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Star Trek's Q


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I thought about posting this in Star Hero but the powers seem to make it more appropriate here. I just decided for the heck of it to make up the fun but annoying omnipotent alien of Star Trek. Well, okay, ST is known for all-powerful aliens but he's the top of the heap.



STR 13 (3 pts.), DEX 11 (3 pts.), CON 20 (20 pts.), BODY 20 (20 pts.),

INT 20 (10 pts.), EGO 33 (46 pts.), PRE 20 (10 pts.), COMM 10 (00 pts.),

PD 4 (1 pt.), ED 4 (00 pts.), SPD 2 (-1 pt.), REC 7 (00 pts.), END 100 (30 pts.), STUN 37 (00 pts.)



Bribery 8- (1 pt.),

Computer Programming 13- (3 pts.),

Area Knowledge: Milky Way Galaxy 13- (3 pts.),

Navigation: Space 13- (2 pts.),

Navigation: Temporal 13- (1 pt.),

Persuasion 13- (3 pts.),

Power 13- (3 pts.),

Science: Astronomy 13- (3 pts.),

Science: Physics 13- (3 pts.),

Systems Operation 13- (3 pts.),

Transport Familiarity: Space Planes (Space Shuttles) 8- (1 pt.),

Knowledge Skill: Literature 13- (3 pts.),

Knowledge Skill: History 13- (3 pts.)



Reputation as an extremely powerful entity over a galactic region (this works to his advantage as people tend to stay out of his way while he does as he pleases) 11- (2 pts.)



Universal Translator 17- (24 pts.)



Damage Reduction 75% Resistant vs. Physical, Energy and Mental (180 pts.),

Flash Defense 5 each versus sight, hearing and smell (15 pts.),

Healing: One Body per turn (Heal Limbs; Resurrection: Can be killed permanently if slain by mental attacks but in the Star Trek Universe, only other Q or other ‘omnipotent’ entities would have that level in mental powers; No Endurance Cost. +1/2; Persistent. +1/4; Extra Time: One Turn. -1; Self Only. -1/2) (24 pts.),

Life Support: Self-Contained Breathing; Diminished Eating: None; Diminished Sleep: None; Safe Environments: Low Pressure/ Vacuum, High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Heat, Intense Cold; Longevity: Doesn’t Age; Immunity: All diseases and poisons in the universe (Megascale. +3) (70 pts.),

Mental Defense 28 (21 pts.),

Power Defense 20 (20 pts.)



Variable Power Pool: 1000 usable pts. (Cosmic: Instant with no skill roll. +2 to control cost) (2500 pts.)

TOTAL: 2500 PTS.



Hunted: Kaldamarane (or however you spell it; Less Powerful) 8- (+5 pts.),

Psych Lim: Being sarcastic and annoying (Very Common but moderate) (+15 pts.),

Reputation: He was mad, he was bad, he was an extremely powerful and dangerous entity that it wasn’t safe to know (Extreme) 8- (+10 pts.)


BASE: 100 PTS.



TOTAL: 3030 PTS.


Aid (up to and including temporarily giving other characters powers less than but similar to his own such as giving Riker the power of the Q, which may have been giving him a VPP less than his own but still very powerful).

Change Environment: sometimes permanent and with as much area as needed or possible.

Clairsentience with Sight and Hearing, switching from Precognition to Retrocognition as needed and using remaining points for range.

Desolidification with No endurance, persistent. This would most likely be his natural state when not in corporeal form.

Invisibility with No endurance, persistent, no fringe. Again, this is most likely his natural state.

Dispel: this could be used to overcome the effects of other Q and lesser beings.

Detect (various)

Entangle: although one cannot put limitations on a VPP to save points, I would still restrict this to forming barriers. Perhaps the Megascale advantage might be used to explain the sheer size of the barriers although I believe one cannot normally put Megascale on an entangle.

