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[Character] Goldenrod


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First off... my apologies for the somewhat non-standard format. I see most characters posted in a pretty consistent format, but I dunno how to generate it (I use HERO Designer).


I'd like input on this character I created for a homebrew Champions campaign. It's supposed to be galactic in scope (hence the high point cost), so comments along the line of "600 points is too much" aren't really very helpful. =)


Anything else (be it positive or negative) is greatly appreciated. Negative criticism accompanied by suggestions on how to improve are especially welcome!


Goldenrod (George Rodman)

Val    Char    Cost
10    STR    0
24    DEX    42
15    CON    10
10    BODY    0
20    INT    10
15    EGO    10
15    PRE    5
10    COM    0

3/37    PD    1
3/37    ED    0
8    SPD    46
20    REC    30
75    END    23
60    STUN    37

6"    RUN    0
2"    SWIM    0
2"    LEAP    0
Characteristics Cost: 214

Cost    Power
60    Glow Powers: Elemental Control, 150-point powers,  (75 Active Points); all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
56    1)  Glow Blast: (Total: 150 Active Cost, 113 Real Cost) Energy Blast 8d6, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Attack Versus Limited Defense (Power Defense; +1 1/2) (120 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 96) plus Sight Group Flash 6d6 (30 Active Points); Linked (Energy Blast; -1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 17)
54    2)  Glow Riding: (Total: 155 Active Cost, 106 Real Cost) Flight 20", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (80 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 46) plus Flight 30", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 60)
50    3)  Glow Field: (Total: 151 Active Cost, 98 Real Cost) Force Field (14 PD/14 ED/10 Flash Defense:  Sight Group), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (76 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 43) plus Force Field (20 PD/20 ED/15 Flash Defense:  Sight Group) (55 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 44) plus Life Support  (Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) (20 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 11)
60    4)  Glow Manipulation: (Total: 150 Active Cost, 120 Real Cost) Telekinesis (20 STR), Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 60) plus Telekinesis (43 STR), Affects Porous (75 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 60)
33    5)  Glowhole: Teleportation 45", x128 Noncombat, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4) (150 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
Powers Cost: 313

Cost    Skill
20    +10 with any single attack
25    +5 with DCV
3    Conversation 12-
5    SS:  Chemistry 15-
2    PS: Industrial Chemist 11-
3    Streetwise 12-
Skills Cost: 58

Cost    Talent
15    Danger Sense (self only, in combat) 13-
Talents Cost: 15

Total Character Cost: 600

Pts.    Disadvantage
15    Hunted:  Los Angeles Police Department 14- (Less Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)
15    Addicted to Amphetamines:  Amphetamines Powers Gain 11- Activation Roll (Difficult To Obtain, 1 Hour)
15    Psychological Limitation:  Protective of Innocents, Needs to do the Right Thing (Code of Conduct) (Common, Strong)
20    Enraged:  Berserk Deprived of Amphetamines (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-
10    Vulnerability:  2 x STUN Darkness-based powers (Uncommon)
10    Vulnerability:  2 x Effect Darkness-based powers (Uncommon)
10    Vulnerability:  2 x Effect Drug-based powers (Uncommon)
15    Unluck: 3d6
10    Money:  (Just enough to cover food and addiction) Destitute
15    Distinctive Features:  Glowing, golden humanoid (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
15    Dependent NPC:  Polly Rodman (younger sister) 8- (Incompetent)
Disadvantage Points: 150
Base Points: 450
Experience Required: 0
Total Experience Available: 0
Experience Unspent: 0

