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[Campaign] The Last Dominion


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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Good Grief!


Talk about a different skill set from what we had been!:sneaky:


I, for one, was totally UNPREPARED for what transpired tonight!:o


When Eosin posts the transcript of activities, Please help me find the silver lining to the thundercloud that was my actions!:straight:


We are off with a bang! Once again, I earn the distinction of being a rat bastard GM. 6 Days in Tharad/Ptolus and already things are ugly and convoluted with bodies lining the streets. None of them belong to the players... yet.


Tonights highlights included a ship load of neglected slaves, a surly handler named Olivier, and Navanna Vladaam totally owning Kaid/Jayme (Nightsticks Character). Nightstick got 2 XP and a 15 point Disad in the first game ~ he gets to decide if the Disad is A) Obligation: Vladaam Family or B)Hunted: Vladaam Family



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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Year Four

Spring of IC 1079, the campaign resumes.


Jayme looked across the table and smiled incredulously at his father. “You want us to take command of a hostile city filled with 70,000 people. Just the five of us?”


Prince Andris nodded as if the matter were already settled. “Cousin, there are already factions and struggles within the city that threaten to tear her apart. All that you need to do is make the right allies to remove this dagger from our breast.”


Hearing this the swordsman, Arron, walked away from the table, “I am not a diplomat.” He thumbed the pommel of his blade to remind everyone exactly what he was…


“No, you are a soldier and this is a war for Ro’s sake and sometimes soldiers have to fight with tools other than swords. I am a soldier as well but imagine the disaster that would befall us if I confined my efforts to simply spilling blood. We don’t get to choose all of our battles and heaven help us if we lose this one.” Prince Andris had stood during his tirade, more than a little put off by the young knights attitude. His goblet came to hand allowing him a moment to settle his frustrations. The current impasse in the war efforts only played to Rafn’s advantage.


"Look, let's start small. The Duchess recieved a letter asking for assistance a few weeks ago. An old servant of hers works for one of the noble families in Tharad. It would seem the family has fallen on hard times. The heads of house both perished on a shipboard fire 2 months ago and the heir is missing. In the interum his sister, Lidia Vanderboren has assumed the duties. I am not sure what the nature of the problem could be but it offers us a chance to forge a hidden alliance at the least and may offer us insights into what is happening in the city." The Duke took the pause as an opprotunity to move the discussion to a sitting room. His relaxed mantle of leadership helped keep all heads directed and level.


At the door to the sitting room the duke looked on his two sons and his grandson - who would claim the throne of Middea as his own - they were so different. Before anyone else could speak the duke poured some wine and lifted it to all, "Here is to small steps and great deeds. No war is ever won by a single event. Go to Tharad and see what there is to see. Rumors are wild since the Night of Fire. The city is divided. The night is dangerous and given to those who rule through fear and foul deeds. If we can stop this - if you can stop this - I know you will."


The wine flowed freely deep into the cool spring night while strategy and operations were discussed. Here in the private dining room of Cabryn Fortress there was no ceremony and no one question went unanswered, save for the most important question of all — could five men neutralize the gaping tactical hole in Andris Ragnerik’s campaign to remove his step brother from the throne?


DM Note One: Andris and Duke Wingate gave the players each 50 gold coins ($5,000 USD) to start them on their campaign. I purchased nearly five hundred play coins from “Dead Man’s Chest” and gave these out as real coins that they will spend during the adventure. The props went over well and add a “cool” flavor to the city where money talks.


DM Note 2: The other prop is the massive vinyl map of Ptolus. It is a great visual and was the main selling point of buying the book for me. I picked the thing up at Gencon 2006.



The wait to enter the city took most of the morning. Refugees and those who feared that they would soon enter that status crushed together in the mud and rain waiting to pay the “gate toll” in the hopes of finding sanctuary behind the impressive walls. The curtain wall encircling Tharad was massive and daunting but then all walls appear that way until an army stands before them.