Extra-Dimensional Movement with Time Travel and as much extra weight carrying capacity as needed. This is the catch-all that no other power can explain. It helps explain his reality warping powers. He just transports a few crew members to realities where he’s the Judge (maybe alternate pasts) or to a reality where the rules allow for things he can’t do in any other way.

Force Wall or Force Field: Again, Megascale is very likely to explain a force barrier that covers light years.

Healing: Can add healing limbs and resurrection and the ability to use them on others, although he rarely if ever is shown healing anyone. He probably wouldn’t but he could.

Life Support: He could probably use an advantage to temporarily give other people LS abilities like his own.

Shapeshift: any shape, cellular, versus all senses and either no fatigue cost or only to shift, not to maintain a shape.

Summon: Can summon anything and they are slavishly devoted. Can summon up to 75 pt. characters and x32 in number.

Teleportation: Normal with appropriate advantages and whatever range he can afford

Teleportation: Increased Mass x one billion, No relative velocity, safe blind teleport, Usable as an attack, Megascale +4 or more. (His greatest witnessed feat was teleporting the Enterprise at least 3000 light years. With Megascale +4 or 100 light years, it would take 30 teleports to get there or he could drop some other advantages to increase the Megascale and get there in one teleport.

Suppress: This could explain members of the Q Continuum getting their powers taken away though this is likely a combined effort of several or all Q against one.

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Re: Star Trek's Q


Your layout is a bit iffy. I suggest writing up the character in a text file and then pasting it in. Or using Hero Designer file formats, but I don't have HD myself.


That aside, characters like this aren't uncommon in comics. The first, or at least best known, was Superman's opponent Mxyzptlk. (Incidentally, Mxyzptlk is surprisingly easy to spell!) The closest Marvel equivalent was probably the Impossible Man.

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Re: Star Trek's Q


Int should be somewhere near 40-50...he suppose to be well, you know, smarter than anyone but another Q


KS: All known Knowledges 21-

SS: All Known Sciences 21-

PS: all known proffesions 21-

Etc... on background skills


Then another +10 Background skills, as a power, as part of being a Q

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Re: Star Trek's Q


That aside, characters like this aren't uncommon in comics. The first, or at least best known, was Superman's opponent Mxyzptlk. (Incidentally, Mxyzptlk is surprisingly easy to spell!) The closest Marvel equivalent was probably the Impossible Man.


Also don't forget the Beyonder.....


I always thought of Q as Picard's Mxyzptlk. Very similair motivationss, Q's whole "quest to toy with mankind" got to be annoying on ST:TNG. But once Q really came into his own during ST:V, the character finally was more than just a plot hook.

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Re: Star Trek's Q


Int should be somewhere near 40-50...he suppose to be well, you know, smarter than anyone but another Q


KS: All known Knowledges 21-

SS: All Known Sciences 21-

PS: all known proffesions 21-

Etc... on background skills


Then another +10 Background skills, as a power, as part of being a Q


In the episode, "Deja Q", Q declared that he had an IQ of 2005. I thought about giving him a much higher INT, maybe 30. But the problem is he simply does not come across as being that intelligent. He knows a lot because of his powers, yes, he has knowledge of the universe because of his abilities. But, if you want to simulate the Q in another setting, just take a bunch of 20th century humans and make them omnipotent, sit back and see what happens because that's exactly how the Q are presented, as humans with all of our issues and resentments but omnipotent. They seem very different than the typical, "We have overcome all our negative qualities" aliens.


His skills seem inconsistent. He knew exactly why a moon was out of its proper orbit but, when he gives the solution, "Just change the gravitational constant of the universe" and is asked how to do that, he responds, "I don't know how. You just do it." In other words, you just use your powers, you just will it to happen and it happens. He doesn't understand how or why it works. I could have given him all knowledges and sciences but I would imagine he uses his VPP to simulate whatever knowledges he needs. If you can't do that with a VPP, then I agree that just giving him all knowledges and sciences would be appropriate.