Background/History: George Rodman became addicted to amphetamines while studying Chemistry.  With easy access to labs, and a need to stay away in order to have more study time, it seemed natural.  His job at a chemicals plant only served to facilitate his habit.  Unfortunately, his addiction cost him his job.  He turned to the streets, experimenting with different combinations, and using his knowledge to modify and augment the drugs he obtained.  One such modification, involving LSD, crystal meth, mescaline, and several organic substances launched him into a trip unlike any other.  He saw his skin turning into gold, and his skin glowing sky blue and yellow.  The trip seemed to last longer than usual.  Eventually he discovered it was no psychotropic effect, but an actual change in his physiology... one he could turn off at will, and allowed him to manipulate this "Glow" to several effects.  Calling himself Goldenrod, he took to fighting crime.  He is still not trusted by local authorities because of the drug connection, which continually watch him, waiting for his illegal activities to overweigh the good he does for community.  As his powers grew, he expanded his protection of the innocent to cover a much larger area, becoming a world-known crime fighter.

Personality/Motivation: Goldenrod is an all-around good guy, despite his drug habit.  His hyperactive personality makes him charismatic and well-liked.  He takes his apparent bad luck in stride, even to believing it to be a result of the bad karma he accumulates because of his drug use.  When deprived of his drug, though, his powers become erratic, and he can become enraged to the point of madness.

Quote: "Not easy being a bad guy with a faceful of Glow, eh?"

Powers/Tactics: Goldenrod flies around the battle zone, preferring to stay away from the thick of it, firing his Glow Blast.  If attacked, he'll boost his Glow Field as needed.  While physically weak, his manipulation of the Glow allows him to handle objects at a distance with great strength.  His Glowhole ability takes a lot from him, so it's usually held in reserve for emergencies, or to travel great distances.

Appearance: While in normal form, George Rodman is an average-looking man with blonde hair and hazel eyes, usually seen in worn, faded jeans, a ratty t-shirt, and sneakers.  He doffs his shirt when in Goldenrod form, since he likes showing off his golden skin.  He continually glows and floats in Goldenrod form.


(Link for easier reading, plus image.)

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Re: [Character] Goldenrod


Hmm so if I am reading this right when he is in hero ID. His ff is always going and he is always flying. So while he is being a hero, he cant land. Interesting.


Okay suggestions. With 600 points you could do a hell of a lot better.


1) I would build his attcking powers in a MP. have several differnet kinds of 'glow blasts' not an all in one blast.


2)Put his movement and defenses in an EC.


3)More skills/perks. Pesonally as gm if I was to give you 600 points I would require at least 50 to 75 of them be in NON COMBAT related skills and or perks.


Heres an example character very close to what you are working with point wise



[b]Starshine - Diandra Alexi[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
15    STR     5   15      12-       HTH Damage 3d6  END [1]
30    DEX     60   30      15-       OCV 10 DCV 10
15    CON     10   15      12-
15    BODY    10   15      12-
25    INT     15   25      14-       PER Roll 14-
18    EGO     16   18      13-       ECV: 6
20    PRE     10   20      13-       PRE Attack: 4d6
20    COM     5   20      13-
5    PD      2   5/30             5/30 PD (0/25 rPD)
5    ED      2   5/30             5/30 ED (0/25 rED)
6    SPD     20   6                 Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
20    REC     28   20
60    END     15   60
60    STUN    29   60
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
3    LEAP     0   3"                3" forward, 1 1/2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 227[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
75     [b][i]Light Powers[/i][/b]: Multipower, 75-point reserve - END=
5u     1)  [b][i]Concentrated Beam[/i][/b]: RKA 3d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (67 Active Points); Beam (-1/4) - END=7
7u     2)  [b][i]Light Blast[/i][/b]: EB 15d6 (75 Active Points) - END=7
5u     3)  [b][i]Briliant Radiance[/i][/b]: Sight Group Flash 6 1/2d6, Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1) (74 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) - END=7
7u     4)  [b][i]Blinding Blast[/i][/b]: Sight Group Flash 15d6 (75 Active Points) - END=7
7u     5)  [b][i]Let there be Light[/i][/b]: Dispel Darkness 16d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (72 Active Points) - END=0
6u     6)  [b][i]Turn into Pure Light[/i][/b]: Desolidification  (affected by Energy Attacks), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points) - END=0
7u     7)  [b][i]Laser Cage[/i][/b]: Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF, Backlash (+1/2) (75 Active Points) - END=7
45     [b][i]Light Powers[/i][/b]: Elemental Control, 90-point powers - END=
45     1)  [b][i]Light Shield[/i][/b]: FF (25 PD/25 ED/10 Flash Defense:  Sight Group), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (90 Active Points) - END=0
45     2)  [b][i]Riding the Light Rays[/i][/b]: Flight 30", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (90 Active Points) - END=0

