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Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


If' date=' from reading the Force Powers, you aren't sure how they would work, let me know and I'll write some examples. I haven't worked out the cost on all of them so I may have to adjust how may points the Force Skill gives someone access to at any given time.[/quote']Yeah, I think an example would help out. I think I understand, but there are some points I would like to make sure of.
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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Example 1:


"Cool Hand" Luke Skywalker has just had the worst day of his life. First he shows up at the Bespin work farm to learn his fellow rebels have been incarcerated by The Man, and that Han is being transferred to Death Row at the Jabba Corrections Facility on Tatooine. Then he went toe to toe with the The Man With No Eyes - Vader - while his other friends staged a break-out and got his hand chopped off. To top it off The Man With No Eyes was condescending about it and called him "son." Luke, having decided he didn't want the counseling bills this sardonic authoritarian twit is likley to inflict upon him threw himself down a ventillation shaft. Now he's hanging on this stupid weather vane with a bleeding stump where his hand used to be. Han's statement from long ago comes back to him - "Aint nobody got 50 Active Points, Luke." Fortuanately for Luke, Han was wrong...


Luke Skywalker has a Force Skill roll of 17-. This means he can use individual Force Powers of up to 68 Active Points, and can run up to 68 Real Points of Force Powers concurrently (Unstatted VPP). He may change powers as a zero phase action, but must make a skill roll when he does so. Every 8 Active Points in a power being changed gives Luke -1 on his skill roll, but Luke has +5 PSLs versus Penalties to his Force Skill so he can use powers of up to 40 Active Points without suffering penalties. Luke knows what he has to do. He has to activate Force Trance I to stop the bleeding, use Feel the Force to find Leia before the Falcon jumps to hyperspace, and then tell he he needs help using Telepathy.


On Phase 3: Luke activates Force Trance, which is based on a limited Does Not Bleed (15 Active Points; 8 Real Points). This gives him -2 to his skill roll, and the GM assigns an additional -2 for the pain he is in for a total of -4. Luke has +5 Vs. PSLs so he still has a skill roll of 17-. He rolls a 15 - success. The bleeding has stopped; he is running 8 real points worth of powers.


On Phase 6: Luke activates Feel the Force III, but modifies it with No Range Mods Advantage because the Falcon is NOT CLOSE. He also feels his perception roll of 12- is too risky, so he adds +5 Perception with "The Force" for a total of 30 Active Points. Rounded off this gives him -4 to his skill roll, which combined with the GMs -2 penalty for pain is -6. With his PSLs Luke takes -1, leaving him a skill roll of 16-. He rolls an 11 - success. He is now running 38 real points worth of powers. Reaching out with Feel the Force Luke's modified perception roll is 17-. He rolls a 16 - success. He feels Leia aboard the Falcon.


On Phase 9: Luke activates Telepathy, which is based on Mind Link (Any One Mind, Any Distance), and is 25 Active Points. Whether or not Luke can use this power with someone who isn't a Jedi is the GM's call, but she does have The Force, and the GM decides to allow it. Leia's player has been pestering him to let her purchase the second level of Feel the Force (with disciminatory), anyways. The power gives him -3 to his roll, and he still has the pain pens for -5, but his own PSLs cancel them out, leaving him at 17-. Luke rolls a 12 - success. He is now running 63 real points of power (Note - the combined Active Points (70) now exceed the 68 Point Limit for individual powers. Just like a VPP - that's okay).


The GM tells Leia's player she feels Luke's mind brushing her own. She says "I know its luke - That means I can have Feel the Force II, right?!" The GM, prodding her, answers dramatically: "And he's in pain!" Leia's player is giddy: "That's Feel the Force III, right?" The GM and Luke's player both exclaim: "do you accept the mind link or not?" Leia's player says: "Oh...yeah. Sure. I tell Lando to turn us around - luke is in trouble and stuff."


Luke is saved!

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Shot of the Force Powers, This was the hardest one yet.




"Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise." --Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Stormtroopers are the elite shock troops of the Galactic Empire. Fanatically loyal, they constitute an independent corps and, like the Imperial Guard, are answerable directly to Emperor Palpatine. Stormtroopers operate alongside Imperial Army and Navy units, and often serve, through their close association with the Emperor, as a reminder of Imperial Authority to those bodies. For instance, it is likely the stormtroopers stationed on the Death Star were there to ensure the battle station remained firmly under the Emperor's control, and that the stormtrooper contingent on Imperial Star Destroyers serve not only an operational role, but an unstated internal security role as well. Most worlds under Imerial Control have at least one garrison of stormtroopers, though many insignificant, remote, or tranquil worlds do not.



