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[help] Divine Magic


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I am working on how I want divine magic to work in my campeign world, the problem is that I know how I want it to work, but am having problems building it (Which is kind of embarising because i consider myself a good builder)


I know it is to be VPP based


I want it so that it can change quickly


While the player can request and normaly his requests will be honored, he has to ask for what he wants, and then I as the GM decide how it will happen (Oh great gods grant me the power to destroy these evil orcs, he might get to throw lightning bolts, his sword may become more powerful, whatever I choose). Furthermore, as he is an agent of the gods, at times the powers will go off on there own becausfe it serves the gods purpose


Starting level is going to be 15 points in the pools.

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Re: [help] Divine Magic


Don't forget "Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1)", "Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2)", and "Incantations (-1/4)". I think you might also want "No Skill Roll Required (+1)" which combines with the zero-phase thingy to make "Cosmic (+2)".

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Re: [help] Divine Magic


I would suggest brainstorming some ideas of what you believe the player will ask for and what you want the Gods' response to be. If you have a good selection of appropriate responses ready, you can select on the fly...even modify slightly (fireballs instead of lightning bolts). I think it would be much easier once you have a handful of spells/miracles/divine favors statted out.

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Re: [help] Divine Magic


You could create a list of spells and allocate them a rating on what god would grant them, and how much they need to be on that god's good side to get it. You could use that number as an activation roll - or to see if they are allowed to put it in their VPP.

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Re: [help] Divine Magic


Make the VPP Usable By Other, only by other (the god). Ignore or work round the "granting" part of UBO; the god can always use the VPP. Add an END Reserve done the same, with the REC needing to be on the god's good side.


The priest doesn't pray for a spell, or even a kind of spell. He just prays for help. The god does what it wants. :eg:

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Re: [help] Divine Magic


Also, someone else contacted me wanting a kind of Divine Magic where the Priest basically just called on their god for a miracle of some sort. I didnt do a formal write up, but here is my response to them:


How about a lot of Luck? The more Luck a miracle worker has, the more favored they are by their god, and the more reliable and big the miracles they can call upon.


Consider, the closest thing to a Miracle such that things work out as if guided by the hand of a diety in game terms is a GM Fiat. The one Power in the game that basically comes down to an appeal to the GM for a Fiat is Luck....ergo....Miracle (or Divine Favor in general) as Luck.


If you want Miracles to be really large scaled, apply Megascale to it. Something like:


Divine Intervention: xd6 Luck; Megascale (1km; +1/4), Only While In Good Standing With Faith (-1/4); Real Cost: 5 pts per d6


At 30 character points in (6d6) 1 success is statistically normal, at 60 points (12d6) 2 successes is statistically normal, at 90 points (18d6) 3 successes is statistically normaly, and at about 120 character points in (24d6), 4 or more successes becomes pretty statistically normal. This tracks nicely against the cost to effect ratio of more typical spellcasters / magic users.


It really comes down to you as the GM making sure that the points the players of such characters have paid into it work out to be worth it by allowing them to pull off appropriate effects when their "Miracle Dice" come up big.

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Re: [help] Divine Magic


Wow...the idea that a god can affect change through his agent completely and totally without warning would keep me from becoming a priest or wanting one around me. That be scary $#!&' date=' man.[/quote']


Actualy Divine magic is somewhat rare, most priests do not have the ability to use it. The way I view it is that anyone can be touched by the gods, be they a knight, a priest, or anyone else.

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Re: [help] Divine Magic


Do you have a location for all your Fantasy Hero-related stuff yet or is this all still in the planning/creating stages?


Not sure if I understand the question, I have a document on my computer that is a "living Document" that gets expanded each time we play or that I get any ideas I want to incorporate. If you are asking have I posted it all or done a web page for it then sadly no, but if you want the document I can post it for you.

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Re: [help] Divine Magic


Hmm. Luck. Interesting. I'm envisioning a version of Luck that gives a certain number of points of effective (~No Conscious Control) VPP per Level achieved.... :think:

Well, as I said, the default Luck is just an appeal for a GM Fiat. It's the ultimate "hand-wavium" Power. No need to muddy it up with game mechanics -- the GM decides what is dramatically appropriate scaled to the number of luck successes and thats the end of it.


Has a certain simplistic appeal.

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Luck is the new Hand-Wavium


Well' date=' as I said, the default Luck is just an appeal for a GM Fiat. It's the ultimate "hand-wavium" Power. No need to muddy it up with game mechanics -- the GM decides what is dramatically appropriate scaled to the number of luck successes and thats the end of it.[/quote']


I believe Killer Shrike brings up a really good point here. I think with a couple of appropriate Limitations, Luck would be useful for other hand-wavium abilities as well.

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Re: [help] Divine Magic


Wow...the idea that a god can affect change through his agent completely and totally without warning would keep me from becoming a priest or wanting one around me. That be scary $#!&' date=' man.[/quote']

Kicker is, the shmuk--I mean priest--pays the points for it, not the god. :eg:


Shouldn't gods be scary? Big powerful critters that do what they all the time, right?


You can add "Must Pray" Lim to the VPP if you want; that's warning--kind of. ;)

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