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Steel Legs

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Everything posted by Steel Legs

  1. Re: FTL vs. Lots of Megascale Movement Teleport w/Megascale models instantaneous Jump Drives. Anything else in point-munchkinning, probably.
  2. Re: Realism check: How accurate are lie detectors? They are stress detectors, not lie detectors. When used right they mix in innocent questions with "everyone's guilty of this" questions at the start, then get to what they want to know. If you stress out over the innocent questions and calm down on the EGOT ones, the baseline is screwed up. Keep it up during the stuff the want to know and the results are futzed up. It ain't magic, it's a rough guide at best. Polygraphs are beaten all the time. I don't know what you're taking classes in, Bunny, but if it's cop-stuff, they shouldn't lie to you like that.
  3. Re: {pulp/star hero world building} Birds and spiders About the pigeon-people; do you want fictional "homing pigeons" or realistic ones? Fictional: Bump of Direction with the SFX it points to "home" not "north". Realistic: Limited Eidetic Memory. Most folx don't know this, but a homing pigeon memorizes landmarks. So it has to see everything as it's taken wherever, and it has to fly low enough to see them on the way back. That's why that stopped being used in war. From the US Civil War on semiauto rifles got common enough soldiers had a good chance to shoot down homing pigeons. From WW I on automatic firearms just about guaranteed it. The fictional model would be easier to play, IMHO.
  4. Re: Help with a magical contract Seems to me there's to many loopholes. I really really don't like the "tear up the contract voids it" bit cause a promise is a promise. I'd change "other than themselves or members of the Alexandrian Order" to "other than each other or..." Like, how can you not reveal your knowledge to yourself? OK, Multiform Amnesia, but like how else? Oh, and not "reveal," "discuss" --- more inclusive.
  5. Re: WWYCD? Women City Savers Only I shouldn't've told my GM about this; I think she's gonna pull it on us --- reversed of course since all the PCs are female. Dam now I have to think what my charrie would do to get around the block.
  6. Re: Help: Folk Heroes. Anti-hero-ish: Joe Hill, Bonny&Clyde, Billy the Kid. Buffalo Bill for weapons. The Seven Ronin (aka 7 Samurai). Coyote the Trickster (a god, but still...) There a young girl in Russian folklore I can't remember the name who saved her family from their own stupidity until Baba Yaga finally got her to look clear-visioned and then she left them to themselves. Huh guess I don't know many folktales outside AngloAmerican after all. BTW, Paul Bunyan is literary not folk. He was invented to sell timber/paper shtuff.
  7. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth? Where can I get all the info on I.V.? I've seen nothing more than mentions in some books nothing up to the detail you-all know. If she's not "really evil" maybe still some/lots of her generals are and they'd take over her job if they could so she can't trust them with the good troops so their using cast offs so when the invade Earth they get there butts handed to them. I like the idea the rifts slow things down cause they don't move much and you can't rely on them much. Not just for logistics but communication too. Maybe there's no way to communicate with HQ except by sending a "runner" through the rift so comm. is limited in speed and relyableness. (that's the wrong word sorry I can't think the right one). Maybe you can "piggy-back" on someone else using a rift so Tyrannon, OK his troops could suddenly appear in the middle of I.V.'s invasion and shaft everything up. So most her troops are sitting around right up near the rift on both sides guarding it so only a few troops are really&truly invading.
  8. Re: Hero Action Points and bribes I soooo hope you're trying to joke. I do shtuff for the GM to say thank you and to repay her time and work and for letting me in her house. NOT to sneak bennies out of her. That's for slimes who want to "win" not for roleplayers. There's an idea I can support! Death to orange worms! j/k
  9. Re: Is "Hollywood-style" decompression accurate? Well, about bodies blowing up and blood boiling (I thought thats what the title meant you wanted to know) see http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a3_147.html Read The Straight Dope it'll get a lot of BS out of your head. How fast the wind depends on pressure difference and size of hole, how long it blows depends on wind speed and how much air there is to dump, a BIG space ship or space station could have wind for a long time.
  10. Re: The Mind Controlling Hero OW! Ow, ow, ow! That hurt!
  11. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Whose Thunderbird? And don't say its a god or god-like being from Amerind myth.
  12. Re: WWYCD? Women City Savers Only Wow, I haven't played a male charrie in halfway to forever. An' he was a strutting, bragging, posing MCP. He'd NEVER let that happen to him! I mean, he wouldn't like say "Oh no, not cooties!" but that's what he'd be thinking even if in different words. The team I'm in is all women, so it wouldn't come up. Fun idea tho, thanks for telling us it.
  13. Re: How do you become a Jedi "Why do you want to know that, you old lech?" "Oh, I don't know, I ... "
  14. Re: How to: Power gets used up END Reserve: 100 points in reserve (10 points), 24 REC (24 points) (REC is doled out 2 points/Segment), Recovers only during 5 minutes after taking PowerPill (-1). Cost 10+24/2=22 points. Then put -3/4 on all powers "Only In Perportion To How Full END Reserve Is". Simple and cheap.
  15. Re: Seven Wonders of the Totalitarian World
  16. Re: Military medals Hey, I drooled first! Wait in line! OK, I didn't say I was drooling cause I got class, but I was. Still am. So wait your turn.
  17. Re: Hero Action Points and bribes It could work or it could like rip the player-group apart. All depends on the players and how they'd handle it. Like, I can't tell you if it's cool or not cause I don't know your group. It's like be toooooo much for the players I'm with unless it was totally a joke.
  18. Re: Organization SUSHI o/~ Oh, Oh, Oh what a fish... o/~
  19. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! That's always a good idea. :eg:
  20. Re: Seven Wonders of the Totalitarian World Err, maybe I'm just stupid but I don't see nothing called no "Forest Statue". What I miss?
  21. Re: How to: Power gets used up
  22. Re: Interviewing Leather (Interview with a Supervillain) No here posts follow one another. Everyplace I've seen with episode stories has a "Next" button. Why can't he do even that? And not all the pieces are gotten from the "front page" and there's other sh---tuff to wade through. Too much PITA for a story that starts ssllloooowwww. Not worth my time, so buh-bye.
  23. Re: auto body weight Thanks for the list, C.O.
  24. Re: auto body weight I'd like to see the kinda info C.O. is looking for too. It could be useable later I bet. Thinking bout some shtuff I could do...
  25. Re: PRIMUS - A Mystery Solved Oh well, my screen needed washing anyways. Seriously, that was soooo funny. :D
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