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Freedom Fighters/alternate history


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Sometimes, when I am up late at night and my mind is wandering I find myself contemplating the game Freedom Fighters.I loved the atmosphere of the game, the involuntary stirings of Patriotic furver as my character raised the Stars and Stripes over a landmark after taking it back. I loved the fame I garnered as I battled the invading commie hoards. I loved the political intrigue as I made dangerous contacts inside the occupying forces' ranks.


The back story always bugged me tho. How the Soviets came to power. How would you guys write an alternate history for a story like this? How would you bring the Soviets to world dominance?


I always thought I would turn history when Germany invaded France in May of 1940. While Germany was busy with the west, Russia decided to brake their treaty with them before Hitler had a chance to. The Germans found themselves fighting a defencive war in the east while trying to fight an offensive war in the west. Germany crumbled. The Russians got all of Europe except England, got the Nuke, balistic missle, jet and weapon scientists and all of their research data.


So every advantage we would have split with them after the war became theirs. After that, Japan would not have been pressured to start a war with the U.S.


China kicked Japan out with Russias help. Russia developed the nuke first, and used it to end the war in the Pacific. The U.S.'s only friends left were England, Australia, and Central and South America. Africa and the middle east was split, Muslim countries sided with the religiously tolerant United States and those countries that joined the soviet union would be riddled with guerilla wars due to Soviet Religous intolerance.


The proxy wars of the cold war era were fought mostly in the Middle East, Africa, and Central and South America. The Peace movement of the '60s was a responce to the rising death toll of the war in Iraq, one of the few oil rich nations still selling the U.S. Oil. The decision by Americans to buy small fuel efficient cars from places like Cuba, Colombia and Peru was a responce to the "Oil Wars".


where I would go from there I will have to think about. What do you guys have to say?

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Re: Freedom Fighters/alternate history


I enjoy this concept and your rational for it. But i still come to a impass. Even if you switch the technological advantage to soviets, which is the most critical thing you did. We were developing the A-Bomb independently shortly after the war started in Europe. And although we might not have the drive to push it along as we did in the real world since we wouldn't have entered the war, we would have cracked the problems with it and had it not to long after the Soviets I think. So we would catch up albeit slowly with the soviets so how would they managed to invade the US and win.


Also something to note about the Oil Wars. Assuming that Canada is on our side we wouldn't have to much to worry about. I remember learning somewhere that Canada is sitting on what Might be one of the Largest oil deposits in the world. Also we alone have 3-4percent under US soild and that is enough to run us as is with no change in living for fourtyish years.



What I ponder as being a real possibility is that Durring the Man. projects that developed the Bomb. The couple(whos name escapes me) flees the US with all the data to Soviet Russia and that is where the major timeline shift happens. We would be in the Pacific war and be turning main land Japan into another Okkinawa. Soviets provide aid to China and Korea in getting the Japanese out of there land but refuses to move further claiming insufficient resources, all the while only securing the boarders on the German front and never moving in.


As we plunge more and more time and men into securing Japan Europe will finally run dry against the Germans our D-day turns into a slaughter(even more so) since the Germans are capable of bringing in more forces. Durring what seems to be the last year of the war Russia finally developing Two Bombs starts brokering deals in Europe without US knowledge. They will begin and offensive if the most of the 'allies' sign a version of the colonial charter agreements where by they will conduct bussiness with Russia as a mother nation and not be allowed any other dealings w/out aproval. At the same time they must surrender all colonies to Russia. Once colonies are surrendered in mid-east. Move factories down there to stimulate the economy and be Heroes to the middle east.


After all that they slowly move into Germany letting the Musslim's oil drive there force while at the same time instilling a since of unity with Russia by doing propaganda ads showing the importence of the Musslims in the New World Order(never tell your people you don't like there religion becuase that breeds to much distain at the start).


Knowing that the US doesn't completly trust them but needs them. Start placing ships in the pacific claiming a desire to safeguard supply lines. Next step is to bardered deals with the US to make a Single devistating attack on the Japanese using a new weapon. As best they can they need to arrange for a attack on Berlin and Tokyo at the same time*even to the minute if they really could.* lauching Two A-Bombs on both site and calling it a briliant achievement by the communist movement. After all they managed to quel both rebelions in the same day. All the while brokering deals of Aid to Mexico to resucure(redifine) there boarders with US and take back Texas, and Californial. Most inportantly Cal.


The buety of the plan is that they try and make as many people dependent on there finaincial backing durring the War by rediverting western europes industies TO Russia and moving Busisness down to the middle east and making them dependent on Russian Money. So if either area disobeys durring war you let them fall to germans. If they disobey afterwards you move in a small militial to maintain peace and cut of the supply lines so there people will be impoverished. Most people will allow a dictator to live and rule if they are fed. Also don't directly fight the US. just supply Mexico so they can. Also broker the idea before the conclussion of the war so it isn't as easily seen. As long as the US can't directly blame the Soviets they will remain untouchable. After all they Americans can solve there own business.


