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Please look over this character


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Her name is Morganna, while she is 1/4 orc she has grown up her entire life in the capital city of humans while under the care of a prosperous halfling innkeeper.


Her mother died when she was young, but after her father had left (reason unknown by player). She was entrusted into the halflings care as he was a long time friend of both her mother and father


She is now a bouncer in the inn.

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Re: Please look over this character


Sorry, here is the plain text version






Val Char Cost

18 STR 8

18 DEX 24

20 CON 20

16 BODY 12

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

8 COM -1


6 PD 2

6 ED 2

3 SPD 2

8 REC 0

40 END 0

35 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

3 1/2" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 79




Cost Skill

9 +3 Clubs

2 Animal Handler (Equines) 12-

1 Bureaucratics 8-

3 CK: (Human Capital) (INT-based) 12-

1 Combat Driving 8-

3 Conversation 12-

4 Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games) 12-

3 Linguist

1 1) Language: Dwarvish (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 2) Language: Elvish (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 3) Language: Halfling (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 4) Language: Orc Kin (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

3 PS: Bouncer (INT-based) 12-

1 PS: Cooking 8-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Riding 13-

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 12-

2 Survival (Urban) 12-

0 TF: Carts & Carriages, Equines

3 Trading 12-

4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Javelins and Thrown Spears, Sling, Thrown Rocks

Skills Cost: 58


Cost Perk

7 Contact: Lionell, Innkeeper (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 12-

Perks Cost: 7


Cost Talent

6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

Talents Cost: 6


Total Character Cost: 150


Pts. Disadvantage

15 Psych. Lim.: Loyal (Common, Strong)

10 Psych. Lim.: Overly Aggressive (Common, Moderate)

15 Hunted: Kings Guard 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Reputation: , 11-

10 Rivalry: Professional (LIsa), Rival is As Powerful, Rival is a Player Character, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry

10 Soc. Lim.: Secret (part orc) (Occasionally, Major)

5 Unluck: 1d6

Disadvantage Points: 75

Base Points: 75

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Please look over this character


Without knowing anything about the game she's in, or her background, I can only echo Shrike's opinion. She's solid. Her stats are a touch high for one of my games, which tend to be skill and background heavy, but from what I know about other people's games (presumably more normative games) she's definately in "the zone" and should be able to hold her own and influence the game.

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Re: Please look over this character


Ditto the high stats, but somewhat justified. I'd suggest two tweaks. First, as a bouncer, it might be interesting to play up her barehanded fighting skills. Second, she needs something more to really set her apart from other heavy fighters I've seen. For example, she could be seriously undereducated with respect to traveling outside the city, or she could have ludicrously high streetwise skill, or both.

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Re: Please look over this character


As a character in one of My games I would question the high stats.

I understand the stats are explain by the Orc part but

15 presence is she that strange looking or that striking

The abmount of body?

The con and dex seem very high

I would also question


how she picked up paramedics?


the brawling angle I would suggest to expand a little


the hunted should be a watch, as in my game hunted means HUNTED


What are the major institutions?


some thoughts


Lord ghee

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Re: Please look over this character


I wouldnt consider the stats to be unusually high for a 150 point character.

Really? In our game it's odd for a character to spend 60 points in stats - and those are the warriors and hybrids.

Paramedics makes ok sense for a bouncer - dangerous job, but it doesn't pay enough to see a professional everytime you break your nose.

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Re: Please look over this character


As a character in one of My games I would question the high stats.

I understand the stats are explain by the Orc part but

15 presence is she that strange looking or that striking

The abmount of body?

The con and dex seem very high

I would also question


how she picked up paramedics?


the brawling angle I would suggest to expand a little


the hunted should be a watch, as in my game hunted means HUNTED


What are the major institutions?


some thoughts


Lord ghee



To answer your questions:


The Presence is force of personality, she is SCARRY, Con and Body are in part do to her orc heritage, and in part do to her being constantly in fights etc...


Dex is probably high, but the game in question has a somewhat inflated dex scale (lots of elves who are allowed to go to 23 dex before NCM for this game)


Paramedics, most adventures should have this skill, dangerous occupation, etc...



If you read the hunted it is just a watched (That's the way HD displays it)

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Re: Please look over this character


On stats: I like high stat characters, just the way I build them, does it really seem that high?