The fear and terror that the stormtroopers' reputation as the military backbone of the Empire was enough to keep the thousands of star systems in line. It was a wide belief that the stormtroopers were the best, endless in numbers, and an personal extension of Palpatine's merciless and destructive regime - the frontline symbol of the Doctrine of Fear. Stormtrooper training stressed deep indoctrination in the tenets of the New Order, and individual stormtroopers would obey their officers without question, without regard to the rights of others or even to their own safety. Those with doubts were quickly identified and drummed out during training, or were quietly transferred, or given suicidal duty, if discovered in the field.


It has been noted that the stormtrooper is invariably human and male, and that recruiting standards require he meet specific physical qualifications to be accepted into the stormtrooper corps. Princess Leia's comment "kind of short for a stormtrooper, aren't you?" indicates these recruiting standards were well known and in place at the time of Episode IV. These requirements reinforce the image as the faceless symbol of the New Order's "Imperial High Culture," which was informally known as "High Human Culture" - and implicit reminder of the sexism and speciesism that dominated the Imperial zeitgeist. Indeed, we do not see a female member of any branch of the Imperial Military in the films, though a few no doubt existed.


The Stormtrooper Corps basic unit of organization was the individual trooper. Each stormtrooper was assigned a number for tactical purposes, and to reinforce the Imperial ethic of uniformity. Troopers were organized into squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, and legions. A single battallion consisted of 820 Stormtroopers. A company commander could give command over any given squad or platoon to any subordinate officer, and in practice, junior officers were never given a specific squad or platoon to command on a permenant basis. Instead, like the stormtroopers under them, they were considered interchangeable. Junior officers were generally assigned to squads rather than platoons, working alongside senior non-commissioned officers until they learned their trade. At the company level and above, however, officers were generally static for the duration of an assignment.


Stormtroopers have a two-tiered command structure, centered on remote and field command. Under remote command, individual squads take orders from an officer operating from a command center, which could be a field camp, permanent planet-side facility, or even an orbiting Star Destroyer. If communications are cut, or combat operations are expected, the the squad leader assumes direct command, though its reasonable that a senior officer in the field - if there are any - will assume command of several squads. This may be one reason the stormtroopers took such a drubbing on Endor: without central command their theater-level command dissolved, and combat efforts devolved to the local company and squad commanders - rendering them strategically ineffective.


The reputation of the Stormtrooper Corps is well deserved. They are highly disciplined, well trained, and do their jobs without question. In combat they rely on teamwork, and make use of tactics that leverage their generally superior numbers, superior technology, and overwhelming firepower (see Tactics, below). Due to the vast number of worlds subjugated by the Empire, and the varied environmental and operational challenges faced by the stormtroopers, specially trained legions were trained and equipped to project force across the galaxy regardless of the conditions faced. The following variations are canonical and represent those seen in the films, but it would be logical to conclude there were many other specialized legions at the Emperor's beck and call.



Sandtroopers or Desert Troopers are specially trained divisions of Imperial Stormtroopers equipped with modified armor and equipment to withstand the harsh climates of desert planets like Tatooine. Though their armor is similar to that of a regular stormtrooper, their suits contain advanced cooling systems, which offers better protection from the relentless heat than standard stormtrooper armor. The stormtrooper detachment dispatched by Lord Darth Vader to investigate a crashed escape pod on Tatooine just prior to the Battle of Yavin consisted of sandtroopers. They had heavy weapons, survival gear, and shoulder pauldrons denoting rank. Because the conditions sandtroopers functioned under could be devastating to high-technology conveyances, they frequently made use of local riding beasts, like Dewbacks.



Specializing in forward recon, scoutroopers wear lightweight armor that is considerably more flexible than the standard uniform. Much like their infantry counterparts, scout troopers wear a black body glove covered with white armor. Scouts often work in conjunction with light reconnaissance vehicles, such as Imperial speeder bikes. For this reason, they are often referred to as biker scouts.



