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CHAR: Transformer


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TransformerVal Char Cost Roll Notes30 STR 20 15- Lift 1600.0kg; 6d6 [3]18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 625 CON 30 14-12 BODY 4 11-13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 520 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d612 COM 1 11-12 PD 6 Total: 12 PD (5 rPD)10 ED 5 Total: 10 ED (5 rED)4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 1211 REC 050 END 040 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 123Movement: Running: 6"/12" Leaping: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4"Cost Powers END107 Material Mimicry: VPP (Mimic Pool), 80 base + 27 control cost, (120 Active Points); all slots Only For Powers Representing The Properties Of Substances Character Touches (-1/2)7 The Swatch!: All Slots; Only powers Represtenting The Substance Character Touches (+1/2) for up to 27 Active Points of Material Duplication (13 Active Points); IAF Fragile (Arm band with several materials concealed inside it. ; -3/4) 1Notes: Charlie wears armbands over his bicepts. One of them has a series of materials attached on the inside, in constant contact with his skin. He can switch between these at will. They are: Steel, Rubber, Wood, Cloth, Stone, and crystal.2 Thick Build: Knockback Resistance -1"5 Toughened Flesh: Damage Resistance (5 PD/5 ED)20 Tougher Than Dirt: Physical Damage Reduction, 50%20 Tougher than Dirt: Energy Damage Reduction, 50%Perks4 Local Hero: Reputation: Popular Hero in "Superbeing-Lite" region (A medium-sized group) 14-, +2/+2d66 Contact: David Long, SAPD Captain (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 12-4 Contact: The Crusaders of the South (Contact has useful Skills or resources) 12- Notes: Popular if informal regional superteam with members from the Southeastern States.Skills6 +2 with Punch, Block, Grab5 Analyze: Materials 13-2 CK: San Antonio 11-3 Climbing 13-3 Interrogation 13-2 KS: Local Criminal Underworld 11-2 KS: The Superhuman World 11-4 Language: English (idiomatic)0 Language: Spanish (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)3 Lockpicking 13-3 Paramedics 12-9 Power: Material Metamorphasis 15-5 Power: Uses for Materials & Substances copied 13-3 Streetwise 13-2 Survival (Urban) 12-Total Powers & Skill Cost: 227Total Cost: 350200+ Disadvantages15 Dependent NPC: Parents (Salvadore and Donna Perez) 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)15 Enraged: when innocents threatened or harmed (Common), go 8-, recover 11-25 Hunted: The Iron Right 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)20 Hunted: The Ivory Theurge 11- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common, Total)10 Psychological Limitation: Conflicted about his role as a superhero (Common, Moderate)10 Psychological Limitation: Decisive, tends to react quickly to situations without thinking them through (Common, Moderate)15 Psychological Limitation: Loyalty To Community (Common, Strong)5 Reputation: Superhero in "normal" city, 8-15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)Total Disadvantage Points: 350Background/History: Charles Perez was a disappiontment to his parents. They worried he'd never be prepared for the real world as he spent most of his childhood inventing superheroes, and day dreaming about amazing exploits. He never seemed to function well in school and other kids teased and bullied him and he'd never raise a finger to defend himself. But Charlie was not all he appeared to be. When he was six years old, Charlie fell from a tree, several stories high. The fear activated his superhuman powers and instead of breaking an arm or neck, when Charlie hit the ground he turned to stone. The impact knocked the wind out of him but he was unharmed otherwise. Charlie then knew what he would do with his life. He'd become a superhero. He worked very hard designing costume after costume, imagining and reimaging his name, Material Boy! The Absorber! Catalyst!

Charlie did okay in school, and as his powers grew, even his "normal" strength became far beyond normal. So Charlie let the other kids bully him as they really couldn't hurt him and he didn't want to seriously hurt anyone.

