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Help Me Set up a Pulp Campaign


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Hi guys!


After a few months away from the HERO system, I find myself preparing to run a Pulp HERO campaign for a few friends.


I've got a few things going on in my head about the campaign, and I've written up a short bit on the premise:




This campaign takes place during the early 1920's where the memory of the Great War still hung over the minds of those who have fought in it, witnesses to the devastation that science can bring with such potent weaponry as machine guns and mustard gas. The rising prominence of World War I flying aces brought an unmatched sense of wonder to the art of aviation, and many a child dreamed of becoming one of the flying knights of the sky.


With the nightmare of the war fading away to boundless optimism, there are still those who feel that the world needs help in becoming a true Utopian society. A shadowy multi-millionaire known only as the Benefactor has come to the conclusion that for world to truly make progress, there must be those who are willing to take risks and perform the daring deeds necessary. He needed a select few whose unmatched expertise in their respective fields could make the world truly safe for all mankind, regardless of race, creed, nationality or gender.


You are among those chosen.


Peerless in your specialties, and each one crucial to fighting off the sinister threats that constantly assault the world from the shadows. Your enemies are numerous, mad scientists, evil generals, voodoo witch doctors, vampires, secret societies and heinous masterminds all challenge your skills and capabilities.


As the world looks forward to the future, you are there to make it happen.




Now for the questions:


Can anyone give me suggestions for a name of this group that the Benefactor has put together? For some reason only "Project: Utopia" (from White Wolf's Aberrant series) sticks in my head.


Also, a player has expressed interest in playing a descendant of Abraham Van Helsing, and would like her character to be of a semi-mystical sort. Because of that, she's built a 30 Point Multipower for mystical powers, but she and I are both pulling blanks as to what magic abilities would work in the context of Pulp. She's more than willing to take the necessary harsh limitations on spellcasting as suggested by the Pulp HERO book... it's just that we can't think of any powers right now. (Active point cap at 60 for this campaign) so any suggestions or power builds would be most appreciated.

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Re: Help Me Set up a Pulp Campaign


I have a suggestion for powers, but I dont know if this will fit with what you want.


A detect possibly monsters, perhaps specifically vampires. A find weakness skill (This monster can be killed by salt). And a HKA to target that weakness with an OAF (Stake in the heart).



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Re: Help Me Set up a Pulp Campaign


A mystic "utility belt" might be suitably pulpy. If you can work it out with the player, allowing them to use Variable Special Effect would give them some nice adapability. Expanding on csyphrett's suggestions, how about a HKA, Variable Special Effect (silver, wood, holly, etc.), or a Force Wall, Variable Special Effect (salt, holy symbol, etc.)? Most supernatural creatures already have Vulnerabilities or Susceptibilities that will cripple them in the face of certain effects, so the character doesn't need to invest too large a portion of her points.


Other abilities that may work, depending on your campaign world:

Detect A Class Of Things (Magic/Supernatural)

Dispel Summon

Ego Attack


Beyond the Multipower, have a look at the Power skill as well, good for a few things the character may have to improvise, and Combat Luck (or even Damage Reduction) since monster hunters often take a beating.

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Re: Help Me Set up a Pulp Campaign


Can anyone give me suggestions for a name of this group that the Benefactor has put together? For some reason only "Project: Utopia" (from White Wolf's Aberrant series) sticks in my head.


The Future

The Bringers/Builders of the Future

The Daylight Brigade (a tip o' the hat to "The Midnight Brigade")

The Positives

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Re: Help Me Set up a Pulp Campaign


For the group name- the Sky Knights, The Tommorow Men or maybe Future Flight. I have let players in Pulp campaigns use up to a 30 point magic pool before . I required they buy 5 pt skill with magic that let them use there pool on an 11 or less. This is changeable by skill levels. Incant and Gesture were also used to modify the cost.

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Re: Help Me Set up a Pulp Campaign


Thanks for the suggestions, guys!


The Specials sounds good, and so does the Tomorrow Men, The Positives has a nice ring to it as well... I'll pitch them to the players tomorrow and see what happens.


The magic pool suggestions are looking good, I'll bring up the idea of a utility belt to her and see how she takes it. She probably wouldn't mind, but she's not that much of a system buff, so it's up to me to figure out all the stuff in it, i guess. Specializing in vampires would be a nice touch.

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Re: Help Me Set up a Pulp Campaign


Hi guys!


Also, a player has expressed interest in playing a descendant of Abraham Van Helsing, and would like her character to be of a semi-mystical sort. Because of that, she's built a 30 Point Multipower for mystical powers, but she and I are both pulling blanks as to what magic abilities would work in the context of Pulp. She's more than willing to take the necessary harsh limitations on spellcasting as suggested by the Pulp HERO book... it's just that we can't think of any powers right now. (Active point cap at 60 for this campaign) so any suggestions or power builds would be most appreciated.


Van Helsing, if still alive, would probably be a bit under 100 - so for "descendant" read grandchild or similar nephew/niece/apprentice.


For pulp magic, you generally want small and subtle. For 30 points or less, you can see what's on the other side of the wall (clairvoyance), see in the dark, detect occult energies, inscribe a circle of protection (force wall), or invoke the Power to frighten enemies (+30 PRE for Presence Attacks). Dispel might be quite useful if you expect to meet mystical baddies.


Stealing from Dracula's knowledge/abilities, you've got Clinging, Multiform, Mind Control/hypnotism, Desolidification, all of which could work well at the pulp level.


Some truly cool effects can be generated with a simple 10-STR TK with Fine Manipulation. Even better if you can build it with Invisible Power Effects. Speaking of cool effects, check out Images, which for 30 points and a bit of creativity, can be delightful.


Of course, The Shadow had Invisibility and little else in the mystic sphere.


Astral projection, even in its simplest Clairvoyance form, is certainly useful and within genre.


That should get things started, eh?

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Re: Help Me Set up a Pulp Campaign


If you can get hold of a copy of the game "Adventure" (the White Wolf game that was sadly left without support by the company) it has some useful abilities in chapter 4 under "knacks" such as "Master of Dissimulation", "Lie Detector"and "Steely Gaze" and some "Psychic Knacks" such as "Brain Skimming" (able to read surface thoughts) "Command Voice"(low level mind control for simple commands), "Inspirational Aura"( the ability to inspire others to greater feats) and perhaps some low level telekinesis.

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