All professional skills? That I can't agree with. Construction Worker, Dogcatcher, Fisherman, Knight, Laborer? I'm sure he can use his powers to attain the knowledge of any of these professions at need.


Anyway, this was just for fun. On any writeup of an existing fictional character, people will have different visions of what he has and how it works.

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Re: Star Trek's Q


Also don't forget the Beyonder.....


I always thought of Q as Picard's Mxyzptlk. Very similair motivationss, Q's whole "quest to toy with mankind" got to be annoying on ST:TNG. But once Q really came into his own during ST:V, the character finally was more than just a plot hook.


That would be the best comparison, Q to Mxyptlk. I always thought Q was fun but, in the early episodes, the Q really made little if any sense in the context of Star Trek. In ST, races that evolved that far (and the Q seemed way at the top of the heap in power) didn't just become more powerful, they were superior in outlook. The Q were a race of standup comedians. Even the other Q that appeared in "Deja Q" where Q lost his powers was just an omnipotent comedian. But in Voyager, we finally got some rationale for the Q. They had gone through all that 'superior outlook' stuff but they had reached the point where they could do anything so long ago that they were simply bored beyond comprehension. Because they could do anything, they did nothing because there was no point in doing anything. Q was simply trying to stay interested in his existence and force some life back into them.

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Re: Star Trek's Q


I would probably make his baseline stats a bit better. Even in his humanoid form, he's still better than an average human. At the very least, he'd have great SPD. Teleportation seems to be an inherent power to the Q that he can use easily.....so I'd also keep that ability separate from his VVP. In fact, Teleport seems to be his primary means of defense. If he doesn't want to be bothered, he simply goes elsewhere...or teleports others away from him. He'd likely have the "blink teleport" defense too(extra DCV levels).



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Re: Star Trek's Q


I would probably make his baseline stats a bit better. Even in his humanoid form, he's still better than an average human. At the very least, he'd have great SPD. Teleportation seems to be an inherent power to the Q that he can use easily.....so I'd also keep that ability separate from his VVP. In fact, Teleport seems to be his primary means of defense. If he doesn't want to be bothered, he simply goes elsewhere...or teleports others away from him. He'd likely have the "blink teleport" defense too(extra DCV levels).




I wasn't sure on the SPD and DEX. After all, Sisko punched him. He just didn't seem to make himself all that formidable on a purely physical level when he took human form. I was thinking that, in terms of CON, BODY, PD and ED, I probably should have statted him up more. It was made clear that the idea of a Q being killed by physical means contradicted everything known about them. Of course, that's why I gave him resurrection, so the destruction of a corporeal form he created for himself would be just a momentary annoyance.


I definitely agree with you that I should make the Teleportation separate from the VPP as almost everything he did directly or indirectly seemed to involve teleportation. In fact, the main reason the VPP is so high is to fit the teleportation ability into it. When going over things Q seemed able to do, I estimated his second most powerful feats as requiring about 320 pts. in the VPP. I will assume I overlooked some stuff and say I could easily drop the VPP from 1000 to 500 pts. and still cover everything he did except the teleportation. I estimated his greatest teleportation feat as requiring just over 1000 pts in Mega scale teleportation or exactly a thousand if I cut out some advantages when he uses teleportation on the mega scale.

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Re: Star Trek's Q


Q is basically a plot device. Stat him up as a huge Cosmic Power Pool and there you go.


I would say that, in about two out of every three appearances, he was a plot device beyond the way in which characters are always plot devices. The episode where he lost his powers was probably the first one that was truly about him and not just about him getting the crew into some other situation. After that, the Voyager episodes that got a bit ino the nature of the Q were good.

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Re: Star Trek's Q Revised


Here's a revised version taking into consideration what some people here have said.



