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Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


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Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


[Emphasis added]


?!?!? Her family tree must look like a Mobius strip! OhNo.gif


This is what happens when you have to get up at 3 in the morning to be at work by five because of someone being on vacation.


Was supposed to say mother, but my brain was apparently ahead of my fingers.

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Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


[Emphasis added]


?!?!? Her family tree must look like a Mobius strip! OhNo.gif


Apropos of nothing, my wife played a character like that. She was a descendant of Arthur, in some fashion, but her family tree required time travel - at the very least - to compile, and an advanced degree in temporal physics to understand.

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Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


This is what happens when you have to get up at 3 in the morning to be at work by five because of someone being on vacation.


Was supposed to say mother, but my brain was apparently ahead of my fingers.




I kinda figgered. Stil, you have my thanks, and REP for providing such a golden straight line (which I can rarely resist).

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Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


The Invisible Black Canary


Sue Dinah Drake was dying of a rare throat cancer, but not even her closest friends knew. She didn't speak much, but when she did, her voice was unusually distinctive, seeming to be an odd mix of demure and sultry.


During the mission, she was accidently bombarded with cosmic radiation (although some have suspected it was an attempt to permanently silent Ms. Drake's research) but, oddly enough sent her throat cancer into remission. As a side-effect, whenever she screams, she sends out waves of destructive sonic energy, and with a silent inaudible whistle, she can make herself invisible. There seems to be a strange form of short-range teleportation involved, since turning invisible allows her to dodge attacks as if she wasn't there.


She still does not talk much, it is still far too easy to shout and cause great damage. And invisibility taxes her voice if she maintains for long periods.


(to her) "You don't talk much do you?"

"Perhaps, I'm more mindful of what words can really do."

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Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


Life had never been simple for low powered mutant Dinah Storm. She Had a fine voice and could use it as a piercing sonic attack. Paired with her martial arts training since grade school, she made a fine street level heroine. Her fiance was the brilliant scientist Oliver Richards. Since his college days he had been working on a force-field technology that would protect against even the most powerful cosmic radiation and any sort of meteorite a spacecraft might encounter.


At last, Oliver had built a prototype Deep space rocket with his special shields. He invited Dinah along for the test flight and off they went. Dr. Richards had calculated that solar flares would be very active, but he had underestimated them and miscalculated the effects of the shields. He had built in a syphon effect to power the shields from the radiation they protected from. Within minutes of being inside the intense solar radiation the shields became opaque and black and the power of the shelds increased 1000 fold, bathing the couple in its strange black force...


Dinah and Oliver have no idea what happened next. They woke up in a field

in upstate New York in the crater their ship had left. They had somehow survived the crash without a scratch. Just then a burning fuel tank exploded and a black force field appeared around them. Dinah knew she was projecting the force wall. Oliver found that he could also call up black force in the form of bolts he could shoot from his hands.


After this fateful day, Dinah went by the codename Black Force. Along with her partner and husband Black Arrow, she fights superhuman and alien threats alongside some of the most powerful heroes in the world.




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Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


He was a simple man, a hunter. One night he went hunting for he's family, it was dark and cold and he wasn't that young anymore. From the heavens he saw a light, a green glowing ball. He stood and watched as it came toward him, at thet very moment a wolverine attacked. An explosion hit the two and a strange melding of the two became one. As well as the man and beast becoming one the lantern that he had carried as well as the metal of the shotgun bonded with this new creature.


He had no memory of he's past, and for some time no real understanding of what he was. For years he wandered and remained hidden from the world outside he's woods. He became a ledgend, a creature that walked like a man and defended the land as if it was he's. This creature became know as the "The Green Wolverine." For he looked as if he were a man-sized wolverine with a strange green glow. This being was also know to save those lost in the woods and those that needed food, found it, just when they needed it.


In time, over a 100 years passed and in that time the mind of the man had vearned for a life outside he's woods, so he left. Finding that he could take on a fully human form he did so. He took the name Hal Lorgan, not remembering that had been he's name before he was reborn.


"The Green Wolverine" when he rejoined the world eventually became known as the "Green Lantern" for when he was in that human form what ever he could dream of became real to him. In he's human form he carries a old fashion lantern that seems to be the focus of he's abilites, but it is not.


He also learned that he could return to the glowing green form of the Wolverine, when he uses that form the world knows him as "Wolverine," in this form he is more beast than man and is a fighter of great power and never backs down or runs from a fight.


To the world now "Two" heroes fight the never ending battle to protect the innocent. One more than a man and the other more than a beast. To a few that know the truth he is the "The Green Wolverine."

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Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


Al Simmons was a janitor of the local police department with great skill. Not only was he good at his job, but he was also a master of the martial arts. He was able to defeat any challenger that came before him. Over time, he grew proud of his skill, showing off at police get-togethers.


At one such event, one of the off-duty officers, Sargent Flint, came at Al, intending to show he was not so tough. With lightning reflexes, Al killed the officer. For this murder, Al went to jail and faced the death penalty. Because he had killed another, Al went to Hell, where the demon Mephibolge promised Al a second chance at life... but at a cost.