Arron and Tara entered the city first. The young urchin was saved from slavery years ago by Arron and had lived under his protection since, first in Highvale and then in Northrun. Arron considered leaving her in Northrun but her knowledge of the city and her determination to help her foster father won her a place in the mission. Ducked through the gate taking a little traveled side street leading Arron to a quiet hostel where the pair were greeted as old friends.


Torean, Isolde, Shir (the nanny), and the twin girls crossed the massive gates later in the day. A day spent wandering the city convinced Torean that he could best leverage his talents from Emerald Hill in Midtown among the Erenn. The neighborhood has a dangerous reputation but Torean has past dealings with the Erenn, enough that he feels his family will be safe.

Freya and Jayme (known as “Kaid” the minor nobleman from Envernes) entered Tharad shortly before nightfall. The two quickly parted ways.


Day 2:

Arron walked the cobbled streets of the Guildsmen District searching for the House of Iron where all manner of metal workers meet to discuss guild business and life in general. The smoky haze of industry stung the country boys throat and eyes.


The cold stares of the meeting hall were no more than he expected. Like steel, those who work metal must prove their temper. After producing a letter of introduction and proving his status as a journeyman weaponsmith a small mousey man assigned him to report to a foundry for a few days work to see if his skills could earn him a place at a masters forge.


Toren wandered the city save for those areas where it was obvious that he would not be welcome. Inns, watering holes, and dens of inequity were too many to keep track of but a few places stood out where a man like himself could get some work.


The evening was spent in the Gatehouse Pub in the company of a guardsmen deep in his cup over a woman. The conversation was gently steered towards those who might broker information within the city. In truth the poor fellow didn’t know much other than the unofficial word among the guard that included several citizens who were “off limits” unless you were feeling particularly stupid. Two names came out of the exchange: Echaebin, a secretive informant who could get nearly any answer for a price and Kirow, one of the Arimite “merchants” who lived in the closed neighborhood called the Kaarie.


Day 3:

Arron bustled among the clerks and minor bureaucrats of Oldtown, shuffling from line to line in an effort to establish himself (read get a license and guild approval) to perform ad hoc work as a scribe.


Freya applied himself at the Foundry (Rolled a 3 on his Weaponsmith check). His work so impressed the master smith that an offer to work as a journeyman was immediately extended to him.


Isolde secured a house in Emerald Hill for the family. Torean didn’t press for details. While he had been carousing for the last few days, it was obvious that his wife was meeting with the strange women who sometimes came to visit her in Northrun. He was startled to see her get results so quickly and without needing any money.


Early morning in Dalenguard Jayme/Kaid applied to have the Baron recognize his patent of nobility. His father’s men had prepared the patent ensuring that it would pass any scrutiny. Unfortunately, the various fees amounted to a large amount of gold in part because Jayme has neglected his administrative skills in favor of his study of magic.


As he settled in for the evening, Jayme was surprised to find a well appointed carriage waiting for him at the inn. Soon, he was wished towards Dalenguard and beyond into the Nobles District. The Vladaam Estate overlooks the cliffs of Dalenguard but location is the least opulent aspect of this magnificent estate.


Dinner with Navanna and Godfried Vladaam proved more than Kaid could manage. The canny Navanna implied, coerced, twisted, and cornered Kaid several times in the after dinner pleasantries. By the time she had dismissed him, Kaid had accepted an offer to reside at the Rosewood Estate in return for future considerations to her family. Kaid was ill prepared for this style of confrontation and kicked himself during the carriage ride for his lack of understanding who or what just occurred.


Day 4

Meeting Lidia Vanderboren and uncovering her problems...

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


We are off with a bang! Once again, I earn the distinction of being a rat bastard GM. 6 Days in Tharad/Ptolus and already things are ugly and convoluted with bodies lining the streets. None of them belong to the players... yet.


Tonights highlights included a ship load of neglected slaves, a surly handler named Olivier, and Navanna Vladaam totally owning Kaid/Jayme (Nightsticks Character). Nightstick got 2 XP and a 15 point Disad in the first game ~ he gets to decide if the Disad is A) Obligation: Vladaam Family or B)Hunted: Vladaam Family




Yeah it got pretty ugly but at least Kaid got out of there alive, for how ling remains to be seen, but at least they don't know he's a mage so he dose have an ace up his sleeve, I hope for his sake he plays it at the right time.