Storming through the icy corridors of Echo Base like a heavily-armed blizzard, Imperial snowtroopers stopped at nothing in their effort to conquer the Rebels at Hoth. A specially-trained division of stormtrooper infantry, the snowtroopers wore customized armor well suited to the climate extremes of ice planets such as Hoth. In addition to the hard white armor, their suit incorporates fabric overgarments that help contain heat, and terrain-gripping boots to combat slippery conditions. The Hoth snowtroopers brandished standard blaster rifles, and specialized teams used heavy repeating blasters mounted on tripods.

Mechanical Block


Grunt Trooper


Characteristics: ST 13 DX 11 CN 13 BY 11 IN 10 EG 10 PR 10 CM 10 PD 3 ED 3 SP 2 RC 5 EN 26 ST 24


Perks: Rank: Stormtrooper.


Talents: Resistance (Loyalty Training) + 4, Resistance (Coolness Under Fire) + 2.


Skills: +2 OCV Small Arms; +2 OCV Heavy Weapons; +2 PSL versus Armor Penalties; AK: Home Planet 8-; AK: Garrison World 8-; CuK: Home Culture 8-; Climbing 8-; Computer Programming 8-; Conversation 8-; Concealment 8-; KS: Stormtrooper Corps 8-; KS: Imperial Military 8-; KS: Doctrine 8-; LS: Basic (Idiomatic); Navigation 8-; Paramedic 8-; Persuasion 8-; PS: Stormtrooper 11-; PS: Occupational Specialty 11-; Shadowing 8-; Stealth 8-; Survival 8-; Systems Operation 8-; Teamwork 11-; WF: Small Arms, Heavy Weapons; TF: Hovercraft.


Disadvantages: Watched: Superiors 11- (More); Psychological: Always Obeys Orders (Very Common, Total); Reputation: Emperor's Personal Shock Troops (Extreme) 14-.


Equipment: Stormtrooper Armor, E-11 Blaster.


  • Sandtrooper: Survival 11- (Desert), TF: Riding Beasts.
  • Scouttrooper: Navigation 11-, Combat Driving 11-; TF: Z74 Speederbike; WF: Vehicle Weapons.
  • Snowtrooper: Survival 11- (Arctic).

Non-Commissioned Officer

  • Characteristics: DX +1, IN +2, EG +2, SP +1.
  • Perks: Rank: Non-Commissioned Officer Rank.
  • Talents: Combat Reflexes +2.
  • Skills: +3 OCV Small Arms; KS: Stormtrooper Corps 11-; KS: Imperial Military 11-; KS: Doctrine 11-; Navigation 11-; PS: Stormtrooper 13-, Streetwise 8-; Tactics 11-

Junior Officer

  • Characteristics: IN +5, EG +2.
  • Perks: Rank: Officer Rank.
  • Skills: CuK: Imperial High Culture 8-; KS: Imperial Military 11-; KS: Doctrine 11-; Navigation 11-; PS: Military Officer 11-; PS: Stormtrooper 11-, Tactics 11-
  • More Experienced: DX +1 SP +1, Combat Reflexes +2, +3 OCV Small Amrs, PS: Stormtrooper 13-; Streetwise 8-.

Company Commander

  • Characteristics: DX +1, IN + 5, EG +3, PR +3, SP +1.
  • Perks: Rank: Officer Rank.
  • Talents: Combat Reflexes +2, Resistance (Coolness Under Fire) +4.
  • Skills: +3 OCV Small Arms; CuK: Imperial High Culture 8-; KS: Imperial Military 13-; KS: Doctrine 13-; Navigation 13-; PS: Military Officer 13-; PS: Stormtrooper 13-, Streetwise 8-, Tactics 13-

Hand Picked

  • Characteristics: ST +2 DX, +1, CN +2, BY +2, IN +3, EG +3, PD +2, ED +2, SP +1, Run +1".
  • Talents: Combat Reflexes + 4, Resistance (Coolness Under Fire) + 6.
  • Skills: +3 OCV Small Arms; KS: Stormtrooper Corps 11-; Climbing 11-, KS: Imperial Military 11-; KS: Doctrine 11-; Navigation 11-; PS: Stormtrooper 13-, Stealth 11-; Tactics 11-, Teamwork 13-.



His in-universe reputation aside, the stormtrooper is a faceless mook. Dramatically: He is not an leading antagonist; he is not a henchman; he doesn't even rate as a cameo. He's an extra and I modelled him as an extra, albiet a useful one. He is dangerous - especially in numbers - but he's not intended to give the heroes a run for their money in the big scene. He herds them to and from drama locales en mase, restricts their tactics and movements like a pawn on a chessboard, and adds to the overall spooky mystique of the Empire.


