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Help Nucleon Build a 200 Pointer That Can Kick A...


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Howdy, mortals.


As Nucleon's current campaign slowed down for lack of complementary capacities among the Playing Characters, He decided that the players were to build "non-exclusive" player characters, characters that will go to a character pool and that could be used by any of the players in a given game.


A kind of "Heroes Inc", if you will.


From then on, things were looking fine. However, as Nucleon gave each of His player 600 pts to build up to two characters each (with a max of 400 pts per characters), He soon discovered that the players uniformely went for a 400 pts one, letting go of the 200 pts that was left.


So Nucleon took on Himself to build, for the "heroes pool", the missing 200 pointers that his players dropped. As this post was written, he built but one, and needs another one, fast.


The said character must be able to hang with 400-450 pts teamates, and must be able to attract the players to play it sometimes (not a "fill-up" type of character, you knows, the ones who is so useful for the base and vehicules but which nobody wants to play); "it" must come with a solid feel, a modus operandi and background that will permit an easy personification for any given player.


Nucleon will be glad to have your suggestions; Please, do not create an extensive hero sheet for it if it does not already exists; a sounf description, main lines and tricks will do just fine. And thanks in advance.

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Re: Help Nucleon Build a 200 Pointer That Can Kick A...


Would Nucleon grace us with some examples of what heroes currently exist in the game? ;)


Why, well of course He will...


Currently. the Founders (450+ pts, exclusive characters) are:

Ghost Bear; Amerindian (bear, wolverine, coyote, eagle and orca) Shifter, and de facto leader of the group;

Thorgon; Hyperborean brick à la Thor, and narcissic gloryhound, the runner up for leadership.

Templar; Contemporary bearer of trappings that bestows the lifeforce of previous bearers; a brickish martial artist and

Doc Thrust; Tech-based scientist, who uses stimpills and a jetpack to be a flying speedster with some projecting capacities.


Allies (450 pts), new to the group but also exclusive, include

The Buzzz; Running speedster with Martial Artist overtones

Darkstar: Nova-like brickish speedster, based on absorption and move-thrues.


Rookies: these are the pool characters Nucleon spoke about; many of them are in the making.

The Disciple (320 pts): Pacifist martial artist who can channel the "Ki", thus being proficient in adjustement powers, as well as having limited telepathic capabilities.

Blast Girl (280 pts): Angsted teen and energy manipulator, making her a lightweight brick and a projector.

Shocker (400 pts): Being composed of living electricity, which he uses and project.

Lord Sotak (400 pts); Air-specialized elementalist, who also happen to have a bracer giving him acess to a wide, magical pool.

A Cowboy (name yet to find, 400 pts) who is a sharpshooter, a peace officer and a damn good pilot.

A Mentalist (still to define, 400 pts) and

The Cricket (200 pts); An entomologist and scientist, inventor of the Cricketmech, a entomology-based stealth assault exo-skeleton vehicule, à la Blue Beetle.


Nucleons hopes that helps. Don't hesitate to ask for more details if you need some more.



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Re: Help Nucleon Build a 200 Pointer That Can Kick A...


Build a Mentalist with a simple Mental Powers Multi Power... Offensively he'll be able to hang with the heavy hitters. Defensively' date=' maybe not so much.[/quote']


Well, Nucleon thought about some kind of plant-based being, a tunneling mentalist, with Mind Scan instead of defenses, and mental invisibility for some of its powers. These elements should negate the needs for defenses, or even decent CV.


The problems He have with this character are twofold:


1) How can He make that interesting to play: Total aliens can be fun, but often they all turn out to have the same demeanor if there are no goals. Mutants? Bah. Nucleon just can't seem to find the "spark" of it yet. It's got to sell.


2) Well, that's a nasty set of powers, too. :idjit:

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Re: Help Nucleon Build a 200 Pointer That Can Kick A...


You got the indian, and a cowboy, you need a cop type hero, a constuction worker type brick, a navy/aquatic guy. Perhaps a biker.


They can be found at your Y M C A ;)






In all fairness, said group is based in Phoenix, Az.


But still: :rofl:

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Re: Help Nucleon Build a 200 Pointer That Can Kick A...


I'd call the "cowboy" Crackshot' date=' anyways.[/quote']


That's nice. Nucleon will inform the designing player about it.


I bet I could build a decent brick on 200; I'd just have to wing it a little. What's the Disad. caps?


As per the book; 100 pts (included in the 200), 25 pts max in any given category.... all of our characters have 150-250 pts disavantages, thought that doesn't give any additional bonuses.

