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Most Embarassing Champions Moment

Cosmic Man

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Re: Most Embarassing Champions Moment


Here's some embarassing moments from some of my players' characters, most having to do with critical success rolls.


One superheroine, Tempest, had an ongoing antipathy with the local VIPER Nest leader, Kilowatt. Coming into one battle with VIPER, she said, "If Kilowatt is there, HE'S MINE!"


He was there, and Tempest tried to blast him, but didn't do much damage to him. At that point, he fires back and gets a critical hit (rolled 3 ones). In my game, that causes automatic max damage. Tempest was one-shot KO'd. And the other players will never let her forget the "HE'S MINE!" line.


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One (4th edition) Champions campaign, the heroes were frequently pitted against Genocide. This had several embarassing moments for the heroes, mainly because they really weren't trying to kill anyone, but the dice had other ideas.


I had re-written the Genocide Pawns, with one type of agent getting a homing missile launcher. If it missed (and it wasn't too close quarters) the missile would loop around and make another try next Phase, and the next, until either it hit the target, a Turn had passed, or the missile crashed into something else (and exploded). The missile itself could hurt a super, and would cause serious injury (but probably not be fatal) against agent-level characters like the Pawns.


So, one of the heroes disarmed the Pawn carrying that and decided to use it against one of the other Pawns. He fired, and the target Pawn got lucky and dodged the first shot. The next phase, the hero fired again at that Pawn, forgetting that the first shot would try again, and again. The Pawn's luck had run out, and both missiles hit, killing him instantly.


In another battle, a hero was chasing after a Pawn who was armed with a backpack-fed grenade launcher, and the hero specifically targeted the backpack. The hero rolled a critical success (max damage, remember). I believe an Unluck roll was made also, resulting in all of the grenades cooking off at once, leaving behind just a pair of smoking boots.


Toward the end of the campaign, one superheroine, a cyborg named Xris with an autofire pistol (something like 2d6 RKA), got the drop on a mentalist. IIRC, that was literal -- she had done a legsweep, and he was lying on the ground. The next Phase, she opened fire on him before he could mess with her mind. She rolled a critical success, and to make matters worse he failed his armor's Activation roll. That was his only resistant defenses. As she's standing over the now-headless mentalist, one of her teammates walked up, looked down at the body, slapped her on the back, and said, "Good job, Killer."

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