Once Mexico takes over Cal and Texas move in forces and allow the Mexicans to move accros the US while you just fortify possitions. Always let the Mexicans feel like they are the ones winning the war and the ones in charge. IT will make it easier for them to be controlled in the end. And in the end just control the US though Mexico.


Canada is the only nation I can't think of how it would be taken down. Along with austrailia as well, But you could just simply invade. They had a very minimul military force and Aus. is a big nation to defend anyway.


La Rose,

Sorry for it being so lengthy.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Freedom Fighters/alternate history


The Rose: I believe that the people you're thinking of were Julius and Ethel

Rosenberg, with regards to the husband and wife who were accused, tried,

and convicted of spying for the Soviet Union -- not to mention executed.



Major Tom :cool:

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Re: Freedom Fighters/alternate history


I always thought I would turn history when Germany invaded France in May of 1940. While Germany was busy with the west' date=' Russia decided to brake their treaty with them before Hitler had a chance to. The Germans found themselves fighting a defencive war in the east while trying to fight an offensive war in the west. Germany crumbled. The Russians got all of Europe except England, got the Nuke, balistic missle, jet and weapon scientists and all of their research data. [/quote']

There are some historians who believe Stalin had every intention of attacking Germany first, but just wasn't ready in time. So it's not too hard to imagine things could've gone the other way, particularly if Stalin hadn't crippled the Red Army by purging the officer corps in the late 30s.


Soviets provide aid to China and Korea in getting the Japanese out of there land but refuses to move further claiming insufficient resources, all the while only securing the boarders on the German front and never moving in.


As we plunge more and more time and men into securing Japan Europe will finally run dry against the Germans our D-day turns into a slaughter(even more so) since the Germans are capable of bringing in more forces.

:think: I'm not sure I understand you here. Even if the Soviets had managed to steal every scrap of data the Manhattan Project had, why would they be able to develop the A-Bomb any sooner than we did, ie early 1945? That's a bit late to prevent Germany from invading Russia in 1941. Furthermore, with or without nukes, any Allied invasion of Japan couldn't possibly have been mounted earlier than the summer of `45, a full year after D-Day. Did I miss your point?

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Re: Freedom Fighters/alternate history


If the US had gone back to its isolationist stance after WWII, while the USSR carried on with the dream of international communist revolution, things would shift pretty hard.


By the time the US decided to get back in the international game, the USSR could have taken most of Europe and Asia, and been at work on Africa. They maybe wouldn't have as much control as they'd like (like things turned out in China), but they'd still have more allies and more resources than the US at that point.

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Re: Freedom Fighters/alternate history


the US presence in Europe and Asia/Pacific after WWII would make it hard to go back to isolationism. In order to give Russia clear dominance in world affairs the US would have had to stay out of the war.


Interestingly enough I found out that the Manhattan Project didnt get into full swing until '41 and the Germans only real effect on it was because they had their own program which was on the heavy water track. In the scenerio I started earlier I gave Russia a clear lead in the nuke world. It wouldn't have happened. The slower pace of advancement would probably have yielded atomic weapons by the mid '50s but Soviet Russia would have had a clear advantage with balistic missle technology.


The Pacific war would have dragged on into the late '40s to early '50s

with the US possibly falling in with the Japanese, at least at a commerce level.

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Re: Freedom Fighters/alternate history


There are some historians who believe Stalin had every intention of attacking Germany first, but just wasn't ready in time. So it's not too hard to imagine things could've gone the other way, particularly if Stalin hadn't crippled the Red Army by purging the officer corps in the late 30s.







I seem to recall that German Intelligence provoked his purge of his own officers corps. :nonp: Man, what a COUP!:idjit:

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Re: Freedom Fighters/alternate history


I seem to recall that German Intelligence provoked his purge of his own officers corps. :nonp: Man' date=' what a COUP!:idjit:[/quote']

Yeah, there's a story that the Nazis supposedly forged some documents to make Stalin think Marshal Tukhachevsky was planning a coup. I'm just an armchair historian, and I haven't done much reading in this particular area lately. But to my knowledge the documents themselves have never been proved to actually exist. Even if the story is true, the purge of the officer corp was already underway by then -- not to mention the wider Great Purge of the Soviet government, party, intellectuals, and anyone else Stalin didn't like. It's not like ol' Joe needed an excuse to be a repressive mass-murdering lunatic. I'm not saying it couldn't possibly have happened. But in the absense of supporting evidence, I'd take it with a grain of salt.


Sorry for the thread drift. :)

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