Arron dosn't want to tell Wingate "We regret to inform you your son died because he was stupid."

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


I am using significant portions of 1st adventure in the Isle of Dread AP... It remains to be seen what else from the series will see any use. Intertwined with that are various other adventures including "Murder at the Vulgar Unicorn", the Ptolus Chapter 33 Adventure, one of the "Bleeding Edge Adventures" and a few other Dungeon tidbits. Where one ends and the others begin is pretty grey. All mixed in with that are the various homebrew plots and organizations.


A good deal of the strait D&D stuff has been reduced to its core elements and denuded of several dozen spell casters unless they make sense.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Adventure Week 1 (Part 2)

Day 4

DM Notes: The party has elected to spilt up in Tharad/Ptolus to maximize individual threads of data. This is pretty routine for our Dark Champions characters but it remains to be seen how well this will work in a world without cell-phones or quick travel. Already there are some issues that arose due to Kaid generating an ugly random encounter when he registered his patent of nobility by his lonesome.


After a midmorning meal Arron, Torean, and Freya met at the Ghostly Minstrel to discuss the upcoming meeting with Liddia Vanderboren. Kaid arrived late, looking pale and a little nervous to be greeting his companions.


“I think I found us an inroad to the dirty politics of the city,” he said trying to soften the upcoming topic. “I am sorry to be so late but I needed to move my stuff into the Rosewood Estate in the Nobles District.”


Eyebrows raised at the comment. Prior discussions had indicated that Kaid had nowhere near the funding required to insinuate himself into the upper echelons of society.


Freya smiled at Kaid’s obvious discomfort. He liked to see the rival mage squirm and this was obviously a squirmy situation.


“The Vladaam family has graciously offered to foot the bill of my rebuilding efforts. I had an eventful dinner with Navanna and Godfried last night.” Kaid tossed a small chapbook to the table, the dog-eared corner marking the entry on the Vladaams.

“One of the oldest noble families of Middea dating their foundation to a time before Sojen. The Vladaam’s have incurred a dark reputation that only seems to grow with time. The current head of the family has been traveling for years but his children are some of the most notorious residents of Tharad. The family is rumored to be involved with dark magic, crime, and other things too foul to mention.”

It was quickly determined that Kaid was likely to be watched if the Vladaam’s intended to use him towards their own ends (whatever those might be is a mystery). The meeting quickly broke up after deciding that Kaid would not accompany them to the Vanderboren Estate this afternoon. Torean would pay Kaid a visit tonight and they would discuss other issues related to maintaining contact.


The men donned fine clothes and cleaned themselves up a bit before trying to get through Dalengaurd without a nobleman to escort them.

Concocted reasons for visiting the Vanderboren Estate went over well, earning them the meeting that had been delayed for a week.


Liney, the maid who originally sent word to the Duchess of Wingate, answered the door with a shuffling walk. The woman was old, far to old to be serving as a maid or to be answering the door. Still, the stooped woman led them to a sitting parlor where they were to await the pleasure of Lady Vanderboren. The house was massive and well appointed but curiously empty of any other servants.


A short while later several men-at-arms appeared from the Lady’s private study. These were rugged sorts, not casual thugs. The leader, Borgrim, looked over the companions taking note of Torean and Isolde. Arron had maintained his scribes garb and somehow escaped notice (lucky roll).


The study was musky with a feel of old wealth and power. A polished wood desk decorated with intricate engravings sat in the corner although the enchanting Lidda sat among the new comers rather than behind the desk.


Small talk was exchanged while the friends introduced themselves and explained that they had been contacted by the maid Liney. The news upset Lady Vanderboren but it was obvious that the needs of her pride were less potent than whatever drove her maid to seek help.


Arron was the first to address the issue directly by tackling the question of the mercenaries, “who were those men and what are they doing for you?”


