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World encyclopedia


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I ran across this site while looking for some data, I thought it makes a pretty good reference for running a game in a country other than your own. I thought this was the most likely forum for interest in this.


Lots of details including the national anthem, monetary system, political system, population distribution etc.



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Re: World encyclopedia


I ran across this site while looking for some data, I thought it makes a pretty good reference for running a game in a country other than your own. I thought this was the most likely forum for interest in this.


Lots of details including the national anthem, monetary system, political system, population distribution etc.



Sweet! Now I finally have the answer to what the title of Liechtenstein's National Anthem is: "Oben am jungen Rhein"! :D


Totally REP worthy!


- Vassoom

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Re: World encyclopedia


You will find the following has most or all of that information, in a much better format:


Ummm...possibly, but yours is a CIA site. CIA!


If I were to use THAT one, then the CIA would KNOW that I now know the title of the Liechtenstein National Anthem, and they would share that information with the NSA, who is already tapping my phone calls, and with the Department Of Justice, which is already sifting through my internet search results via MSN, Yahoo, and AOL! :thumbdown


Egads, just imagine what they could do then! :eek:


No thank you! I'll stick to Toadmaster's URL, thankyouverymuch. :D


- Vassoom

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Re: World encyclopedia


Ummm...possibly' date=' but [i']yours [/i]is a CIA site. CIA!


If I were to use THAT one, then the CIA would KNOW that I now know the title of the Liechtenstein National Anthem, and they would share that information with the NSA, who is already tapping my phone calls, and with the Department Of Justice, which is already sifting through my internet search results via MSN, Yahoo, and AOL! :thumbdown


Egads, just imagine what they could do then! :eek:


No thank you! I'll stick to Toadmaster's URL, thankyouverymuch. :D


- Vassoom


:shock: :shock: Help, help, the paranoids are after me!! :shock: :shock:


:rofl: j/k :rofl:

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Re: World encyclopedia




"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you!"


- Vassoom


P.S. (You do realize I was being facetious with my first post, don't you? :))


Of course I did! :D


If I thought you believed that shtuff, I wouldn't have sassed at you, I would have kept quiet and sneaked away! :shock:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: World encyclopedia


Ummm...possibly' date=' but [i']yours [/i]is a CIA site. CIA!


If I were to use THAT one, then the CIA would KNOW that I now know the title of the Liechtenstein National Anthem, and they would share that information with the NSA, who is already tapping my phone calls, and with the Department Of Justice, which is already sifting through my internet search results via MSN, Yahoo, and AOL! :thumbdown


Egads, just imagine what they could do then! :eek:


No thank you! I'll stick to Toadmaster's URL, thankyouverymuch. :D


- Vassoom


You do realize that avoiding the CIA site is what sends up the red flag, don't you?

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Re: World encyclopedia


Of course I did! :D


If I thought you believed that shtuff, I wouldn't have sassed at you, I would have kept quiet and sneaked away! :shock:


Always the best thing to do around paranoids. :yes:



If you want more to worry about, remember that in Russian "red" is the same word as "beautiful." So they've taken over the beauty pagents! :shock:

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