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Fire portals


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I am trying to create a character and have run into a problem. Too high a cost. Mainly because I can't seem to come up with a good set of limitations for the character.


Here is what I am trying to do: The character is a living portal between our world and the elemental planes. However, he can only consciously access one them at a time. SO if he access the elemental plane of fire all of his powers are based on fire. for example he has fire jet. Rka defined as Hellfire Flight as rocket power. He can teleport. Missile deflection defined as opening a small portal and sending the attack to the elemental plane. And force field defined as dimensional shunt.


Suppress vs fire would not weaken him because if you try, you are trying to suppress the entire plane of fire. Good Luck. However suppressing dimensional based powers will affect him normally. In fact, hes is vulnerable to trans-dimensional powers. The way his powers work is based on the principal that nature hates a vacuum. Open a portal and the element comes shooting out like a jet. He has enough control to form it into the form he needs such as a jet or flight. Teleport is done by moving himself thru the portal to the elemental plane. Yes He does have e-dim movement but only to the elemental planes, based on what element he is using. So if he is using air, He can't go the elemental plane of water or fire. Only to the plane of air.


I need a good set of limitations. Suggestions please?

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Re: Fire portals


Just one quick thought before lunch:


Here is what I am trying to do: The character is a living portal between our world and the elemental planes. However' date=' he can only consciously access one them at a time.[/quote']


Sounds like a Multipower with Variable Special Effects (only 1 of the 4 traditional Elemental Planes, all powers have same Special Effect), unless you want the powers themselves to vary depending on which element he's channeling?


I'll think about the rest as I eat and be back with more then.

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Re: Fire portals


The way his powers work is based on the principal that nature hates a vacuum. Open a portal and the element comes shooting out like a jet.


Think of a dam slowly breaking. First a few droplets of water are squeezed out, then those drops become a trickle, then that trickle becomes a flood. Nature abhors a vacuum. This principle works both ways: any portal he opens will seek to widen itself, and those powers may just try to ground themselves through his body!


I would suggest that, to control the rate of flow, he needs to trick the other dimension into thinking that there is no vacuum; just more of itself on the other side. So, to safely open a portal to Fire, he must have some actual flame already present (of course, once he has access to Fire, he can easily create something with which to sustain the illusion). The more of an element he has present, the more of it he can (safely) channel. I'm not sure how to express this in the system, but it would mean he couldn't be able to call on his powers at all times - he would need to "activate" them by opening the portal, and "deactivate" them by closing it. Oh, yes, and if he didn't "deactivate" them before someone knocked him unconscious or separated him from the element that was sustaining that portal and keeping it stable, he would suffer "burnout" as the entire elemental plane tried to pour through him until, like a fuse, his powers shut down!


Teleport is done by moving himself thru the portal to the elemental plane.


I assume he opens two portals in that case, right next to each other, so he only has to exist in the elemental plane for a brief time. I'd call for a Skill Roll to place the portals precisely adjacent to each other, if it was Fire or Earth, otherwise; on failure, he would suffer damage.


I think you might be able to get away with placing everything in a Multipower, even if they did differ; if, let's say, Earth gave you a 2d6 RKA but Fire gave you a 3d6 RKA, you could buy the 2d6 as "only in Fire or Earth" and the extra 1d6 as "only in Fire".

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Re: Fire portals


Actually, I am planning to go the multiform route. Each element has its own personality. Fire is hot tempered. Air is flighty. Water is very laid back. Earth is very Stalwart, and serious. Each will have some unique power just for them. Like only earth will have entangle.


I like the idea that I would need that element available to jump-start my power. call -1/4


Also This gives me an Idea. Instead of an Activation roll How about a De-activation roll? If he misses it the portal gets wider and something start trying to get thru. Like a fire demon maybe?

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Re: Fire portals


Actually' date=' I am planning to go the multiform route. Each element has its own personality. Fire is hot tempered. Air is flighty. Water is very laid back. Earth is very Stalwart, and serious. Each will have some unique power just for them. Like only earth will have entangle.[/quote']


But there will still be some overlap, right? Not just one power for each element?


Flight sounds like something that only Air would have. Teleport would obviously be limited by the Special Effect of the powers he was using then, so just buy Teleport once with "Variable Special Effect", it'll be cheaper that way, and the "Skill Roll - only with Earth or Fire, half of the Special Effects". Oh. Here's a question - how can he teleport when merely opening a portal there would cause the elemental plane to emerge at his destination? Limitation to the Teleport: only when Element matching Special Effect is also at Destination.


Instead of an Activation roll How about a De-activation roll? If he misses it the portal gets wider and something start trying to get thru. Like a fire demon maybe?


How about both? He must control it to call forth the element (think of it like poking a hole through the dam, there's a reason the water hasn't burst forth already; those dams are tough), and then he must work separately to force the hole closed. If he misses the activation, he just can't try again for a while; but only with that one Element, he can still try the others. If he misses the deactivation, the portal is still active and he can't try again for a while; this could make it difficult for him to hide his powers, unless you take No Visible Power Effect on the multiform.


For the demon, I'm not sure. Maybe something like that if he leaves his powers on for too long? Okay for most fights, but not if he wants to engage in long-term pursuits or just fly around looking for trouble. Also problematic if he fails a few rolls on deactivating his powers in time.

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Re: Fire portals


If you're using Multiform for each Element then you shouldn't need too much in the way of Limitations really... I wouldn't think at least.


As for the "deactivation roll" Go with Side Effect & Rrequires Skill Roll. Miss Skill Roll and the Side Effect occurs. That's a good number of Limitations right there.

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Re: Fire portals



Suppress vs fire would not weaken him because if you try, you are trying to suppress the entire plane of fire.


No, you aren't. You're just trying to suppress the fire coming out of the portal. If you spray a fire extinguisher at him for example, you don't have to put out the entire plane, just the fire coming out of his interface. Of course with this particular character, the answer is simple. Just switch to another element.

You might want to have switching forms take extra time, though.

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Re: Fire portals


No, you aren't. You're just trying to suppress the fire coming out of the portal. If you spray a fire extinguisher at him for example, you don't have to put out the entire plane, just the fire coming out of his interface. Of course with this particular character, the answer is simple. Just switch to another element.

You might want to have switching forms take extra time, though.

You do realize that you are attempting to bring logic and reason into a discussion centered on a guy who is a bridge between elemental planes, right?

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Re: Fire portals


If you don't want your powers to be suppressed or dispelled, you should buy them Inherant - but I agree with David Johnston on this one. Supresses and other adjustment powers would work on it. Maybe buy Difficult to Dispel to reflect that it is harder to dispel them?

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