Lady Vanderboren took a moment to study the scribe who addressed her so forwardly. “My younger sister is in Chandra at the leisure of the crown. I want her back before she ends up married to some fool nobleman, which would make me expendable,” the words weren’t harsh; they were simply the way things were for an unmarried female in command of prestigious titles. “Those men are going to get her for me and ensure that nothing happens to her.”


Lady Vanderborn took the bluntness to ask a question of her own, “why does Duke Wingate want to help me?”


Isolde approached the noble woman, “He needs allies where they can be found but he doesn’t presume to extort your trust.”


Arron elaborated, “the Duke sent us but whatever we might do for you is of our own will and offered freely.” It seems the young bladesmen might be smitten by the beauty of Liddia Vanderboren.


Satisfied with the answers Liddia explained her predicament. “My mother and father died during a fire on one of our ships, the Ice Runner. Technically, that left my older brother with all titles and honors but he has been missing as well. The duty of running the house has fallen to me. When Mother and Father died they left behind a fortune but the vast majority of that wealth is stored in the vaults of Oldtown. The vaults are held in trust by the Baron and may only be opened with a signet ring proving the identity of the bearer. I don’t have that ring and right now, I cannot get to it because some stinky, smelly, commoner thug in the employ of the harbormaster has swindled me out of money and fathers ship. I paid 80 gold crowns in back fees for mooring on the city docks but now the pig denies that he received any money. I tried to contact the harbor master but without the funds to buy friends in court, I have been dismissed. That fat slug dismissed me as if I were some street walker who he was done with… He wouldn’t even consent to meeting with me.” Liddia sat heavily into an overstuffed chair, acutely aware of how angry the subject made her.


“I know where my fathers ring is and if I can get ahold of it the majority of my problems will melt away. Will you get on board my fathers ship and retrieve the ring for me?”


Specifics were addressed in an effort to clarify where the ring might be and what this Assistant Harbormaster — one “stinky commoner thug” named Sollis — might be doing with the Vanderboren ship.


Later that evening…


The door to the Rosewood Estate opened slightly so that Torean could see a sliver of light escaping. “Yes,” came a liquid voice from behind the door.


“I am to see Lord Kaid,” replied the bard.


“I’ll see if he is expecting you?” the voice was condescending and grated on Torean’s nerves. The door shut in his face.


A few more minutes in the damp night air passed before the door swung open. Olivier, the butler, waited for a moment before motioning Torean into the manor. “Wipe your feet.”


Torean was escorted to a door down the long southern hall where he was instructed to have a seat. Olivier backed out of the room with a warning, “please don’t soil anything with the oils from your hands. It is all quite valuable.”


Minutes later Olivier and Kaid appeared in the doorway. Kaid moved to sit and dismissed Olivier. The butler glided down the hall stopping to speak with a maid who suddenly found herself moving toward the sitting room to complete her "cleaning."


Torean made small talk for a moment to ensure that Kaid recognized that they were being observed. “I can give you a schedule of my performance fees, if you have some parchment."


Kaid waved the maid over and instructed her to find Olivier and some parchment.


During the unobserved moments the two formulated a plan to meet up at the Black Swan Tavern where they could talk without being overheard. If needed Kaid would meet Isolde (Torean’s wife) and take her to a room which would likely be dismissed as a noble dalliance of no significance.


Oliver entered without knocking. He inspected to room - sure to find something missing - before handing over the parchment, commenting “the paper is expensive, my Lord.”


After Torean had left, Kaid cornered Olivier to ask about taverns. Several upscale establishments were mentioned and rejected before Olivier hit on one that would be “pedestrian” enough for Lord Kaid.


DM Note: Olivier is obviously the Vladaam handler and fears Kaid not in the least. His condescending attitude was the source of many chuckles.


Day 5:

Much of the day is spent around the docks trying to pick up information about the Harbormaster, Sollis, and the Blue Spray. [Torean’s Streetwise].


