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Furious Counterstrike


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Hello all,


I'm trying to duplicate a set of Class Feats from the D20 book Tome of Battle. In it, there is a class called Crusader.


They have an ability called Steel Resolve that allows them to store any damage they've taken in a round and ignore it until the end of their turn. The basic mechanic is that all damage is added to a "Delayed Damage Pool" that can be reduced by healing and increased each time he takes damage. At teh end of the turn the Crusader takes all of the damage remaining in the pool.


They have an additional ability called Furious Counterstrike that allows them to take any damage in the Pool and have it boost their attacks by giving a bonus to attack and damage rolls based on the amount of damage they've taken.


So I'm not exactly sure how to write this one up. I'm pretty sure I need to base it in Absorption...at least for the Furious Counterstrike ability, but I'm having trouble deciding how to represent the Damage Pool and the emptying of it at the end of a turn.


What I have so far:

Furious Counterstrike: (Total: 40 Active Cost, 20 Real Cost) Absorption 2d6 (energy, HTH Combat Skill Levels), Absorption As A Defense (x2) (20 Active Points); Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Requires A Faith Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; -1/2) (Real Cost: 10) plus Absorption 2d6 (physical, HTH Combat Skill Levels), Absorption As A Defense (x2) (20 Active Points); Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Requires A Faith Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; -1/2) (Real Cost: 10)

Not much, I know.

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Re: Furious Counterstrike


Ok, so here is what I came up with after some more thought:

Steel Resolve: (Total: 42 Active Cost, 27 Real Cost) Absorption 2d6 (energy, END Battery), Varying Effect (+3/4), Absorption As A Defense (x2), Custom Modifier (Character Takes Damage At Post Segment 12 Instead Of Immediately; +1) (37 Active Points); Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2) (Real Cost: 25) plus Endurance Reserve (50 END, 0 REC) Reserve: (5 Active Points); Limited Power (END Can Only Be Used For The Furious Counterstrike Ability; -1 1/2), Custom Modifier (END Reserve Empties On Post Segment 12; -3/4), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Side Effects (Side Effect always occurs whenever the character does some specific act; Character Takes 1 Body For Each Pt. Of END Remaining In The Reserve When It Empties; -1/4); REC: (0 Active Points) (Real Cost: 2)

and then

Furious Counterstrike: Aid HTH Combat Skill Levels 5d6, Limited Power (Can Only Draw END Cost From Steel Resolve END Reserve; +0) (50 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Character Takes 1 Body For Each Pt. Of END Used With This Power; -1), Only When Serving The God's Purposes (-1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2)

Please oh please have some feedback. :help:

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Re: Furious Counterstrike


Steel Resolve to me simply seems to involve delaying the effect of damage, not the damage itself. In that case, the simplest way to do it (to me) would be to buy a chunk o'CON and a chunk o' BOD and then limit it so that on post-12 after you have taken damage, it disappears (since it's a once-a-fight deal, that sounds like a -2, to me). Note that you do not buy "No figured CHA".


In other words:

Steel Resolve: +10 Con, +10 BOD, only for soaking damage until first phase 12 after injury (-2). 40 active, 13 real (before other revelant modifiers).


In effect, that'd give the character a +10 CON (to avoid CON-stun effects), + 15 STUN and +10 BOD for damage-soaking purposes and +2 ED (for sheer cussedness) and on first post-12, that'd go away (essentially reducing his BOD and STUN totals exactly as if he'd suddenly taken a whack of damage). Using this method, the character would actually take the damage, - it just wouldn't matter that much until post-12. Unlike D20, the character could still be CON-stunned or even killed outright by a large enough attack, but that's OK, it always seemed silly to me that a Crusader who had taken enough fire damage to turn him into a fine powdery ash, could shrug it off for a turn - but then suddenly crumble and blow away :D


It's be simpler to run as well, the player would simply have to track how much damage he took, and have with/without steel resolve CHA figures.


It also makes furious counterstrike easier (and cheaper) - in that case it simply becomes an absorption (does not provide defence) that feeds to CSLs.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Furious Counterstrike


How about


10pd 10ed Armor, One Charge, Continous for 10 minutes (-1/2) Side Effects: Damage Force Field stops is taken when FF ends (-1) Only while serving God's purpose (-1/2)


For a total of 10 points.. Flavor it for taste (for example, I'd make the charge a recovering charge, recoverable when he prays for an hour or somesuch)



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Re: Furious Counterstrike


How about buying a naked advantage moving incoming damage down the time chart? See p. 244-245, FrED.


I don't have time right now to sit down and figure it out but my guess is you buy a group naked advantage (to account for Max campaign DC STUN and Killing damage) apply the extra time, 1 Turn disadvantage, consider it an advantage +1 1/4, deduct the difference between a maximum DC attack in the game from the cost of a maximum DC attack with a plus 1 1/4 modifier, and the difference is the cost to defer the damage 1 turn (post segment 12). You might want to buy it down to zero end as well, depending. What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Furious Counterstrike


How about buying a naked advantage moving incoming damage down the time chart? See p. 244-245, FrED.


I don't have time right now to sit down and figure it out but my guess is you buy a group naked advantage (to account for Max campaign DC STUN and Killing damage) apply the extra time, 1 Turn disadvantage, consider it an advantage +1 1/4, deduct the difference between a maximum DC attack in the game from the cost of a maximum DC attack with a plus 1 1/4 modifier, and the difference is the cost to defer the damage 1 turn (post segment 12). You might want to buy it down to zero end as well, depending. What do you think?

Wow! Very interesting indeed.

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