Even the "hand-picked" version herein doesn't match the gamer's classical mythic beleif that "all commandos are like action movie commandos." If a story revolves around an individual elite stormtrooper whose dramatic role merits that he step in as an antagonist or henchman, then he should be built accordingly, but the average stormtrooper - even the ones we are told are "elite" to make us respect the hero's prowess when he overcomes such long odds - remains forever a mook. The term "Stormtrooper Effect," was coined for a reason - Star Wars isn't about realism, its about romanticism.

Stormtrooper Tactics


It's difficult to balance the stormtroopers' reputation and status as crack troops with the romantic milieu of the Star Wars Saga in which they prove ineffective against outnumbered, outgunned, and sometimes out-classed heroes, despite superior numbers, technology, and firepower. Even built as mooks, stormtroopers should eat any "bit part" opponent for breakfast, and statistics alone will cut down "leads" and "supporting cast" with random hits unless some drama mechanic, such as "The Force" is in play during a given scene.


To mitigate this reality it is assumed stormtroopers open combat with the Blaze Away Maneuver (BAM: Presence Attack) in order to drive those with the temerity to challenge the Empire before them (this combined with bonuses from numbers should be sufficient in most cases), and then pursue and flank their opponents using surpressing fire. This should give the heroes a reasonable chance of surviving an encounter with a unit of stormtroopers while forcing the players to avoid brash tactics due to the chance of being hit by the supressing fire.


If the OCV of the supressing fire is still high enough to drop the heroes like flies, the stormtroopers can use Rapid Fire, thereby reducing their OCV and chance to hit, but increasing the number of blaster bolts in the air, and along with them, the potential number of hits on a really good roll. Also, stormtroopers are confident and unquestionably follow orders, but they aren't necessarily stupid. Unless they've been given orders to do something foolhardy, or have a numerical advantage (they usually do), they will make use of basic tactics like cover and corresponding maneuvers, like snapshot, as well. Pinned down and outnumbered they will fight to survive - have them shoot to kill.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Storm Trooper Armor


"A little short for a stormtrooper, aren't you?" —Leia Organa

The Imperial Stormtroopers' most distinctive equipment is the white battle armor they normally wear. The complete 18-piece armor set completely encases the body and typically has no individually distinguishing markings aside from a colored pauldron, which represents whether or not the stormtrooper is enlisted (white), a non-commissioned officer (black), or an officer (orange). The armor is produced in a standard size that matches the height and weight parameters of the stormtrooper corps.


The armor's reinforced helmet contains advanced breathing filters (which give limited duration protection against chemical and biological attacks), and a comlink for instant communication with other units. The comlink uses linked encoding sequences to rotate frequencies every few seconds while keeping all troopers in the unit synchronized (c.f. real world frequency-hopping spread spectrum radios). If a trooper's helmet is removed without the trooper first deactivating the comlink control stud, the frequency coding routine is automatically deleted from that helmet. The automatic polarizing lenses in the helmet protect the trooper against intense glare and allow stormtroopers to operate in lowlight conditions. The helmet speaker uses three-phase sonic filtering for clear sound, and has a vocoder for talking to non-stormtroopers.


The armor protects the troopers from harsh environments as well as projectiles and impact weapons. The armour might be penetrated by a direct blaster bolt, but it will reduce damage from the bolts absorbed significantly. The body glove allows for operation in warm or cold climates, but can protect the trooper from almost any environment, from total vacuum conditions to the very extremes in cold and heat for a very limited period of time. The backplate contains an emergency twenty minutes of oxygen, as well as a power pack. The stomach armour contains a manual suit seal and environmental controls. The thigh armor has a reinforced alloy plate ridge, and the lower right side, near the knee, contains the suits system power cells. The left upper side of the shin armour has a knee protector plate for use with sniping.


The utility belt has two blast energy sinks to protect the trooper's hips. The stormtrooper's boots are not armoured, but they are treaded. The armour is equipped with IFF circuitry for identification and command purposes.

