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Geodecents 5th Edition.


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Here is the ideal for my version of the Geodecents, as warped by the 5th edition. Tell me if you like it.


Four students of a Texes high school, while celebrating there graduation in the desert with some kegs, find a crashed space ship. Exploring it, someone acadently activated the self destruct mechanisem inside it. Surviving, the teens gain superpowers based on the parts of the spaceship which entered there body.


Dash: A former football ace, Dash absorbed the stardrive of the ship, which alowes him to run at amazing speed.


Orb: Dash's nerdy brother, Orb gains the ships force field.


Diamond: Dash's best friend, Diamond absorbed the transportation device, and the memory crystals ("computer") of the ship.


Ultravilote: A chearleader, and Dash's girlfriend, she gained the ships stealth and weapion system.


Theas four students decided to start a life of crime together. Orb sergested the name Geodecent, and the team was born.


Sorry, no Dr. Kirby Loo in this, but The Warlord might be intrested in them.

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That's a good common origin for the team (which were originally called "The Geodesics" BTW) if you wanted that as a starting point; probably work well as the origin for a beginning hero team. It's not that well developed yet, of course, so it's hard to say how it compares to the origin of the official Geodesics, which wasn't very fleshed out either.


There have actually been two other elaborations on the Geodesics published to date under 4th Edition: in one the core of that team plus a few other villains were incorporated into "The Coalition" in the licensed Champions adventure Dystopia from Atlas Games, a pretty good one too IMO. While in Adventurers Club #22, a reformed Ultraviolet became part of a private security firm, "Castle Security."


In neither case did we get a writeup for the insidious Dr. Lirby Koo. ;)

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Originally posted by Enforcer84

BTW, LL that new Avatar rocks!! Man first Starlord, now all of you are getting cool Avatars. Where?


Thanks, Enforcer, for the compliment to my, well, taste I guess, or maybe luck. ;)


If you scroll down this thread, you'll find where both Starlord and I posted links to the websites where we each found our avatars:



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On an adjacent thought tangent, I made a picture up of Dr. Lirby Koo. I grabbed a picture of my friend Fred, who was gaming. At the moment the picture was taken, he squinted. I showed the picture to my Fred, who laughed and said, "Yeah, I guess the picture does look rather devious."

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Loved the Geodesics, used them a great deal over the years, funny I added Sledge and Piledriver to the team, as well as Frizbee and was surprised that Dystopia did the same with Sledge and Piledriver. I prefered the castle security take of Ultraviolet leaving the group.


What was it with Orb getting offed in both versions?

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IIRC Orb was described as being killed in the 4E version of Champions Universe. The two Geodesics updates probably took their cue from that.


In a past campaign I substituted Dr. Yin Wu (from Watchers of the Dragon) for Dr. Lirby Koo for characters connected to the latter (the old Geodesics, El Muerto Obscuro from the BBB, Stormwatch from Day of the Destroyer, etc.). The parallels seemed close enough to work IMHO.

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