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Day of 1001 Superheroes


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Blatantly stolen from from a thread on rpg.net (but we should be able to outdo those guys) this is sort of a game. One powers puts up a superhero background (hero, villian, etc) and then a name. The next poster make a super character based on that name and puts up another one. I'll start by using my entry from the thread: The Immaculate


He was created to enlightend mankind, to hearald in a new age. Created by man's greatest gift, intellect and reason he was born without bestial urges and acts of reproduction. The being that would come to be called "The Immaculate" came into this world pure, unsulliled and fully formed. The next messiah, a true one born of reason instead of an ignorant myth born of a lie told by an unfaithful wife to hide her corruption. He was end product of literally hundreds of years of dutiful research, compilation, observation and most of all patience by the sect the created him: The Illuminated Ones, a secret order with the Catholic Church


These secret masters of science and philsophy had strove to create a new man, a truly higher being. They'd garther humanity's knowledge, his wisdom and noted his folly. They'd developed the technologies that would be need or waited for the develop and acquired them by whatever means because their ends were great enough to justify anything.


The Immaculate is the Perfect Man. Pure, untouched by original sin and thus incapable of fault. God created man in his image and Man has created his saviour thus opening the path to salvation. The circle is complete. The Immaculate will purify the world. He is not the Second but the First, The True Son of Man. Blessed is name, his will be done.


Next Shroedinger's CatGirl

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Re: Day of 1001 Superheroes


Schroedinger's CatGirl


"Meow?" Mr. Carlton picks up the cat, setting it in a box.


"Now, class, this is the basic theory behind Schroedinger's Cat. You put a cat into a closed box."


"Meow!" The box clicks shut.


"With no way to see into the box. Inside the box is a small vial of poison gas. There is a 50 percent chance that the vial will break, killing the cat, before you open the box. There is a 50 percent chance that it will not break, and the cat will be fine."


The box opens. "Meow?" The class looks on in the closest concentration they've paid to class in... ever, really. Mr. Carlton is quite pleased; he had a feeling that actually acting out the experiment would get their attention, even if there hadn't been any poison in the box.


"The theory states that time splits off into two paths; one where the cat survives, and one where the cat does not."


A hand goes up in the back of the room.


"Yes, Mr. Whitman?"


"Does the theory allow for a path where the cat spontaneously turns into an anime catgirl?"


Mr. Carlton chuckles, shaking his head, turning to pick up Miko from the box.


"Mr. Whitman, I'm afraid you've been watching too many - HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!"


Mr. Carlton stares in disbelief at the slightly vacant look being given to him by the naked young woman cramped into the box, somehow much larger than he remembered, pulling her hand out and licking the black-furred back of it, flicking her feline ears, tail swaying.




Nobody in the class is entirely sure what happened, or how it happened, but what was clear was that Miko wasn't a cat anymore. It also became clear, rather quickly, that she wasn't just a catgirl either. Once she was given some clothes (much to the disappointment of many of the class' male students) and some milk, she quickly demonstrated her ability to create 'temporal duplicates' of herself.


Over the next few days, while Mr. Carlton tried to figure out what the blazes had happened to the space-time continuum, Miko and her duplicates sparred and practiced martial arts. The slightly scatterbrained catgirl also began to demonstrate her good-natured side, heading out at night and taking out muggers and other petty crooks. Before long, the media was reporting the appearance of a new superheroine, though they didn't have a name for her yet.


Mr. Carlton is pretty sure that it was Whitman who wrote in suggesting 'Schroedinger's CatGirl," but he has to admit, it fits.


Besides, he has bigger things to worry about now... like what happens when 8 catgirls in their early teens get into the catnip toys he'd bought Miko before she had a mostly human body....


If that's acceptable...


The Incredible Sloth Boy!

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Re: Day of 1001 Superheroes




Reginald, with a heavy sigh, began to slowly pull himself out of his chair. Very slowly. Very, very slowly. Why hurry, he thought? I don't have anywhere to be for . . . one hour, 14 minutes, and 22 seconds. Besides, I like this show. Mom needs to lighten up.


Shuffling into his room, Reginald languidly strolled to his closet and pulled out a dirty, partially-crushed cardboard box. Opening the box, he reached inside and pulled out a dirty and wrinkled costume of sorts. Noone knew, nor would anyone believe, that Reginald Johnson was . . . The Incredible Sloth Boy.


"One hour, nine minutes, and four seconds," he though, "I guess I better hurry."