The Blue Spray was not moored as was expected but was instead anchored a few hundred feet out in the bay. As night fell, Kaid arrived along with a rough looking thug trailing him. Arron waited until they were all in a seedy dive before picking a very short fight. Interestingly, the thug had fingernails painted black.


Now clear, Kaid made his way to one of the open fires where he could use his magic [Fire Sight] to look aboard the ship where lanterns lit the deck.


Two guards were noted on deck but it was the lantern in the main hold that revealed chained humans stacked like cordwood and guarded by a nasty looking woman with a crossbow. The ship was being used to store slaves.


The luck of Ro was with the land loving party as they made their way unseen to the Blue Spray. Torean’s knives took care of the two watchmen (one of whom was asleep).


The hold proved no more difficult to Arron as he nearly killed the crossbow toting woman with a blow to the head. The slaves were in sorry shape: dehydrated and malnourished, they were unable to even attempt to escape. Several had smothered or been crushed at the bottom of the piles.


The revulsion of such sorry treatment of other humans paled in comparison to the discovery of a caged Blackfire Wight. Somehow this sorry lot had captured one of the Ennwrathi creatures and apparently planned on selling it.


Filled with righteous wrath, the party delivered a bloody ending to the remaining slavers (all 4 were sleeping). Sollis and his “woman” were discovered in the captains quarters (don’t ask). The two were questioned and the gene pool was enriched by their passing.


There was a good deal of concern over the next coarse of action. The slaves could not be left to die and the Blackfire Wight had to be disposed of but it was unlikely that the party could accomplish either without significant risk. Eventually, a signal for aid was sent from the deck of the ship to which four sailors answered. A few gold later and the ship was moving towards the piers. The Blackfire Wight was dumped, cage and all into the sea.


Day 6

An early morning trip to the Vanderboren Estate earned the group much praise. Arron once again stated that Lady Vanderboren owed them nothing for the favor. He also made it known that the ship was being used by slavers, including Sollis, who would never be a problem for the Vanderborens again.


The money for the back mooring fees was returned to Liddia without ceremony or fuss for which she was very grateful and even a little stunned.


In the afternoon, the party (disguised as guardsmen with helms) met Liddia at the Oldtown Vaults where they were able to access the Vanderboren riches. Unfortunately, much of those riches had already been taken by Vanthus Vanderboren — Liddia’s missing brother. Still, there was more than enough to settle many of the problems facing Lidda as well as enough that she should be able to hire staff and collect on dues owed to her.



As Liddia and Arron were parting ways, Arron asked a favor to help maintain his identity. He would like to be “hired” as the Vanderboren scribe which would give him access to the nobles district and an alibi if needed. In return for being at the estate, Arron would help perfect her sword skills. Liddia consented to the favor. The smile on her face hinted that she liked the idea of being closer to the young swordsmen. No doubt that she was not the only one who entertained improper ideas.


Session Wrap Up

Experience: All players were awarded 2 XP and an DM allocated 1 Point City Knowledge: Tharad. I should be able to post each characters total XP after some digging but they average around 190 points, give or take.



I provided fake coins for the players to use as a visual and tactile prop. Money is darned important in a city style game so the props get some use. These went over well with the group and earned several favorable comments. One player had wealth, which is now a verboten Perk in my fantasy game. To compensate for the loss he got 60 gold crowns up front and he got his XP back.



One: Kaid got beaned with an ugly random encounter and made due. Unfortunately for him, he talked his way into a disad. Right now he has an obligation to the Vladaam Family (and he is being watched on an 8-) but if he ever reneges on his Obligation that'll turn into a Hunted. It isn't as all fired bad as the group is making out other than he is associated with some really creepy people who will no doubt attempt to suck him into their depravity.


Two: The party is sorely underdeveloped for city style play. Interaction skills suck, non-combat skills are non-existent, and-obviously-knowledge of the city is infantile. Only the bard has a set of significant city skills and the party is mostly split up. I am intrigued to see where XP are getting spent.