Mechanical Block


Storm Trooper Armor (All OIF):

  • Armor: Armor 8PD/8ED, Real Armor, Half Mass, -2 to Dex Rolls, OCV and DCV.
  • Comm: HRRH, Affected as Radio and Hearing, Limited Range, 1 Continuing Charge (6 Hours), Recoverable plus Cryptography 14-.
  • IIF Tranceiver: Detect: Fellow Stormtrooper's Identification Number and Rank, Ranged, Sense
  • Polarized Lenses: Flash Defense (Sight) 10 Points plus +2 PER versus Glare Penalties.
  • Lowlight System: +2 PER versus Darkness Penalties.
  • Sonic Filtration System: Flash Defense (Sound) 10 Points plus +2 PER versus Sound Distortion Modifiers.
  • Breathing Filtration System: Life Support (Biological and Chemical Weapons, Particles).
  • Backup Air Supply: Life Support (Breathing Self-Contained (Limited Duration: 20 Minutes, Recoverable)).
  • Body Glove: Life Support (Vaccum (Limited Duration: 20 Minutes)) plus Change Environment (Increase or Decrease Temperature 3 Levels), Self Only.
  • High Profile: Reputation (Galactic) 14-: "Imperial Stormtrooper: Elite, Triggerhappy and Intensely Loyal to the Empire" +1/+1d6.

A standard component of the armor is ulility belt containing:

  • A Hand Communicator with extended range.
  • A 10-meter line super-strength line with grapple.
  • Micro-Rations for 48 Hours.
  • 2 backup power cells for the armor.
  • Additional energy clips and gas canisters for the E-11 Blaster Rifle.
  • 1 Thermal Detonator.

Disadvantages: DF: Imperial Stormtrooper Armor.



Due to the vast number of worlds subjugated by the Empire, and the varied environmental and operational challenges faced by the stormtroopers, several variations of the basic modular stormtrooper armor were developed. The following variations are canonical and represent those seen in the films, but it would be logical to conclude there were many other designs available:

  • Sandtrooper Armor: Add Life Support (Intense Heat), and Perk: Sand Sealed.
  • Scoutrooper Armor: Reduce Armor to 6/6, but remove DEX, OCV, and DCV Penalties.
  • Snowtrooper Armor: Add Life Support (Intense Cold), and Evironmental Movement (Snow and Ice).



The explanation of the pauldrons above is based on the Official Lucas Film's explanation on starwars.com, but this is problematic in terms of internal continuity. In many scenes stormtroopers wear no pauldons at all, or we see squads where some stormtroopers wear pauldons while others do not, and the mixture of pauldrons seen at the squad level doesn't fit very well. Also, the starwars.com site offers a different pauldron based rank structure for sandtroopers, which is dubious. I've elected to adopt the most general explanation in order to simplify the matter and set a uniform standard. Stormtrooper Armor is manufactured to the standards required for stormtroopers and is essentially "one size fits all." Stormtroopers frequently carry other equipment, aside from their armor.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


E-11 Blaster Rifle


"That's her - set for stun." —Unknown Stormtrooper

The standard blaster rifle of the Imperial Stormtrooper E-11 blaster rifle was a powerful, light, and compact weapon that proved hightly versatile, spawning a wide number of variations. To make up for the high demand for these weapons the empire subcontracted its manufacture to several corporations under license. These manufacturers were found mixed indiscriminately in Imperial stockpiles.


Stormtroopers carried E-11 rifles throughout the Galactic Civil War. The design was based on that of the DC-15 series of blaster rifles, carbines, and pistols favored by Old Republic forces during the clone wars . Stormtroopers also used a short-range combat pistol at times. The basic E-11 was 438 mm long (folded) and weighed 2.6 kilograms. The power cell housing opened on the left side of the action housing, above the trigger, giving the E11 a very low profile (useful when shooting prone or from a barricade). The E-11's plasma gas cartridges allowed for over 500 shots, while the power cells lasted for about 100 shots, depending on setting.



All moving and/or metal parts were fitted with a corrosion-proof, vacuum-rated, dry lubricant. The top of the receiver had a universal, quick-detach sight rail, which came from the factory, mounted with a ring reticule 2x optical scope. The basic three piece folding stock rode along the left side, under the power cell. The power settings ranged from stun to kill.

Mechanical Block


E11 Blaster Rifle: MP (OAF, Real Weapon, 0 End): 1) 2d6+1 ERKA, +2 Vs. Range Mods 2) 8d6 EB, Stun Only, Limited Range.




I felt is was absurd to model the charges because 1) we never see anyone change clips in the Star Wars films - its not in-genre - and because, 2) in-game its unlikely a firefight will ever last that long. As a result I just slapped 0 Endurance onto the weapon and assumed "clips and things" could be handled as a drama-point, or off-screen under "real weapon."