Reginald pulled on his wrinkled and slovenly-looking costume, and then covered himself with some street clothes. Leaving his room, he headed outside to catch the city bus. Per usual, he put his hand in the doorway just as the driver was about to pull away. Just like every day.


Reginald got off at the Midtown stop and headed to the First Union Bank and Trust. Slipping into the bathroom, he removed his street clothes and slowly pulled his long-nosed headgear out of his bag. Realizing he still had eight minutes, Reginald leaned down in the stall for a brief nap. Awaking just in time, he straightened his helmet a bit. He walked out of bathroom and, without looking, flicked his helmet's long tongue out, immediately snaring the weapon of a local supervillain just as he was about to fire. Taking advantage of the villain's surprised pause, local favorite Hero Boy dropped the villain with a well-placed punch.


"Sloth Boy," he said with much surprise, "you didn't even see him! How do you always manage to be in the right place at the right time."


"Oh Hero Boy," said Reginald with a yawn, "it's all about taking things slowly. People are always rushing to confront villains, but if you pace yourself you can wind up being in the right place at the right time. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a nap."


With that, The Incredible Sloth Boy shuffled out the door, knowing that, deep in his Clarsentient heart that villainy would not rise again that day. No, villainy would rise again tomorrow at 9:24 a.m. over at the Kwik-E-Mart.


"Oooh, I love Kwik-E-Mart crimes. I can have a lime Slushie for breakfast. Wait, no they'll only have cherry tomorrow. Dang."


Next: Captain Tree!

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Re: Day of 1001 Superheroes


Schroedinger's Catgirl


She came back from the future, where anyone with enough money can buy a cat-girl.

They are cute and playful, and they have no social standing in that future.

They are servants, companions, and playthings, and there they have no rights.


Harvey Shroeder, who called himself "Dr. S" after he got his on-line degree, actually invented time travel, and like many geeks unable to get a date, he had purchased himself a cat-girl.


He called her Aeko Naeko and he treated her well enough.


So he tests out his time machine, and wants to meet Arnie.

Sets the wayback controls for 1988, and boom. there we are.

"Well Aeko, what do think of California ? Aeko? Aeko ! "


Only no cat-girl. she fell out into an alternate time-line. (your supers universe)


She's got all the powers you'd expect of a cat-girl: Agility, Claws, Comeliness, Martial arts.


But the Time Travel did something to her. Now she's got something following her.

Its not an unluck, field, not exactly. Its not divine favor, not zackly. Its Its Its hard to describe.


There's just something uncertain about Aeko. She can usually go invisible, but not usually if someone's watching. And when she's invisible, she's GONE. No fringe, no mental awareness, no n-ray vision, nothing sees her. But she always comes back. Usually by the next day. But the timing is all her own, and very uncertain.


And don't ask for her middle name.




Next Up: Cosmic Meat Hawk

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Re: Day of 1001 Superheroes


Captain Tree! Defender of the untouched wild!


With his Living Shield to protect him, his sidekick Giant Beaver and a nationwide network of Green activists to inform him of any wrongdoing, he guards against any Ecological Malfeasence!


Once, he was just Chuck Woodpecker, mild mannered truck driver. Then, a corporate logger dropped a Sequoia on his truck as it sped by on the highway!


The doctors were amazed. They'd never seen anyone take that much brain damage and survive before! But if Chuck could still have formed words, he'd have told them that he'd been spared for a reason. The spirit of the ancient Sequoia had entered him even as it's body had attempted to do likewise.


As soon as he could, Chuck wheeled himself out of the hospital, and planted himself in the forest, knowing the good soild and wind and sun would heal him. Fortunately, the police found him before he got more than a little frostbite. Later, after he had learned to walk, talk and dress, they let him go from the hospital - he may've been crazy, but he wasn't violent, and he really had healed remarkably fast.


Chuck trained himself to physical normalcy, found the sacred Living Shield (a disc of rose and blackberry all woven together, tight enough to stop a bullet) and started to have conversations with a six-foot tall Beaver. It didn't bother him that no one else could see his new friend.


Poor Chuck is a complete loon, but - his shield works. And as long as he listens to his sidekick's advice, he almost never loses fights. And he really is good at finding polluters and other ecological criminals...


Next: Lord Johnnie

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Re: Day of 1001 Superheroes


The Incredible Sloth Boy.


Bitten by a radioactive sloth while on a school field trip,

he has all the proportionate powers and agility of a paragon sloth.


Too cute to attack, too harmless to threaten.

His main power is to lay down a suppress Speed Zone, 64 hex radius.


