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Hero in the Hospital


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In my campaign one of the PCs was reduced to -1 Body by some baddies. His friends are running him to the hospital. Next session will probably deal a lot with this predicament.


Has this ever happened to anyone else?


Any input on how this should play out?


It is a bit interesting as the PC in question is a speedster and gain his powers from a 'fluid suit'. It is loosely based off of the symbiotic aliens made famous in the pages of the Spider-Man comics in that it can flow and has limited shapeshifting abilities. The main difference is that its man made and technological in nature The man under the suit is normal.

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Re: Hero in the Hospital


In Shadows Angelus, several PCs where hospitalized. The worst off anyone ended up was... my character, Jamadigni Renuka, who ended up at around -4 or so, but was healed up to around 2 and then transported to the hospital. We needed up having a break in the action to let all the PCs heal up (it had been that bad), and did a bit of blue-booking to keep the action going.


In Vendetta Rhapsody, Koyotie (my PC) ended up getting hit hard and bad, and was dropped down to around 0... (uhmm.. twice, in two different campaigns). I forget what we did in the original game (she was 0 BODY roughly -100 STUN), but in the second, the GM had enough time pass to let her get back on her feet before starting the next advenure.

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Re: Hero in the Hospital


One of my favorite Marvel Two In One comics involved the Thing being in the hospital, and dozens of superheroes coming to visit him. Meanwhile, they knew word had gotten out about his vulnerability at this time, so prepared themselves to protect him from his old enemies. True enough, many supervillains tried. The ending was cute :) I've always thought , if it could be played right, it would make a good short adventure

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Re: Hero in the Hospital


What a wonderful opportunity to mess with a secret ID. How will you get the time to recuperate off work? Will your insurance cover it? How exactly did an accountant manage to get disemboweled? Is the villain who did the damage checking hospitals to see if anyone's been admitted with injuries consistent with the damage?



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Re: Hero in the Hospital


This would not apply in my current campaign most of the time. 1) There is a pretty good hospital in the base for this sort of thing - physical injuries etc. It is mostly automated; one PC is a nurse, and others are sworn to secrecy. 2) We have Olorin the mage. Can we say healing potions? He keeps at least three on him and three in the base at all times. (Well, almost. )Given time (a couple hours for fairly standard diseases like flu, ebola,(!) malaria) he can cure diseases as well. Disease/curses like lycanthropy, vampirism (if defined that way) and others probably will take days to months depending on what it is (and the GM). Nice guy to have around.

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Re: Hero in the Hospital


At one time my non-criminal 'villain' character was hospitalized after a clash with a much more villainous character, in the process saving one of the heroes from murder -- don't get me wrong, he 'rescued' the hero by burying him under a thrown dumpster that missed the murderer, which left the hero in what couldn't be called a grateful condition.


The heroes came by to get their pictures taken by his paparazzi, mock him, harrass him, and generally be a pain in his butt.


Since, well, that's what heroes do. ;)


It was useful, since when the heroes' hunteds showed up, the hospitalized villain had a ring side seat (adjustable bed, private room) from which to watch the action. It's good to be rich, wicked and superpowered in America.

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Re: Hero in the Hospital


It was interesting how it played out.


The hospital closest to the incident was not the 'best' one in town so I tried to use that angle to help out my players. The problem was they came in their secret IDs and gave what I thought was a really bad story to the nurse and the security guard at the desk. They were very demanding in their secrecy.


It was pretty fun trying to get the in-costume-hero healed as everyone tried to get at the person underneath the fibrilating suit.


Eventually I had an idea that the hospital director would try to cut a deal with the PCs for publicity and therefore funding. We'll see what happens when said 'hero' wakes up.

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Re: Hero in the Hospital


Hero in the Hospital, I know

I know - it's serious

Hero in the Hospital, I know

I know - it's really serious


There were times when I could

Have murdered him

(but you know, I would hate

Anything to happen to him)


No, I dont want to see him


Do you really think

He'll pull through ?

Do you really think

He'll pull through ?

Do ...


Hero in the Hospital, I know

I know - it's serious

My, my, my, my, my, Seeker, goodbye


There were times when I could

Have strangled him

(but you know, I would hate

Anything to happen to him)

Would you please

Let me see him !


Do you really think

He'll pull through ?

Do you really think

He'll pull through ?

Do ...

Let me whisper my last goodbyes

Poor Seeker

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