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


I have repped Von D-Man for all his work.


Good work. Great. Fantastic.


May the Force be with you.




And, since Von D-man has given the okay, this eventually will appear in Surbrook's Stuff. I think I'll put it all through HD as well, so it will add up correctly for those who care about such things.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Star Destroyer


The designation "Star Destroyer" most often refers to the common dagger-hulled combat vessels used by the Empire in the three films of the original Star Wars trilogy. These ships are commonly referred to as Imperial-class Star Destroyers, their official designation as of a short time after the declaration of the newly formed Empire.

Are you aware of the Victory-Class Star Destroyer (lesser in size & power than the Imperial)? (I can send you some basics if you need them.)


I managed to finish this guy:


Luke Skywalker Organa (Canon)

:eek: Organa? Did he marry his sister? :P


I think I'll put it all through HD as well' date=' so it will add up correctly for those who care about such things.[/quote']

"I care." - Luke Skywalker

And, uh, I care too. :o


PS: And Von-D Man, I'll rep you as soon as I can (I have to spread some around).

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Lando Calrissian (Canon)


"I'm responsible now, the price you pay for being successful..." --Lando Calrissian.

Heh, I like this. Actually, the Lando-type scoundrel is a character I'm thinking of playing in a Hero-based SW game. A nice change from the jedi/smugglers/pilots of fame.

Vader... go get me a cup of coffee.



Grand Moff Tarkin (Canon)


"No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now." -- Grand Moff Tarkin


Equipment: Uniform, Slippers, Death Star.


His equipment item "slippers" isn't meant to be taken seriously. Its a reference to Peter Cushing's request that he be filmed from the waist up because his costume boots were "killing him." As a result, while we see Tarkin shouting orders and destroying planets, the actor was wearing, in his own words "slippers."

At first, I thought you were being silly and I was going to ask you if you knew the "truth" behind Cushing wearing slippers during filming. Naturally, after seeing this part of a paragraph talking about him, I know you know. And now you know I know you know, and I know you know I know you know. :D




"Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise." --Obi-Wan Kenobi.

A great write-up and I like your take on them. If you're concerned about the "precise" comment and their missing so much in the movies, I can give you real life equivalency to go with it. I was in the US Army Infantry and can tell you from personal experience that hitting a stationary or very slow moving target (such as a jawa sandcrawler) is much easier than hitting a moving target. Perhaps stormtroopers are trained and trained over and over with stationary and slow-moving targets, but they don't receive much training in shooting at moving, dodging, ducking-behind-cover targets. (And as an addition, hitting a stationary or moving target from a moving position [such as running or worse, on a vehicle you aren't controlling] is oh so much more difficult and takes a lot of extra skill levels.)


I've doled out my max allowed rep for this 24 hours trying to free up my "able to rep Von D-Man" ability. :)

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Oh, two questions for you:


1) Have you thought of giving Han gambling since that's how he won the Millennium Falcon off of Lando?


2) Are you basing the characters of 75+75 points and modifying to fit, or using a different method/template?

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Are you aware of the Victory-Class Star Destroyer (lesser in size & power than the Imperial)? (I can send you some basics if you need them.)


I'm aware of them, but don't have much data - send away!



:eek: Organa? Did he marry his sister? :P



"I care." - Luke Skywalker

And, uh, I care too. :o


Copy file and edit error - will fix on the site. But maybe I should include Splinter of the Mind's Eye in the aprochryphal materials and add an article on Genetic Sexual Attraction, which has been documented by the royal Royal Society, among others... :ugly:

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Oh, two questions for you:


1) Have you thought of giving Han gambling since that's how he won the Millennium Falcon off of Lando?


I did, and it makes sense, but I decided his luck would suffice. Its more of a "travis mcgee" character background/definition element than something han actually does. He seems to take all of his gambles in combat.... let me think on it some more. He should probably have at least a familiarity with it.


2) Are you basing the characters of 75+75 points and modifying to fit' date=' or using a different method/template?[/quote']


I'm actually just writing them up in notepad without reference to a formal framework. However, I had 75+75 Base characters in mind when I designed the Force as a Skill-based system. I wanted to come up with a method that would work for a heroic level game, and thought, combined with equipment allowances from DC that it could work out. Most of the headliners, however, probably have a bit of experience.

