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Song of Ice and Fire


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It seems to me that HERO would be a great way to put together a setting based on A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R. R. Martin. It's a very realistic setting, and it seems almost like it would be a great cross-genre style (Danger: International in a medieval, low fantasy setting). I welcome your thoughts and input.

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Re: Song of Ice and Fire


I think it would be a perfect fit. The Song of Ice and Fire is definitely NOT a rollicking high-fantasy world of epic deeds and legendary heros, so it would benefit from a "grittier" system. The Hero system, with reasonable point levels and the optional wounding and bleeding rules, fits the bill perfectly.

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Re: Song of Ice and Fire


Yeah I love Fantasy in the HERO setting for it's gritty-ness. I'm running the Midnight campaign right now, so far it's been a perfect fit. I imagine Song would be as well.


So the next question is, when are we gona see it on Hero Central, eh Stew? =P

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Re: Song of Ice and Fire


There's a Guardians of Order "A Game of Thrones" d20 game based on the setting... which frankly sucks (don't bother picking it up even for a reference). d20 is the last system I'd chose to play an ASoIaF game in. :mad:


Hero, on the other hand, fits the low power and grittiness of the setting perfectly. Just make sure to use the optional damage and hit location rules so the PCs have the chance to get their own hand of gold. :D.

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Re: Song of Ice and Fire


There's a Guardians of Order "A Game of Thrones" d20 game based on the setting... which frankly sucks (don't bother picking it up even for a reference). d20 is the last system I'd chose to play an ASoIaF game in. :mad:


Hero, on the other hand, fits the low power and grittiness of the setting perfectly. Just make sure to use the optional damage and hit location rules so the PCs have the chance to get their own hand of gold. :D.


Bleck. A friend of mine picked that up, and he and another friend (both of whom have been raving about Martin since picking up his books...at least they've stopped with the Sword of Truth) and they want nothing more than to start a D20 game using that book. Since none of the rest of us have read any of the books in this particular series, or really want to read them, given their preference for long-winded political fantasies which tend to focus on the least interesting characters.

[/disgusted rant]

I'll keep an eye on this thread though, hopefully translating it to HERO will interest them and save me the horror of a skill-centric D20 game.

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