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Spatial Awareness


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Re: Spatial Awareness




If it is something the player must activate, then no. If it is a sense (as in always on & inherent to the character), then yes. Unless of course the lurker coming from behind is invisible to spatial awareness, or has a special effect that might defeat the special effect (like desolid).


Think it through and stick with whatever you decide.

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Re: Spatial Awareness


Thanks for the reply. When I saw 10+ views and no reply, I was beginning to think I was in the realm of "so-obvious-not-worth-answering" territory.


It is an inherent sense. Considering the cost of spatial awareness I'm inclined to agree. A short range teleporter chose this rather than safe blind.

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Re: Spatial Awareness


Bear in mind the PER roll - it shouldn't be an "autodetect", unless I'm forgetting something in the writeup for spatial awareness. If the character fails the PER roll, then surprise is possible. However, depending on the SFX of the sense, failing the PER roll might be akin to failing a PER roll to see an opponent in front of you by using Normal Vision, so GM accordingly.

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Re: Spatial Awareness


I'm of the opinion that spatial awareness requires a PER roll to notice an attack from behind, assuming said attacker is attempting to be sneaky. The description says nothing about it being "automatic" for detection purposes, but I can see the analogy to it being like someone just walking up in front of you.


I suppose it boils down to SFX for me too. Someone whose 360 spatial awareness is based on sensing air currents (like a PC in the game I ran) would not necessarily be foiled by someone who stuck to the shadows and stayed quiet - but an assassin with desolidification might be treated as invisible to him (esp. if he's got LS: Doesn't breathe), as the desolid guy shouldn't affect the air (just passes through it without disturbing it). "Invisibility to Spatial Awareness" in this case might be defined as specific breath control techniques, timing one's movements to the ambushee if he needs to stop and focus on the currents every few steps, etc. Another guy whose spatial awareness was based on mystically sensing anything blue would have no issues with any of the above.

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Re: Spatial Awareness


Technically, Stealth might slip by Spatial Awareness, just like it might slip by sight, but speaking as a guy who bought 360 for one of his characters, it should be at least as hard to sneak past. It's a targeting sense too.


Not that I'm biased or anything ;)

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