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Mos Eisely Confidential (Humor)


Mos Eisely Confidential (Humor)


An abandoned moisture farm at the end of Beggar's Canyon; Biggs Darklighter walked in with nintery-four thousand credits, eighteen kilograms of premium spice, a disintegrator carbine, a heavy blaster, a sporting blaster for a backup, and a lightsaber he'd gotten off Luke at the cantina - right before he'd spotted the landspeeder beat-up old brown landspeeder floating at the entry to the main spaceport: Jabba the Hutt's goons in an ISB unmarked, and sandtroopers nearby, waiting to bootjack his goodies, dump his body in the dune sea.


He'd been running for a week; he'd spent fifty-six thousand credits staying alive: speeders, hideouts at four or five-thousand creds a night, risk rates - owen and beru lars had been smoked for hiding him - the moisture farmers knew Jabba wanted him for heisting his spice-summit, the ISB wanted him for killing one of their own. The Jabba contract kiboshed an outright spice-sale - nobody could move the stuff without fear of reprisals; the best he could hope for was to lay it off with Old Ben's protege Luke - Luke would repackage it, sell it later, and give him the percentage.


Old Ben and Luke used to deal with Jabba a bit and knew well enough to be afraid of the slug; Luke, in exchange for fifteen thousand credits, sent him out to the moisture farm while Old Ben was setting up his escape. Tonight at dusk, two men - slave traders and spice dealers - would drive him to a remote landing site and shoot him to Alderaan on the the Millenium Falcon. He'd have twenty odd kilos of spice working for him planetside - if he could trust Luke and Ben - and they could trust the runners.


Biggs ditched his speeder away from the place, pulled his case out, and surveyed the set-up.


The moisture farm was a big one - three connected buildings with twelve doors in a horseshoe shape - set into a box canyon. No rear approach was possible. The courtyard was packed sand, bedrock, and strewn with debris. Broken synthale bottles, sun-baked speeder parts, electronics and wires. Footsteps would crunch sand and crack trash. There was only one access - the canyon mouth he'd left his speeder in - reconnoiters would have to rapel down to take a pot shot.


Or they could be waiting inside.


Biggs grabbed the disintegrator, started kicking doors. One, two, three, four - bones, lizards, broken evacuation systems, holo's with twilek writing - the slave traders probably used this place en route to place their slaves in the brothels, bars, and sweat-shops in the outer townships. Five, six, seven - check that - scantily clad twileks and diminutive Jawas huddling in the corner, scared of the human with the gun. "There, there," to keep them quiet. The last of the rooms stood empty. Biggs got his satchel, plopped it down just inside - It would be suicide to go into the undeground level - no way out - front/courtyard view, a broken hover-bed tilted up against the bed, not bad for a last tattooine flop.


A cheesecake holo by the far wall; Biggs flipped it on, flipped through the girls. A twilek with long-lekku, looked good anyway, made Biggs think of Oola - ex-stripper, ex-Jabba inammorata; the reason he'd killed an ISB officer and taken down the Jabba-Mothma Spice Deal. He flipped through to the last girl, cut odds on whether he'd see the end of the year, got scared: a vein on his forehead went tap-tap-tap, making him sweat.


It got worse, heebie-geebies. Biggs laid his arsenal on a window ledge, stuffed his pocket with ammo: gas cannisters and e-clips for the blasters. He tucked the lightsaber into his belt, covered the back window with the hover-bed, cracked the front window for air. A breeze cooled his sweat; he looked out a Jawa kids chucking a thermal detonator for fun.


He stuck there. Jawas congregated outside: pointing at the twin suns like they were telling time by them, hot for the skiff to arrive - stoop labor for three hots and an underground shelter at night. Dusk came on; the Jawas got to jabbering; Biggs saw two humans - one fat, one skinny - walk into the box canyon. They waved glad-hander style; the Jawas waived back. They didn't lool like Imperials or Jabba Goons. Biggs stepped outside, the disintegrator behind him.


The men waved - all smiles, no harm meant. Biggs checked the opening behind them - a green speeder parked sideways, blocking something light blue, too shiney to be the sky beyond. He caught the light on the metallic paint-job and snapped: Anchorhead, the meet with the guys who needed time to get the creds. The robins egg sports-speeder that tried to sideswipe him a moment later.


