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Organization SUSHI

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I am trying to find where I ran across information for the organization SUSHI. I remember encountering the group in a game a long time ago, and then I recall reading the grup in passing. Was this an official group or am I getting senile way too early? I mostly need what the acronym stands for (although any extra details would be nice). Anyone else face the threat(?) that is SUSHI?

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Re: Organization SUSHI


Okay, given the lack of replies to the posting. It must have been something from my gaming memory. Anyhow, since I do want to recreate the group what does SUSHI stand for?

Here's a bit of background: SUSHI was sort of a poor man's VIPER. They specialized in high-tech, superscience sort of devices which would usually backfire on them or go out of control leaving it for the heroes to defeat the ubermachine, rampaging monster, etc. I have been trying to recall the acronym from the past. Here is my suggestion for part of it:

S = Supreme

U = Union of

S = Scientific

H = ?

I = ?


So what does SUSHI stand for?:help:

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Re: Organization SUSHI


It's Supreme Underground Science Headquarters International.


Dennis Mallonee officially owns the rights to this. (First appearance in print GSVC)


You don't know how many times I've wanted to revise something, publish it in Digital Hero and get sand kicked in my face metaphorically because of this man. He FORCED ME TO REBOOT MY UNIVERSE TO MAKE EVERYTHING CONSISTENT!




There's an expression now that's used by people who went on these adventures called "Boditayed." What they mean in game is "He used to be someone else."


But what it really means is...The GM got kicked in the teeth by the awesome power of Copyright Laws.


At least when I ask Mark Arsenault for something, he says YES! Followed by "Can I see it? This could be cool!"

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Re: Organization SUSHI


Well, to be honest, Balabanto, Dennis Mallonee didn't force you to do anything. If you changed your universe because you couldn't publish anything using his matterial, that was your own decision. Personally, I would just continue using his material in my campaign, and then file the serial numbers off when it came time for publication but that's just me.

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Re: Organization SUSHI


Well, Rod, the problem is that I have to actually file the serial numbers off by building new people, and rewriting plots wholesale. Now, that sits not too well with players unless the revised material is really good.


So it forces me not only to do double work, but to make sure that everything is perfect. Now, I'm a pretty anal guy, Rod, you know that, but that means that my bases are covered AND my "wow factor" is intact. :)


Because if I don't do it that way, that means that things aren't being properly playtested, and I'm not a fan of that, either.

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