When he hit is teen years Charlie seemed to gain a harder edge. He hung out with some rougher kids, and fought a bit. His parents were surprised and dismayed, but this too was part of Charlie's plan. He became more streetwise, learned to defend himself, experienced combat for the first time. He didn't join a gang and stopped just short of breaking the law.

He took some classes at the community college and then got a job at the local youth center. Shortly after becoming employed; he scraped together the cash for a costume (made of the miracle polymer developed by Dr. Preston Pierce, more popularly known to the world as the heroic Dr Astonish) and the Transformer was born!

After a few years as the premier (only) superhero in the greater San Antonio area, the Transformer (or Transman as he is sometimes called), has reached a critical juncture in his career. He's beginning to wonder if he is doing his home a diservice by acting there. Afterall, there was never problems with the Iron Right or that egocentric Ivory Theurge before he came on the scene. Also, he wants to know if he'd make it in one of the major hotbeds, like New York, Paragon City, Los Angeles, or even Empire City across the Atlantic. His parents, thrilled that he has direction in life have been gently pushing him to go to the "Big Leagues".Personality/Motivation: A good guy of the highest order, Transformer is proud of his home town, his family, and his choice of jobs. He is an ernest, and friendly young man. Quote: "Ha ha. Very funny, I mean I haven't laughed so hard since the last time you told me to call Optimus Prime. When was that? Oh yeah, the last time I kicked your butt!"Powers/Tactics: A tough guy who can absorb the properties of materials he comes into contact with. At this point he's unable to transform into energies. Thanks to the "Swatch" he's got some materials to use at will. Everything else he needs to touch. It takes 1/2 phase to assume the properties of a material. Transformer tends to start by assuming his Steel Form. He changes tactics depending on the type and level of the threat. Campaign Use: Ernest hero in a "Small Market" He sometimes works with The Champions of the South; a loosely organized team of southeastern heroes. Appearance: Tall, muscular youth with short black hair and brown eyes. The Transformer costume is black with a metallic red "T" on the chest, his arms from the bicep down are bare and he wears black, fingerless gloves. His boots are metallic red. He wears a black mask that leaves his hair and mouth uncovored. Over this he wears a metallic red visor.

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Re: CHAR: Transformer


Nice Absorbing Man / Amazing Man variation. :)


On "The Swatch", the VPP and the Power Skills:


I like the use of the Swatch to buy off the VPPs limit.


As things stand, he'll have no problem switching his powers around out of combat.


In combat, switching his power will take a full phase, which isn't a problem. With a Power Skill of 15-, he'll only be able to make small 20-30 active point shifts.


If I were using him in my game, I'd merge his two Power Skills, and then try to find the points to get the final skill up around 20-. That would give him a 14- chance of making a 60 point shift in that full phase, enough to cover most standard power tricks.


Repped. :)

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Re: CHAR: Transformer


In combat, switching his power will take a full phase, which isn't a problem. With a Power Skill of 15-, he'll only be able to make small 20-30 active point shifts.


If I were using him in my game, I'd merge his two Power Skills, and then try to find the points to get the final skill up around 20-. That would give him a 14- chance of making a 60 point shift in that full phase, enough to cover most standard power tricks.


As it stands that's quite a nice story gimmick. It throws up a lot of player dialog and colour options. Consider, he's absorbed Iron say. Everything nice and solidly metal, then gets hit with a lightning attack. Takes damages, tries to change to crystal which would allow him to... say absorb and then redirect a lightning attack? But with only a 20 pt shift of abilities, he's caught in a half iron / half crystal state when the next attack comes in, with whatever weakened and split powers your fiendish self cares to play with.


Yes, as it stands the power set up gives more story options during the combat. I like it.

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Re: CHAR: Transformer


Very nice.


Just out of curiosity, have you considered some kind of Side Effect on the VPP or somesuch where he acquires the limitations/vulnerabilities of the assumed materials? Or perhaps just a general Vulnerability that changes with the material (Heat for rubber, APs/Find Weakness for Crystal, etc)?

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