Biggs smiled; friendly guy, no harm meant. A finger on the firing stud, a make on the skinny guy. Wedge Antilles, a freaking rebel, he used to cruise for space-whores at the Mos Eisely Cantina, puff out his chest and talk big about taking down the Empire. The fat man, Antille's wing-man, Porkins, said: "We got Solo and the Wookiee waiting."


Biggs swing the disintegrator around, triggered the beam. Porkins caught disintegration and goo'd - covering Antille's in protoplasm, sending him reeling backwars, wretching. The Jawas tore helter-skelter, Biggs ran into the room, heard someone smashing on the hover-bed, yanked it back: two men, three disintegrater blasts at point blank. The two men spattered; protoplasm covering three more men creeping along between the back-wall and the canyon face. Biggs leapt, hit sand, fired at three sets of legs pressed together, his free hand flailed, caught a blaster off what was left of a goo'd man's waist-band.


Shrieks in the courtyard, running men on refuse. Biggs dropped the disintegrator, stumbled to the wall. Tasting blood, looking at the three legless men - zap, zap, zap. Head shots.


Thumps in the room. Two rifles in grabbing range. Biggs yelled "we got him!," heard answering whoops, saw arms and legs coming out of the window. He picked up the closest blaster and let fly, full automatic: trapped targets, stone wall-face exploding, discarded droid parts igniting.


Over bodies into the room. The front door still open, his blasters were still on the ledge. A strange thump sounded; Biggs saw a man spread prone, aiming from behind the broken hover-bed.


He threw himself to the floor, kicked, missed. The man got of a shot - close. Bugs grabbed the lightsaber, ignited it in a stunning hum, leapt, slashed: the legs, the arm - the man was screaming and shooting wild 0 wide richochets. Biggs decapitated him and shut the saber off, stumbled over and toed the door shut, dropped the saber in lieu of his pistols, and just plain breathed.


The door shook, Biggs went flying with it - thermal detonation right outside. The fire was everywhere, cooking up bodies, fusing and melting the door - his only means of escape. From the courtyard: heavy repeating bolts blowing out wall chunks. Biggs caught one in the leg; a shot grazed his back. He hit the floor, the shots kept coming, the door went down. He was smack in the crossfire.


No more shots.


Biggs tucked his guns under his chest, spread himself dead-man style. Seconds dragged, four men walked in; holding blaster rifles. Whispers - "dead meat - "lets be real careful" - "crazy backwater dewback humper." Through the doorway - Antille's not one of them, footsteps.


Kicks in his side, heavy breathing, sneeps. A voice said, "ugly mustache."


Biggs jerked the foot; the foot man flipped backwards. Biggs swung around shooting - close range, all hits. The four men went down; Biggs got the topsy-turvy view; the courtyard: Wedge Antilles turning tail. Then, behind him, "Hello, Biggs."


Leia Organa stepped through the flames dressed in stormtrooper armor with fire overlays - she wore no helmet. Biggs saw his suitcase - ninety four-thousand and the spice - over by the slumped hover-bed. "Leia, you came prepared."


"Like the Jedi, Biggs. Like the Jedi. Last words?"


Suicide: heisting a deal Princess Leia watchdogged. Freaking Luke. Biggs raised his guns, Leia shot first. Biggs died thinking the old moisture farm looked just like the planet Geonosis.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


I'm aware of them' date=' but don't have much data - send away![/quote']I'll try to get this to you in the next 24 hours. (My wife has been on the computer the most since we've returned from vacation and it's time for bed for me.)
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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Sent via PM. Some of the information goes by the novels' date=' not just the movies. (I may have to watch the movies again to see if/where I can spot a [i']Victory[/i]-class as opposed to the Imperial-class.)


Thanks - I got them.


I should have another article up Friday (I'm thinking Kenobi).


The Victory class doesn't appear in the films. It was a rejected piece of concept art for the original Star Destroyer in A New Hope. It did appear, however, in Han Solo's Revenge, and the X-Wing Rogue Squadrom books (and some others, but I'm not sure which ones) - and they used the art in some sourcebooks endorsed by lucasfilms. Its included in continuity as the forerunner of the imperial class, though theoretically many were still in service when the galactic civil war was going on. I can still use it!

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Nice Work Von D. One thing of note about Chewie. His claws should also give him a bonus for climbing trees, as this is what the wookies use them for. The wookies have a code of honor that does not allow them to atually use their claws in combat. I was informed this years ago when I played a wookie in the original version of the Star Wars rpg.

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