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I need a bunch of miracles


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A few of them in fact, for my PC's.


Stellar Knights PBEM participants, read no further, on pain of your decreased enjoyment alone; no game benefit will derive from this information.


















OK, warning done.



I have a PBEM going on, and in the future my PC;'s are going to be rewarded for a small task they are undertaking. (They are going out to confront an up powered Valak the World Ravager).


Quick background: Common origin, cosmic power. They are the rebirth of an ancient order of Stellar Knights. Each has a cosmic VPP, with their specialty being one sphere of power, and their powers limited anywhere outside of it.


Their mentor will use a Cosmic Artifact they retrieved, the Sa Greal--the basis for the Holy Grail legend in many universes. Its actually more powerful than that, if you have time to master it. Their mentor hasn't, but he can direct a fraction of its powers.


I'm not worried about points or builds of the power--the Sa Greal can do whatever it needs.


Of course, these rewards aren't for the PC's--the Sa Greal simply will tap their minds and then amplify their powers to achieve a great task to benefit the world. Miracles, so to speak. It's mainly a RPG thing--no in game or combat advantage will come, though they will have the satisfaction knowing they helped bring about some great good by channeling the artifacts power.


I've got a few ideas, but I need suggestions for appropriate miracles to be done in the PC's names. Stuff that would be amazing, real miracle level stuff, but nothing that alters the game world too much. No world peace, no eradication of evil worldwide, no changing the past.


One miracle I had in mind--primarily for the PC who can control Matter would be the complete clean up of Chernobyl--all radioactive matter is gone, like it never existed. the only radiation left would be that in living matter, since he cant affect organic matter yet. Still, this wouldn't be that hard to take care of. Or maybe he completely replenishes the ozone layer.


I'm stuck over the others.


PC #2's area: Energy Control. Imagine everything that will be in the Ultimate Energy Projector--thats her area. I could have her miracle be assisting the one above, but I want each one to be unique. Maybe she could do Chernobyl? or cleans up radiactive waste over the whole world.



PC #3--a mentalist. Pretty much everything in the ultimate mentalist is his area. A miracle that comes from his powers put doesn't alter the world is too much. No mass reform by criminals. No peace in the Middle East. Just mental fx related.


PC#4 A metamorph for now, though truly the scope of the powers is control of the organic form. (Not necessarily only his own). Everything in the ultimate metamorph, plus more is available. Maybe having his variable body come up with a cure to a disease? (AIDs cure or vaccine maybe)




PC#5 Superhuman perfection is the area. Its easy to call him superman, but its the idealization of the potential of the humanoid life form--super strength, speed, related superhuman powers, but also super skills. He could be superman, flash batman/Vril Dox you name it..


Whats his miracle he brings to the world?


OK, assembled Hero-dom, astound me with your creativity.

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Re: I need a bunch of miracles




One miracle I had in mind--primarily for the PC who can control Matter would be the complete clean up of Chernobyl--all radioactive matter is gone, like it never existed. the only radiation left would be that in living matter, since he cant affect organic matter yet. Still, this wouldn't be that hard to take care of. Or maybe he completely replenishes the ozone layer.


Would the character be able to replenish top soil, turn a desert into fertile ground? Or would that require more life control than he has? If so, healing the ozone hole over Oceania would be cool.


I'm stuck over the others.



PC #2's area: Energy Control. Imagine everything that will be in the Ultimate Energy Projector--thats her area. I could have her miracle be assisting the one above, but I want each one to be unique. Maybe she could do Chernobyl? or cleans up radiactive waste over the whole world.


I would give the Energy controller the radiation cleaning myself. Or perhaps, if you want to help reduce global warming (assuming that's happening in your gameworld) maybe she cools things down in a healthy stable way? Only scientists will notice at first.


PC #3--a mentalist. Pretty much everything in the ultimate mentalist is his area. A miracle that comes from his powers put doesn't alter the world is too much. No mass reform by criminals. No peace in the Middle East. Just mental fx related.


I know you were thinking of something like this for the metamorph, but how about having every person with severe autism in the world suddenly cured, each claiming to have had a dream about a man telling them to 'wake up!'


Autism will still occur, but at least one generation of victims will have a new chance at life.


PC#4 A metamorph for now, though truly the scope of the powers is control of the organic form. (Not necessarily only his own). Everything in the ultimate metamorph, plus more is available. Maybe having his variable body come up with a cure to a disease? (AIDs cure or vaccine maybe)

If the matter changer can't make a desert into a fertile land, I'd give that job to the metamorph. Again, it might not be permant, but stopping starvation (or slowing it down) might work wonders.