Al was sent back to Earth, his sould inhabiting the form of a dog. With his demonic powers, Al was able to transform his canine self into a more humanoid figure, but still possessing twisted, demonic features -- a long red cape, black armor, and green-glowing eyes.


Haunting Al is the memory of his lover, Rosemary. Taunting him every step of the way is a demon inhabiting the form of a cat, calling himself Spot.





There.... now my brain hurts..... need ice.....


Must... stop talking like.... KIRK!

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


Firts time to try this so hear goes...


Henry Simmons was a mild seeming janitor at the local police department. Secretly he was a highly trained assassin for the U.S. government, the best at what he did. Little did he know that while he thought he was doing his duty for god and country, Henry was actually performing murders for the other side. Dark spirits disguised as his “friend” and government contact, Sergeant Flint, where guiding Henry along a path of evil, recruiting him for their demon armies. Then Rosemary came into Henry’s life. Everything changed for him; he began to question his involvement in the missions until the Dark Lord Spotphisto decided he needed to recruit him now, or it would be too late. Sending Henry into the field, Spotphisto ordered Flint to go with him to “send him to his new post.” They set the explosives in the plant. As they began to leave Flint shot Henry, telling him that soon he will meet the real man in charge, and then he set off the explosives. In hell Henry could not get the thought of Rosemary out of hi mind. Striking a deal with Spotphisto, Henry returns to earth as…Spawn Kong Phooey, Number 1 demon guy!!

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Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


here's an amalgamation

jeannie and shalimar fox[tv's mutant x]



I think you mean Jean Grey soooo...


Firefox: Jean Fox was a normal girl that grew up in Detroit, Michigan. When she was 10 her parents were killed in a mugging gone wrong. Alone in a rough neighborhood, she learned to steal and con for a living. When she turned 16, she discovered a man called Purple Larry. Larry promised her food, a home, and a job to make money. She took it only to realize that he was just a pimp and Jean would have to make ends meat but prostituting herself to city officials and gangsters alike.


This went on for 3 years until one day Jean was serving a mysterious client at a motel. One minute she was there drinking wine and pretending to care about what client was talking about, the next she was on a cold medical table, restrained and dizzy. The client said "Don't worry this won't hurt a bit"


Jean awoke in a cell, her head buzzing. Her senses were on hyper mode. She could smell everything, hear the breathing of a fly in the next room, and see from afar. The overload of senses drove Jean mad and she began trying to break out of the cell the cell.


"Interesting," a woman said to the man who was Jean's captor. "She seems to have taken well to the cat DNA Dr. Moreau."


"Yes, it seems like she has," Dr. Moreau chuckled morbidly. "Her senses are now keen and her athletics should be off the chart. I will run some tests on her tonight as we..."


"Doctor look!" the woman pointed at Jean. Jean's body was covered with a fire-like energy. She howled a sinister roar as she began hitting the wall of the cell, breaking through it.


Alarms started to blare. "Men!" Moreau yelled. "Take her down but leave her alive!"


Several armed men came to the cell to try and stop Jean, only to be ripped apart by her unparalleled strength. Jean's agility helped her dodge most attacks and she soon escaped from the laboratory. Her mind was still on overload when she passed out.


Jean came to on the bank of a river where an old black man had been watching her. He took the poor girl into his home and fed her. Her sensory overload had faded and she regained control of herself. The man called himself Abraham Jenkins and he said that he saw Jean's "fiery" aura and feral behavior before she passed out. Abraham showed Jean that he too had special abilities and how he had learned how to control his powers (telekinesis). From then on he trained Jean in controlling her senses and using them to not only better herself but to also take on the responsibility of helping the downtrodden.


Jean now fights crime in Detroit as Firefox. She began with cleaning out the pimps and drug dealers, including Purple Larry. Things from there escalated to fighting gangs and then other supervillians. Jean has learned quickly in fights against others as strong, and some stronger, as her. She proves herself to be a formidable opponent to anyone that doesn't watch their back.


Powers: Jean "Firefox" Fox has feline-based abilities given to her by Dr. Moreau. This includes sharp senses, great agility, and climbing skills. The stress of the sensory overload has unlocked a latent psychokinetic power that manifests in a "fiery aura". This ranges from an energy field and limited telekinesis of her "Kitsune Arms" to tactile telekinesis and fiery claws to damage people.


Jean is Asian and 21. She is 5' 8" and has short black hair.




EDIT: Wait a tick, aren't they both in the same universe? Also it is weird that the original is called Shadow Fox yet she has cat DNA... Oh well

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Re: Amalgamation Hero, let's create new Heroes from old ones


no i meant the tv character shalimar fox portrayed by victoria pratt

jeannie of corse refers to major nelsons unwanted servant


Yes I got the Fox character down. I saw the show before. Jeannie I must've messed up on... I don't know who she is...


EDIT: Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie??? What the...?

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