[b]POWERS Cost: 254[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
3      Computer Programming 14-
3      Electronics 14-
     Everyman Skills (Cost: 0 Points)
0      1)  Language:  Russian (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
0      2)  PS: Professor 11-
0      3)  AK:New York City 11-
0      4)  Acting 8-
0      5)  Climbing 8-
0      6)  Computer Programming 8-
0      7)  Concealment 8-
0      8)  Conversation 8-
0      9)  Deduction 8-
0      10) Paramedics 8-
0      11) Persuasion 8-
0      12) Shadowing 8-
0      13) Stealth 8-
0      14) TF:  Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles
3      Forensic Medicine 14-
3      High Society 13-
3      Language:  English (completely fluent)
3      Oratory 13-
3      Scientist
2      1)  SS:  Bio Chemistry 14- (3 Active Points)
2      2)  SS:  Biology 14- (3 Active Points)
2      3)  SS:  Chemistry 14- (3 Active Points)
2      4)  SS:  Genetics 14- (3 Active Points)
2      5)  SS:  Micro Biology 14- (3 Active Points)
2      6)  SS:  Physics 14- (3 Active Points)

[b]SKILLS Cost: 33[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
1      Fringe Benefit:  License to practice a profession
1      Custom Perk
11      Contact:  Dean of Columbia University (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Very Good relationship with Contact) 15-

[b]PERKS Cost: 13[/b]

[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
20     DNPC:  Parents: Dimitri and Ivana 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)
25     Enraged:  If Vandal goes Down (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 8-
15     Hunted:  Sinister Squadron 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)
15     Hunted:  New York Police 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
15     Psychological Limitation:  In Love with Vandal (Common, Strong)
20     Psychological Limitation:  Wont Allow Bystanders Come to Harm  (Common, Total)
20     Psychological Limitation:  Code Vs Killing (Common, Total)
15     Social Limitation:  Secret Identity: Diandra Alexi (Frequently, Major)

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 145[/b]

Base Pts: 200
Exp Required: 182
Total Exp Available: 182
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 527

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Re: [Character] Goldenrod


Nothing really wrong with him per se, but when I look at him I just sort of go, meh.


For 600 points he really seems pretty weak. At this level I would expect most characters to have at least 10-15 points Power Defense meaning you'll do 13-18 STUN on average, assuming you can keep it up (you use 120 END per TURN if all you do is use your EB).


You've spent 45points in skill levels, drop them all and give yourself 15 more DEX. A 39 DEX will give you the same DCV as a 24 w/5 DCV levels. You will have 5 less OCV with your main attack, but your TK OCV will go up by 5 and you'll shoot up the DEX chart.


If you get hit with a 15d6 attack (not uncommon for this power level) you're going to be CON stunned on an average roll.


Personally if it were me, I'd drop the EC WAY down, just put the Flight, Force Field and MAYBE the TK in it, then go with a Multipower for the attack powers (and add a few) and the teleport.

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Re: [Character] Goldenrod


Nothing really wrong with him per se, but when I look at him I just sort of go, meh.


For 600 points he really seems pretty weak. At this level I would expect most characters to have at least 10-15 points Power Defense meaning you'll do 13-18 STUN on average, assuming you can keep it up (you use 120 END per TURN if all you do is use your EB).


