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Teen superteam


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Greetings all

I'm trying to design a teen superteam for my upcoming game set in CU Seattle (they are not the player characters). Unfortunately I'm drawing a bit of a blank. I've moved Ravenswood from MC to Seattle and I want to make it part of the reason why Seattle has enough Superhuman activity to keep a setting going. What I need help with are some names and power suggestions. Maybe also an adult mentor (something in the vein of Young Justice). I'm toying with having a Ravenswood student as a member (he, she or it obviously keeps this secret from the faculty:sneaky: ). So what do you think?

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Re: Teen superteam


I'm going to Attach something to this post that may work for you. Aaron Alston wrote an adventure for GURPS Supers some time back, called School of Hard Knocks. It featured a group of superpowered teen runaways calling themselves the Forty Thieves. Aaron later distributed a free text file with conversions of the characters from that adventure to 4E HERO System. Most of those characters are close to the 250-point starting standard for Teen Champions games, and should be usable with a little revising to their character sheets.


Scroll down the file nearly half way, to the writeup for "Flare." She's the slightly older and more powerful runaway who's leader of the Forty Thieves, and a natural to act as mentor to your group. The following half-dozen writeups are for the teens.

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Re: Teen superteam


It's not a teen group/comic, but you might want to check out PS 238 by Aaron Williams. The group's a bit younger than the one you're describing (it's an elementary school), but there might be some ideas you can 'borrow'.


Actually, the current arc might be worth checking out; school bully discovers he's got superpowers, and doesn't know about the hidden superhero school under Excelsior high...


Most adult mentors have horrible times relating to their younger charges. Maybe try someone totally unsuited to the role (say, Nighthawk), and have the players RP how they dodge around the old geezer. And Seattle's got a good transit system, from what I hear, so getting around for non-drivers shouldn't be a problem.


Hmm...that could be a problem, young speedsters trying to street race each other.


All I have for now, sad to say.

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Re: Teen superteam


Pyre Archer, Lord Liaden thanks for the advice.

With regard to the mentor thing I was thinking of using Chrysaor from the Ultimate Mystic. He would definitely be interested in fostering heroics and probably more blase about teenagers fighting crime than most superheros. However he definitely has some flaws which would hold the team back most notably the fact that he's not very familiar with the law.

The team are not currently intended to be PC's (although depending on feedback from potential players that may change). What I want from them is to act as sort of a backup to the main Seattle superteam (the PC's) but they can't be as powerful or competent (otherwise the players will wander why they can't just hand things over to them).

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Re: Teen superteam


Oh, and for reference, the characters that DO have full character sheets linked in are:


Class Beta (Junior): Arcade, Catspaw, Diva, Echidna, Hooligan, Hotshot, Onslaught


Class Gamma (Sophomore): Nightbreed


Class Delta (Freshmen): Kid Supernova, Tranquility, Twilight


You can also find the "prototype" versions of the 12 Harper brothers in class Delta here.

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Re: Teen superteam


The return of Seeker sounds good to me, too; perhaps coupled with Solitaire as well - it might be possible to retrofit her into Ravenwood as a replacement for Rowan. (Can't remember where I saw it here, but I know someone suggested that Don and Elaine would make a great couple; and the backstories of both characters suggest to me a leaning towards - if not an actual obligation to take on - a mentoring role...)

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Re: Teen superteam


Thanks to everyone. Heres what I've got so far.

The team will include Sai (from Teen Champions) Icicle (from Champions with a reworked backstory and drawbacks) and Pagan (Morningstar from the fourth edition sourcebook Ultimate Supermage reworked as described at the start of the Ultimate Mystic). The team will obviously suffer from the fact that it has no-one with technical skills but thats OK because they are not intended to be PC's. With regard to a mentor/leader I am toying with Black Mask from the Vibora Bay sourcebook.


Comments, questions, criticism?

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Re: Teen superteam


Thanks to everyone. Heres what I've got so far.

The team will include Sai (from Teen Champions) Icicle (from Champions with a reworked backstory and drawbacks) and Pagan (Morningstar from the fourth edition sourcebook Ultimate Supermage reworked as described at the start of the Ultimate Mystic). The team will obviously suffer from the fact that it has no-one with technical skills but thats OK because they are not intended to be PC's. With regard to a mentor/leader I am toying with Black Mask from the Vibora Bay sourcebook.


Comments, questions, criticism?


Team lineup looks good, but I'm not sure about Black Mask as a mentor. She's more of a solo hero and doesn't come with some of the resources that a team could use, such as a base (or at least someplace to hang their capes). ;)


Since you're shifting characters from their official locations in the sourcebooks, I'd recommend Dr. Silverback from Millennium City. More resources, more inclined to be a teacher, less likely to go into the field and thereby overshadow the teen supers, and he fills in the team's technical shortcoming.

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Re: Teen superteam


No juvenile superteam is complete without a "Chowder" type.


"Chowder" is one of the three spunky kid heroes of the new film Monster House. He is a big, oafish kid who has decidedly lowbrow tastes and ambitions but has as a redeeming characteristic unflinching loyalty. he isn't fearless -- anything but -- but he will never hesitate to lay everything on the line for his friends (complaining the entire way).


Although this is a natural personality type for a young brick, his powers could be anything. Beast Boy, as portrayed in the Teen Titans cartoon, is very much a Chowder type. So is Krillin of Dragonball, who frequently knows he is in over his head, and is scared to death of the thought, but wades into the breach anyway.

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