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Police Miniatures and similar figs


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I'm hoping the helpful folks on the boards might aid me in a minor quest of mine... Like many gamers I'm a bit of a miniatures collector, but when it comes to Champions, it can be tough to find the right figs some times. Thanks to HeroClix, we finally have a range of miniatures to rep. our various heroes and villains nicely (either via repaints or conversions), but finding figs to represent our various by standers, etc. can be harder. To that end, I'm starting this thread to try and collect people's suggestions for Police Figures. I'll start off with some of the ones I've found, and please add any others you know of that make decent street cops and detectives. :)


First up is the HeroClix Gotham Police. I've got several of these guys along with their detectives and thug figures. Not bad, but you're really limited in terms of poses, etc. and they look dated to me. HeroClix also has some other good detectives in the form of Commissioner Gordan, a detective or two, the Nick Fury from the Sinister line, and obviously their SHIELD agents make great UNTIL troopers (and their Hydra agents are great Viper stand ins, but I digress...).




Next from West Wind Productions Road Kill Line, Police Officers. I liked these guys instantly for their classic "street cop" look. Throw these guys down next to some matchbox police cars and some HeroClix thugs, and you've got a great shoot out in the making:



West Wind also makes a nice set of detectives in body armor and some SWAT figures that compliment these figures nicely.


Finally, from Tactical Miniatures we've got the Big City PD figs. These guys are by far the best modern looking cops I've seen. The artist based them on LAPD officers and the attention to uniform details is immediately apparent. I also like that they have at least one female officer:



Like West Wind, Tactical Miniatures also makes some nice SWAT and Narcotics Officer figures. They also have an interesting set of Hostages that I could see lots of uses for.


Looking forward to seeing other people's suggestions!

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Re: Police Miniatures and similar figs


Thanks SS! I'm adding some pics of the Foundry Figs after checking them out so others can see what they look like too:




Some of the other figs in this line would also make nice street thugs and villain henchmen/women. I especially liked their SWAT team alpha figs.


On a different note, I have seen the SWAT team figs on the Hero Online Store, but I didn't really like the figs that much (personal preference bias on my part, others may love the figs!).

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Re: Police Miniatures and similar figs


Edit: What teh_bunneh said.



I bought 2 boxes of Ninjas (I had a 40-ninja throw-down with the heroes a couple sessions ago), a box of cops, and a box of civilians. They aren't perfect, but they're good enough for my purposes.

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Re: Police Miniatures and similar figs


Yeah, it's the MEGA minis SWAT team that's in the Hero Online store. They do for place holders, but I'm not a big fan (again if they work for other folks needs, more power to you!).


Found another set, this time by Copplestone Castings GANGSTERS line of figs. They have a more dated look about them, but would fit in nicely beside the GCPD figs from HeroClix:




Copplestone also has a Future Wars line that has some nice cop figures. This line includes several cops sets, MIB figs (double as detectives) and a hsotage rescue squad that would work for SWAT teams:






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Re: Police Miniatures and similar figs


Another find to add to the collection of police figures. Again, these are a bit dated, but would work great for Pulp Heros or for cities like Gotham or Fawcett City that are a bit more dated in the look and feel of their streets and people. These great figs come from Pulp Figures:





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Re: Police Miniatures and similar figs


This next one is probably more appropriate for Until agents, but might also make some nice figures for a Super-Crimes Unit task force. From East Riding Miniatures Corporate World line, I give you Interpol:



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