You've spent 45points in skill levels, drop them all and give yourself 15 more DEX. A 39 DEX will give you the same DCV as a 24 w/5 DCV levels. You will have 5 less OCV with your main attack, but your TK OCV will go up by 5 and you'll shoot up the DEX chart.


If you get hit with a 15d6 attack (not uncommon for this power level) you're going to be CON stunned on an average roll.


Personally if it were me, I'd drop the EC WAY down, just put the Flight, Force Field and MAYBE the TK in it, then go with a Multipower for the attack powers (and add a few) and the teleport.


Since he'd be saving the points on SPD, he could use the 45 points of CSLs to get +15 DEX and +5 OCV levels (or, hell, just buy +20 DEX), and have 5 points left over.


This guy looks weird to me. I'd have to see the campaign guidelines and compare him against other characters, but for a cosmic super, he's almost a wimp. Sure, his EB bypasses normal defenses, but it's only 8d6. Against other 120 active point attacks, it comes up short. For that matter, his defenses and CON are lacking if that's the sort of thing his opponents will be throwing. Are his CVs insanely high for the campaign? That might mitigate his weirdness in DCs and defenses somewhat, but he's still getting Stunned the first time someone with a 4d6 NND gets a better than average roll.


This seems like the character of someone new to the system.

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Re: [Character] Goldenrod


You'll never know how a character is going to perform unless you know the context it is going to be played in.


Without benchmarks like the average OCV/DCV/SPD/DC/DEF of the other characters (and their adversaries) you can't judge a character as overpowered, underpowered, or otherwise.

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Re: [Character] Goldenrod


Great input... thanks!


No, I'm not new to the system... but we (my gaming group) haven't played Champions in years (we tend to jump around games), so while I'm still quite familiar with the rules, I mostly forgot what was "good", what was "wimpy", was was "overpowered", etc.


The lack of skills is mostly due to campaign flavor. I tend to like characters with lots of skills, especially non-combat skills, but they come out weak in this GM's campaign, which is very combat heavy, and non-combat encounters are usually plot devices and rely very little, when at all, on actuall skills, much less skill rolls.


The relative power level of the powers is also due to campaign flavor. The first character I built for this campaign (which we haven't played yet, and my characters are the first to be built, so I really can't compare to other characters... and we can't see the villains beforehand!) had a much higher attack (something along the lines of a 7d6 AP AFK RKA), higher defenses, etc. The GM complained. Said he'd given us more points not to build characters with stronger powers, but more versatile characters. When I showed him this one, he complained.... said it was too similar (in powers, not in concept) to one of his villains.


I've always had a problem with defenses... I never know how much is "just right". I tend to either set them so low they're useless, or so high the GM complains. =/


Regarding his Glow Blast... it wasn't meant to be an "all-in-one" blast. Just an EB that also Flashed. Mebbe I could use a MP, and a Flash outside the MP linked to it?


All in all, I'm kinda disappointed since my GM "banned" this character (cuz of the similarity issue)... I really liked the concept, and was looking forward to "fixing" the issues regarding character construction. Comments are still welcome... I might just hold the character in reserve, just in case. =)

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Re: [Character] Goldenrod


It would help to know which suggestions you liked/didn't like, which things you REALLY want and which things you wouldn't mind ditching (like danger sense seems sort of tacked on there and doesn't seem to fit the concept of the character).

You'll never know how a character is going to perform unless you know the context it is going to be played in.


Without benchmarks like the average OCV/DCV/SPD/DC/DEF of the other characters (and their adversaries) you can't judge a character as overpowered, underpowered, or otherwise.

Every time I read this it's said in John Madden's voice in my head. While you're absolutely correct, these threads wouldn't have much use if every time someone wanted advice they had to post every character in the campaign. So the advice givers give it from the perspective of the "baseline", what we've seen in the Champions line of books.

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Re: [Character] Goldenrod


Meh! I'm sorry, I'm at work, and I intended to comment directly on all/most suggestions... I must've gotten "distracted" by work and neglected to do so.


