), how many ways can you think of for somebody to acquire wealth while keeping the abilities completely secret?


The most obvious method is, of course, poker - Telepathy to learn what the other players' hands are, a nudge with Mind Control to keep them from folding, and maybe even Mental Illusions of what the mentalist's (or their own) hand is. However, it's not exactly the best way to reach the ten-point level of Wealthy, especially without the Anonymity perk to avoid IRS investigations.


A method with a bit of style, though still not quite good enough for the IRS, is to locate criminal dens (possibly drug houses), walk in, take piles of cash, and walk out, and leave the hapless crooks to try to explain to their murderously-enraged superiors where all the missing money went.






And, if pure mind-reading or temporary control isn't enough for an effect, perhaps psychic surgery can help accomplish something?


[105] Psionic Surgery: 2d6 Major Transform (30), Cumulative (+1/2), Maximum x8 to 96 (+3/4), BOECV (+1), Works Against Ego, Not Body (+1/4), (105 active points), Requires Skill Roll (SC: Psionic Surgery), no active-point penalty (-0)

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Re: Using secret telepathy


Use your "powers of persuasion" to convince the Boards of various filthy rich corporations to hire you as a "consultant" at an exorbitant annual salary. It's perfectly legal, the IRS gets it cut and has no issues with you. Safe, easy, and unless you really go overboard, nobody will ever suspect you're anything but a vastly overpaid leech.

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Re: Using secret telepathy


Assuming a basic mentalism power set (Multipower with EGO attack, mental illusions, mind control, and telepathy; mental defense; and mind scan; let's say a cap of 80 active points), how many ways can you think of for somebody to acquire wealth while keeping the abilities completely secret?


The most obvious method is, of course, poker - Telepathy to learn what the other players' hands are, a nudge with Mind Control to keep them from folding, and maybe even Mental Illusions of what the mentalist's (or their own) hand is. However, it's not exactly the best way to reach the ten-point level of Wealthy, especially without the Anonymity perk to avoid IRS investigations.


The IRS wouldn't investigate, except to be sure you're reporting all your winnings. The IRS would not care how you managed to so consistantly win. Report it all, and they'll be happy.


Now, avoiding retribution from the folks you took all that money from, that's another matter...



If your mind control, or even your mental illusions, had an AoE, you might try the Elron Bummer method, and found your own religion. ;)


Dabbling in the stock market, so long as you occasionally lose some money, is another possibility.

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Re: Using secret telepathy


Use your "powers of persuasion" to convince the Boards of various filthy rich corporations to hire you as a "consultant" at an exorbitant annual salary. It's perfectly legal' date=' the IRS gets it cut and has no issues with you. Safe, easy, and unless you really go overboard, nobody will ever suspect you're anything but a vastly overpaid leech.[/quote']


You know, that explains a lot...


In my previous job working for a major ISP for businesses, I certainly learned that "IT Consultants" seem to be able to make vast amounts of money with no actual IT knowledge whatsoever...

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Re: Using secret telepathy


In a world where telepathy was known to exist, I suspect that there would be laws about its use, and probably a 'psi-police' inquiry into sudden wealth gains of certain sorts.


Of course, maybe not if the first really powerful mentalist to come along 'persuaded' congress not- to make that sort of law. But then, He'd have to be playing whack-a-mole with 50 state legislatures too, unless he was such an earth shatteringly powerful mentalist that he could 1) control them all at once (megascale mind control) or 2) had such a powerful mind control that the lawmakers wouldnt break out even when they started getting +8 or +9 to their rolls based on time.

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