Background, we tend to use short backgrounds to allow maximum character development at the table


Morganna was the only child of two adventures, a human woman and a half orc. The father (The half orc) left shortly after his wife was determined to be with child, a friend of there's needed help but he hoped to be back before she gave birth. Entrusting his wife's care to a local innkeeper and long time friend he went off, to never be seen again


The pregnancy was not easy, and Morganna's mother never recoverd fully, dying when Morganna was just 2 years old. Lionell the innkeeper raised her as his own child


As she grew up she was always stronger and toughter than the other kids, and her temper got her into alot of trouble


Growing up in an inn, under the care of a halfling no less she has picked up some odd skills, for one she is able to speak a number of languages (Note, character has been editied, dropped orc added Tradespeak)

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Re: Please look over this character


On stats: I like high stat characters, just the way I build them, does it really seem that high?


I want to reiterate the "for my game" aspect of my comment, as well as the "in the zone" in relation to normative games rejoinder. My games are character and story driven, and rely more heavily on skills that other Fantasy Hero games I've been exposed to. So, in my game, she would be a "high stat" character and, while she would be a heavy hitter when the fight was on, you would probably feel somewhat ineffectual other situations, though the streetwise could prove a saving grace in that regard. And while my game has big brawls to keep things lively, they aren't main course. More of a side dish to keep a bad metaphor going. But, she's not in my game, and I think she's a solid if somewhat generic character for normative Fantasy Hero games. Or at least, what I perceive to be normative Fantasy Hero games. It seems like there's a stylistic divide on the boards - and there's nothing wrong with either style. Also, please don't take my "generic" comment as harsh criticism. Its just her mechanical build I'm referring to. How you play her might well cut her out from the herd and make her shine.

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Re: Please look over this character


No prob Von, on offence taken nor intended.


I agree with the ocmment on style differences, for that matter I see it at my table where some characters are heavily characteristic based, some heavily skilled, we even had one heavily powered based (a mage)

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Re: Please look over this character


If she was my character, I might make one small change to her - Change her +3 with Clubs (9 pts) to +3 with Grab, Roll With Blow, Strike with Club.. all bouncer skills (a.k.a. tight group) and would really set her apart...


Other than that, she's beautiful..



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Re: Please look over this character


If she was my character, I might make one small change to her - Change her +3 with Clubs (9 pts) to +3 with Grab, Roll With Blow, Strike with Club.. all bouncer skills (a.k.a. tight group) and would really set her apart...


Other than that, she's beautiful..



I'd murder any player of mine who wanted to include "strike with X" as part of a combat skill level - unless they're a martial artist and they define which strike.

Just a little quibble I have with the rules

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Re: Please look over this character


I'd murder any player of mine who wanted to include "strike with X" as part of a combat skill level - unless they're a martial artist and they define which strike.

Just a little quibble I have with the rules


Well... I tried looking at it from a couple of angles, and I don't see anything inherently abusive or wobbly with it.. a 2 pt level with clubs lets you use it on any manuever as a bonus to OCV.. move by's, blocks, missile deflection, converting skill levels to damage, blah blah blah...oh, and strikes..


3 pt tight skill group including "Strike with X" just doesn't raise any flags with me.. You'll have to explain why you don't like it..


You'd never see "Strike With X" for a m/a combat skill level.. At 2 pts you get +1 with a manuever, at 3 pts you get +1 with the whole shebang.



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Re: Please look over this character


Well... I tried looking at it from a couple of angles, and I don't see anything inherently abusive or wobbly with it.. a 2 pt level with clubs lets you use it on any manuever as a bonus to OCV.. move by's, blocks, missile deflection, converting skill levels to damage, blah blah blah...oh, and strikes..


3 pt tight skill group including "Strike with X" just doesn't raise any flags with me.. You'll have to explain why you don't like it..


You'd never see "Strike With X" for a m/a combat skill level.. At 2 pts you get +1 with a manuever, at 3 pts you get +1 with the whole shebang.




And you're right. Like I said, its in the book. It's just that when I see "+1 w/Grab, Move Through w/Sword, and Strike w/Sword" I wonder why they aren't getting a level with grab, and another level with swords...and thats the context they've come up in in our games.

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