Ok, the Danger Sense is there, as well as the high-ish dex (shoulda been higher, but GM dislikes too-high DEXs), as a positive side effect of his addiction to speed (as in the drug, not the stat). He's high strung and hyperactive.


The suggestion to get rid of CSLs and raise DEX is something I wanted to do initially... and only ended up with CSLs and lower DEX cuz of my GM's unnatural aversion to high DEXs.


The Glow Blast being weak for 600 pts... I hadn't done the math, I guess. I was assuming most villains wouldn't have power defense, and even then, I thought that against those with baseline power defense would be hit for non-trivial damage. I'm thinking the power really is underpowered.


I'm not sure how I feel about a MP for attacks. I can certainly see the advantage in having multiple types of attacks, but the concept I was going for was a single attack that would affect most opponents equally (I'm thinking I should switch to NND), tied to a sight group Flash. Along the lines of "Hey, I can hurt 'em by throwing Glow at 'em, cool!" rather than "Let's see how many different ways I can use this new ability I found.".


Regarding being CON stunned after being hit... I don't want him to be very strong, constitution-wise. Mebbe raise his defenses to avoid being stunned?


Yes, he's unable to "land" in hero ID. Did I build it properly, though? I mean, he doesn't have to fly at 20" every Phase, right? He CAN choose to Fly at 0" (i.e. hover), he just can't turn the Flight off?

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Re: [Character] Goldenrod


I don't know that I'd really characterize it as a disadvantage in any way. It's 0 END and better than his normal movement, so it's not a problem in terms of getting around; it might look funny, but he's already a glowy superhero, and he can just turn back into his normal ID, so it's not a problem in terms of being obvious. In other words, it doesn't seem to me like it would be worth any points.


Also, since AVLD do no BODY by default, you can't break anything with your Energy Blast. Ever. You can't do knockback, you can't break a buddy out of an Entangle, you can't destroy the Doomsday Device. And your STR is only 10; you can break a chair with your bare hands, but not much else.


And hey; SPD 8? Your guy is going to be like a mosquito, zipping around and doing a modest amount of STUN quite consistently, but pretty much useless for anything else.

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Re: [Character] Goldenrod


I thought about the Always On on the flight was a limitation at all... decided it was, for several reasons. First off, switching to normal ID is not necessarily an option, since he's WAY vulnerable in normal ID. Second, I believe (I could be wrong, tho) you take more knockback while flying, no? Finally, his Distinctive Features are Concealable... being forced to fly makes this harder to conceal: he can wear a full-body skin-tight suit and mask to hide his golden, glowie body... but he'd need to mimic walking while flying very close to ground, or wear a long robe and bob up and down as he flies close to ground, to make it look like he's walking. If I'm wrong about the flying knockback, I'd probably consider lowering the limitation value to -1/4, mebbe even -0.


Regarding the doing no BODY... looks like you missed the Telekinesis, which is 63 STR total... 20 0 END, 43 normal END. ;-)


SPD 8 is actually not as high as it sounds, sadly, since this campaign tends towards inflated SPDs and DEXs (but, oddly enough, not too high SPDs and DEXs, since the GM doesn't like them). I expect all heroes and villains to be between 6 and 9 SPD, and between 25 and 35 DEX, regardless of actual concept. No, I don't like that, but I'm not the GM. This character IS supposed to be a speedy guy... same concept as his Danger Sense: addiction to speed (the drug) makes him hyperactive.


He's not limited to Glow Blast while flying around, tho. I mean, he is (apart from the Telekinesis, which is not trivial, IMO), but it doesn't just do STUN damage. It also blinds (Flash). From other comments, I'm now thinking the damage and/or Flash is too low, given the relative power levels, but the concept, I think, is sound.


Someone mentioned a problem with running out of END real quick. That was my oversight... I DO need to fix that. Especially since the character concept calls for near-constant activity!

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