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Re: Help Nucleon Build a 200 Pointer That Can Kick A...


I had to write up a sheet to see what I could squeeze into 200 points.

The Stranger: A body-morphying alien, think Martian Manhunter, but much lower powered.






Val Char Cost

20/80 STR 10

18 DEX 24

10 CON 0

12 BODY 4

20 INT 10

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

12 COM 1


16 PD 0

14 ED 0

5 SPD 22

6 REC 0

20 END 0

27 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

4"/16" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 78


Cost Power

40 Shapeshifting Powers: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Not in Cold Temperatures ( below 40 degrees F ) (-1/2)

6m 1) Bulk Out: +60 STR (60 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Not in Cold Temperatures ( below 40 degrees F ) (-1/2)

4u 2) Dislocate Particles: Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Not in Cold Temperatures ( below 40 degrees F ) (-1/2)

3u 3) Alter Features: Shape Shift (Sight and Hearing Groups, limited group of shapes: Any Humanoid), Imitation, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (49 Active Points); Not in Cold Temperatures ( below 40 degrees F ) (-1/2)

8m 4) Lengthen Limbs: Stretching 12" (60 Active Points); Not in Cold Temperatures ( below 40 degrees F ) (-1/2)

2u 5) Reform Body: Healing BODY 5 1/2d6, Can Heal Limbs (60 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Self Only (-1/2), Not in Cold Temperatures ( below 40 degrees F ) (-1/2)

24 Resistant Alien Skin: Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); Not in the Cold ( below 40 degrees F ) (-1/2)

11 Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Extended Breathing: 1 END per 20 Minutes; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum)

Powers Cost: 98


Cost Skill

0 Acting 8-

0 Climbing 8-

0 Concealment 8-

0 Conversation 8-

3 Analyze: Moods 13-

11 Deduction 17-

5 Cramming

0 Language: Alien Tongue (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

2 Language: English (fluent conversation)

3 Paramedics 13-

0 Persuasion 8-

0 Shadowing 8-

0 Stealth 8-

Skills Cost: 24


Total Character Cost: 200


The Stranger being on earth was an accident. Merely an toddler by his People's standards, he was upon a ship with his parents out on a site-seeing tour in the backroads of the Galaxy. His parents ship was fired upon by a hidden villain base seeking to drive off any passers-by. The ship was struck, and all critical systems failed. His father attempted an emergency landing upon the nearby planet of Earth, but neither he nor his wife survived the impact. The Stranger has walked the earth in the months since, and his innate desire to help people and intuitive capacity for logic have landed him with the Heros.

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Re: Help Nucleon Build a 200 Pointer That Can Kick A...


I had to write up a sheet to see what I could squeeze into 200 points.

The Stranger:


Well Arkham, this is a most fine character, one who comes with a well-known model. Players are more at ease with that. Taking your base, Nucleon tweaked it a bit (more CON, less BODY, plus other minor details according to the type of game that we play down here), and it ended up a very playable character. It's definitely a containder.



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Re: Help Nucleon Build a 200 Pointer That Can Kick A...


Hrm. That's decent, Arkham, you might also consider:




A character built around Drains & Change Environment. CE is one of those truly underutilized abilities that can take quite a toll on a battlefield. In d20, this would be a Bardic build, but in HERO it looks closer to this:


60 Point Multipower (Unifying Special Effect: Status Effects/Drains/CEs); All powers OIF (instrument, -1/2), Incantations (-1/4 minimum), Gestures (-1/4 minimum), RSR (Musical Talent, -1/2), All Powers Cost END


Change Environment, -4 DCV, AOE Radius (+1), Selective (Only opponents, +1/4), Lingering (X value, +1/2); Common Lims (-1 1/2)


Change Environment, +4 OCV, AOE Radius (+1), Selective (Only Allies, +1/4), Lingering (X value, +1/2); Common LIms (-1 1/2)


Aid STR, +20 STR, AOE Radius (+1), Selective (Only Allies, +1/4); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Common Lims (-1 1/2)


and so on.


This concept is easy to get into, easy to make use of, and can swing the tide of battle without being a boom-boom chuck or fundamentally altering the ability of the character. You can use the lims to make the power fairly cheap (maybe 30 points or so).


Let me know if the concept helps. :)

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Re: Help Nucleon Build a 200 Pointer That Can Kick A...


Some character-types that'd work for the 200 pt. limit:


Trick Archer like Hawkeye/Green arrow


strong h-t-h combatant like Wildcat or Black Canary


quasi Batman types like the (original) Sandman or Dr. Mid-Nite or Nite-Owl from Watchmen


Teenage sidekicks ?

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