It was a fun game. We didn't get as much done as I expected but much of that was the choice of the players. I tried to bypass the settling down and finding a place to live in favor of a more adventure oriented first time out but they were having none of that and wanted to establish their new place in the city before meeting Lady Vanderboren. I think this had as much to do with Kaid's misfortunate encounter as anything else.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Torean already has Conversation, Disguise, Oratory, Persuasion, Seduction, Shadowing, Streetwise, and I can speak (and read) three languages. Nonetheless 3 of my 4 unspent points after this night's play went to buy three Familiarities; High Society, Concealment and Acting. I am sorely tempted to dump my last remaining point in a KS: Tharad Underworld. Since I have Scholar I can get 11- for one point.


Sadly mine is the only character built for this sort of high interaction style of game. Kaid is going to have to learn fast. Currently the Vladaam clan can lie to him like experts but he is lacking in the skills needed to effectively hide any prevarications from them. Until he can get his Acting and Conversation skills up to snuff he is putty in their hands. This isn't really his fault. It takes a lot of character points to build a mage and thus was forced to skimp on other skills.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


Nice write-up and I'm glad to see the players all seem to be enjoying themselves.


I'm currently playing through The Savage Tide adventure path at Hero Central and find it enjoyable, though a bit eerie to see the same thing written about here.


I am sure this'll be different enough to keep you guessing. Already we have slaves instead of exotic creatures and somehow undead got thrown into the mix. I am not sure if the next adventure will feature part two from the Savage Tide - there is a nice gap that allows me to insert some other stuff.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


When you're in over your head in social situations, there's two things you can do-


1) Shut up. Close your mouth, and stop answering questions. "I"m sorry, but I'm really not knowledgeable enough to comment," "No doubt," etc. Just use absolutely meaningless frases that don't say anything.


2) Run your mouth a mile a minute to EVERYONE. NO ONE will be able to figure out what you mean and what you don't, and be afraid of your tongue. Do they tell you truth or lies? You'll spread them either way, will someone figure them out though? If they tell you just lies, then you know what to NOT look at, but if they tell you truth, that's a risk, etc.

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion




The "action" that he was talking about wasn't really the king of "action' that I'd be bragging about!:o


My housewarming party got a "little" blue for me!:doi: I had to make an acting roll and quite literally vacate my own estate! DOUBLE TIME!

Godfreid, (the BIG bodyguard for Navanna Vladim(?)) was after my a**!:hush:

He thought that I would be a little more rough than what he was used to.:ugly:

I guess Olivier (my handler) had to make due for him:D


I will NEVER intentionaly, willingly, voluntarily, go to one of their parties again!:no:

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Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion


I don't get it. I've never heard that. What is the cliche from?


Godfried Vladaam is a 6'8" 350 lb mound of walking muscle sporting a weapon called a "Hunger Sword." He is about as sick as they come in terms of violence - basically a freak sociopath but not nearly so bright as our modern ones. Anyway, as Sir Kaid's party degenerated into something X-rated, Godfried attempted to seduce Kaid with talks of rough sex and maiming servants for sport.


The strait Kaid was put in a pickle and didn't want any part in the debauchery that was occuring within his house. When he spurned the advances of Godried, he thought he was done. That is, until he found himself becoming uncommonly sleepy. He fled the house at that point fearing that he was drugged for the purposes of non-consentual liberties.


The inside joke is a KotDT reference. In the comic, a substitute DM ended up having one of the PCs raped while the primary DM was away. After that event, the player could not play the PC again. He was told that the whole thing didn't happen, it was a dream sequence, ect... To which he replied, "There are something that can't be erased off a character sheet."


DM Note: Kaid was never in any immenent danger of of actual rape. I could not do that to a character (male or female, strait or gay). The threat of such an event was my intent as a GM. It is one thing to say "this guy is a sicko" and another to viscerally demonstrate the nature of his illness. Kaid also doesn't know who poisoned him with any kind of confidence. He can imply causation to Godfried but that could be a deadly mistake if he is wrong.


PS - I am trying to get the game notes together but there was a metric load of stuff done this game session. The EOG list is abuzz with all the "doh" moments about getting trapped at the end as well. I love leaving games at a cliff hanger moment.

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