STR 13 (3 pts.), DEX 14 (12 pts.), CON 30 (40 pts.), BODY 30 (40 pts.),

INT 30 (20 pts.), EGO 33 (46 pts.), PRE 25 (15 pts.), COMM 10 (00 pts.),

PD 8 (5 pts.), ED 8 (2 pts.), SPD 4 (16 pts.), REC 9 (00 pts.), END 120 (30 pts.), STUN 60 (8 pts.)



Bribery 8- (1 pt.),

Computer Programming 15- (3 pts.),

Area Knowledge: Milky Way Galaxy 15- (3 pts.),

Navigation: Space 15- (2 pts.),

Navigation: Temporal 15- (1 pt.),

Persuasion 14- (3 pts.),

Power 15- (3 pts.),

Science: Astronomy 15- (3 pts.),

Science: Physics 15- (3 pts.),

Systems Operation 15- (3 pts.),

Transport Familiarity: Space Planes (Space Shuttles) 8- (1 pt.),

Knowledge Skill: Literature 15- (3 pts.),

Knowledge Skill: History 15- (3 pts.)



Reputation as an extremely powerful entity over a galactic region (this works to his advantage as people tend to stay out of his way while he does as he pleases) 11- (2 pts.)



Universal Translator 17- (24 pts.)



Damage Reduction 75% Resistant vs. Physical, Energy and Mental (180 pts.),

Flash Defense 5 each versus sight, hearing and smell (15 pts.),

Healing: One Body per turn (Heal Limbs; Resurrection: Can be killed permanently if slain by mental attacks but in the Star Trek Universe, only other Q or other ‘omnipotent’ entities would have that level in mental powers; No Endurance Cost. +1/2; Persistent. +1/4; Extra Time: One Turn. -1; Self Only. -1/2) (24 pts.),

Life Support: Self-Contained Breathing; Diminished Eating: None; Diminished Sleep: None; Safe Environments: Low Pressure/ Vacuum, High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Heat, Intense Cold; Longevity: Doesn’t Age; Immunity: All diseases and poisons in the universe (Megascale. +3) (70 pts.),

Mental Defense 28 (21 pts.),

Power Defense 20 (20 pts.)

Multi-Power: Teleportation 800 pts. (800 pts.)

Teleportation 20” (Increased Mass x32; Position Shift; No Relative Velocity; Safe Blind Teleport) (100 pts.) = u 10 pts.

Teleportation 10” (362 pts.) = u 36 pts.

(Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe Blind Teleport; Megascale. +1 1/4: Planetary distances per game inch)

Teleportation 10” (399 pts.) = u 40 pts.

(Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe Blind Teleport; Megascale. +1 1/2: Planet to moon distances per game inch)

Teleportation 10” (471 pts.) = u 47 pts.

(Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe Blind Teleport; Megascale. +2: Earth to sun distances per game inch)

Teleportation 10” (580 pts.) = u 58 pts.

(Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe Blind Teleport; Megascale. +2 3/4: Solar system distances per game inch)

Teleportation 10” (761 pts.) = u 76 pts.

(Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe Blind Teleport; Megascale. +4: One hundred light years per game inch)

Teleportation 10” (797 pts.) = u 80 pts.

(Increased Mass x30 million or 25 doublings; Safe Blind Teleport; Megascale. +4 1/4: 100,000 light years per game inch)

TOTAL: 1477 PTS.


Variable Power Pool: 400 usable pts. (Cosmic: Instant with no skill roll. +2 to control cost) (1000 pts.)

Variable Skills Pool: 4 usable pts. (Cosmic: Instant with no skill roll. +2 to control cost; only for skills. -1/2) (8 pts.)

TOTAL: 1008 PTS.



Hunted: Kaldamarane (or however you spell it; Less Powerful) 8- (+5 pts.),

Psych Lim: Being sarcastic and annoying (Very Common but moderate) (+15 pts.),

Reputation: He was mad, he was bad, he was an extremely powerful and dangerous entity that it wasn’t safe to know (Extreme) 8- (+10 pts.)


BASE: 100 PTS.



TOTAL: 2780 PTS.

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