He can climb and gather items like nobody's business,

and he's the perfect spy because nobody bothers him.


he's like Invisible in Plain Sight because "he's just a sloth, right ? "




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Re: Day of 1001 Superheroes


Young Johnnie Smythe cursed his luck. Cursed it! Here he was the scion of a noble British family, in this situation? His parents had no right to disown him! None! So he'd had a few run-ins with the law, and maybe a portion of his father's fortune had gone up his nose in powdered form, but it was such a large fortune! They had no right! And here, here I am, he thought, stuck hiding behind this vat at a pancake mix factory, surprised in the midst of a petty robbery with these common hooligans! Perhaps if I conceal myself here for a moment the bustle will die down and I'll be able to escape . . .


Unfortunately, Johnnie was not so lucky. A firefight broke out and a stray bullet hit a supporting bolt for the tank. Unfortunately, the factory owner had used substandard building materials for the manufacturing equipment, and that one small impact was enough to make a small crack in the sides of the tank. Within moments, the crack became a crevasse, and Johnnie screamed as he began to be doused in tons of gooey pancake mix. Tragically, the factory had been built adjacent to a toxic waste storage area, and radioactive materials had seeped into the mix now covering the young Englishman. Even worse, the plant had been built on top of an ancient Indian burial ground. Then, a random lightning strike hit a small plane flying overhead, sending it crashing with a full load of burning fuel right on to Johnnie's anguished body.


Screaming, Johnnie worked himself free and fled into the night. Awaking the following day, he found himself . . . changed. Gone was the carefree and dashingly attractive young man. Instead, now he found himself to be . . . white. Fluffy. Nearly circular, with a crisp aroma.


Somehow, he dragged himself back from the brink of breakfasty madness and realized his life had changed. No, he couldn't get his life back, but he could at least dedicate his life to those who had been wronged by improper breakfast preparation procedures. First, the factory owner was found in bed, visciously clubbed to death by a flurry of croissants. Then, the inspector in charge of the toxic waste dump was found in his tub, drowned in fifty gallons of strawberry preserves. Unspecified rumors exist that the president of IHOP is in hiding after receiving death threats as, well, their food sucks.


Whenever toast is served cold, he will be there. Whenever eggs are spongy, he will be there. Whenever bacon is left too long in the heating rack at the brunch buffet at your hotel, he will be there.


He is the Johnnie Cake who stalks the night, or, at least, early morning. Lord Johnnie Cake! Villains and Waffle House employees, beware!



I live a mile from Johnnie Cake Ridge Road (seriously, I couldn't make that up). I was inspired.


Next up: Plastic Gladys!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Day of 1001 Superheroes


Jan Carlsen grew up breaking things every time she lost her temper. Her poorly controlled telekinetic gift would lash out with stone shattering force. Eventually when she was 19, the cops arrested her as she stood in the wreckage of the restaurant she'd just trashed when her boyfriend dumped her there. Because they had no clear idea how she did it, she wasn't put under supervillain restraint, and she found herself sharing a holding cell with with Nikki Hill, an exotic dancer who had just hospitalised an over-familiar customer with the enhanced abilities that a street super drug gave. They exchanged sob-stories and after they got out they wore a couple of Nikki's costumes as they headed out to offer their strongarm services to any criminal employer looking for low quality superhuman muscle. Nikki called herself Grind, but she offered first billing to her partner, Bump.


Next: Silver Dagger

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Re: Day of 1001 Superheroes


Don Guiseppe cursed out loud as he surveyed the wreck that was once one of the largest warehouses of contraband goods in the Tri-state area. He quickly looked about the large wrecked space finally seeing the silver dagger he was expecting stuck into a support beam. He strode over to the dagger and quickly pulled it from the wooden beam.


While he wanted nothing more than to gut the damm vigilante that had been systematically wrecking his buisness he had to admit that the bastard certanly knew his knives. After holding the knife for a few seconds he quickly came to the descion that after that vigilatne was caught he'd gut him with one of his own knives.


After surveying the damage he climbed back into his Lime and begain the ride back to his office, he had alot to do tonight.




Silver Dagger sat at the small table and watched the Don as he made his way back through the office, the silver dagger that laid on the seat next to the Don was an exact replica of the dagger that floated over the scying pool. Technically it was the same dagger, magically duplicated and a perfect conduit for the scying magics that were being used.


Silver Dagger grinned as he watched the Don take the knife with him. Each knife he had left had allowed him to spy on someone withing the Don's originzation giving him intellegence on where and when to strike. But now this was perfect, the Don himself had one of the knives, with any luck he could take down the whole family soon.




Next up: Snap Dragon

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