The aids cure is also sure to have people freaking out (hopefully most in a good way)




PC#5 Superhuman perfection is the area. Its easy to call him superman, but its the idealization of the potential of the humanoid life form--super strength, speed, related superhuman powers, but also super skills. He could be superman, flash batman/Vril Dox you name it..


Whats his miracle he brings to the world?


OK, assembled Hero-dom, astound me with your creativity.


The surviving members (and there aren't so many anymore) of the Great Generation (World War 2) in the Allied Nations youthen to their prime as he passes by (Even it is only visiting their city) as he taps into the collective belief of what many still hold as the finest moment of their nations, and their people.

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Re: I need a bunch of miracles


#2 - Chernobyl is already taken care of, but what if her power of Energy Control were to suddenly spark an experiment in cold fusion at MIT from failure to success? In twenty years, thanks to her power, this experiment could lead to cheap, clean energy for all mankind.


#3 - A brooding menace to mankind is rising in the Astral Plane. His miracle reveals this threat, and creates a barrier against it. However, the barrier will not hold forever. Sets up future adventures.


#4 - Gains the one time only power to assume his "Ideal Form", a being of almost godlike power, along with a warning that his personality will not survive such a transformation more than once. Amounts to a get out of jail free card for one fate-of-the-world battle. Alternatively, he is now a perfect antibody factory, with healing blood, and can spend his off time donating in hospitals.


#5 - The Paragon gains brief access to the full potential power of his mind, his brain filled with incredible creative ideas for inventions to benefit mankind. Have the player make a list, remind him that they can't be combat oriented and are meant to help ordinary people, and announce for the next 3-5 games how one item from the list has gone into production. Have a few news stories on how cool people think his inventions are.

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Re: I need a bunch of miracles


PC#1: For the matter guy, if you’re thinking clean up I like the idea of disabling the world’s landmines. Turn their explosive components into inert sand.


PC #2's area: I think this one should do the radioactive clean up, but perhaps PC#2 could eliminate some of the excess heat on the planet and set back global warming by another twenty years.


PC #3--a mentalist. No permanent world peace… but what about one day of it? One day, globally, where everybody is happy and contented. Twenty-four hours of getting along, nobody killing, nobody commiting crimes. Then back to normal. Or would it be? How does the world act after feeling that way?


PC#4: I like the disease cure. Choose one disease that is truly terrifying in aspect but not necessarily in scope and you’ll have a definite lasting impact without being world shattering. I nominate Parkinson’s Disease.


PC#5: If you want him to change internally but in a way such that it affects the world in a better way, then I’m thinking an incredible aura that inspires those around him without even trying. It could be PRE, or INT Aid, or a luck Aid, something along those lines.

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Re: I need a bunch of miracles


For number 5, a group of good people (probably a couple thousand around the world) suddenly become slightly more like him, to put it in comics terms, they become Captain America like in abilities (Plus the mental equivelent), and decide to dedicate there lives to making the world better


#4 I'm seeing creating big harvests for the year, helps world hunger, helps farmers, etc...


#3: All the world leaders get a moment of true understanding of the way the people are, could jump start the peace process in a number of countries, but would not be a magic wand to fix them, the leaders would just become interested in having peace in truth, not just lip service


#2 Do the radiation


#1 I like the landmind idea

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: I need a bunch of miracles


almost there--a little fight happened that has sort of thrown a kink in the plans--still will happen, just taking longer to get there. As part of the corssover arc of this tory, the PC's wound up fighting an NPC group that was probably the best to go to for aid through a tragic misunderstanding, so its going to take a bit longer to get to the end .

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  • 3 months later...

Re: I need a bunch of miracles


The Miracles finally came into play. In many ways, I merged powers to create them.


An AIDS cure/immunity was propgated throughout humanity


All of the bad toxic waste dumps/radiactive areas of the earth were cleansed (even the oceans)


New York (destroyed in the game0 was rebuilt with advanced technology basically making it a bigger Millenium City, which is good as it will serve as the campaign home until the group moves off earth.


World Panic and Chaos over the events, the revalation of Aliens and Cosmic beings (never imagined before, superpowers being somethign only evident in the last few years) was calmed--no hysteria or religous frenzy---in fact, world peace broke out for an entire week.

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