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WWYCD: "He'll be back."


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Re: WWYCD: "He'll be back."



Addy (Eastern Knight): "You mean...time travel? Like when Bulma and Trunks made that time machine and Trunks went back into the past to kick some android butt?? Or like when Inu Yasha went through the sacred well and into modern Tokyo and started trying to do Iron Reaver Soul Stealer on that photo booth? I am soooo there! Come on, Bushi, let's do the fusion dance! KaaaamehaaameeeeHAAAAA! I'm hungry..."


And Tao, once again, stares at Addy in silent contemplation.

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Re: WWYCD: "He'll be back."


So are you not the same person you were during puberty? When the hormones had more effect on you thinking and behavior than they did when you became more mature?


I find the difference between myself and myself at puberty to be much smaller than the described difference and it didn't happen instantaneously. When I was an adolescent I lost my temper more easily but I spent almost all of my time not having lost my temper.

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Re: WWYCD: "He'll be back."


Microman II: Calls in the rest of the team ASAP, in order to track down and *capture* the hunter robot. Once captured, Microman would want to get the whole story in his own words, and preferably figure some way to travel to the future to get some direct observations.


Presuming the scenario is as described. . . he'd be rather unsympathetic towards the organics. Fear of great change is natural, but thats no excuse for perpetrating what amounts to attempted genocide. OTOH, the uploads could use some lessons in how to better deal with irrational people.


Hermes: It would take some incredibly weird coincidences for this scenario to occur anywhen near Hermes. . . but thats not much of an obstacle. While this would probably require deciphering how to read computer chips with bronze age steamtech, eventually Hermes is going to get drawn into investigating how a mechanism from a future that is not for that world ended up hunting down a critical individual thousands of years in the past. This likely leads to Hermes discovering cross-dimensional travel, breaking through to the next stage of godhood, or possibly destroying the universe.

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Re: WWYCD: "He'll be back."


The First Ladies will handle the situation quite effectively:


Primadonna: "Back off, RoboKiller! We will protect this innocent girl."


Primaballerina: "And don't bother to tell us anything about future events. We don't care. Because the future you speak of is just one of a myriad of possilibilities."


Diva: "This is great. I'll write a movie script and then perhaps I can be the star in the cinematic success to follow. ...Oh,and we'll fight for a better future, not matter what!"

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Re: WWYCD: "He'll be back."


Unfortunately, neither Soulbarb nor Sylph are any great shakes when it comes to technology. Both will have to rely on locating others to do the mental heavy lifting at least on the science side -- though Sylph will have an easier time there since Speedzone and Steeltrap are both scientists.


Soulbarb at least will not be interested in doing much to stop the robot until she has heard both sides of the story. She would be tempted to try to find a way to get them both back to their own possible future and let the chips fall where they may. Neither one is admirable enough to convince her that they need her assistance, when there's other present-day problems that need to be dealt with.... although the piece of advice that the transhumanists might be better off just shipping out lock, stock, and barrel for some less hostile part(s) of the universe would spring to mind.


Sylph would be more sympathetic to the human, but would be a lot more interested in trying to open some form of negotiations to sort the whole mess out. Never mind that that's been tried already and failed repeatedly... it's what she does. ;)

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Re: WWYCD: "He'll be back."


Dr. O: "The mere act of uploading is either destructive or nondestructive' date=' so either the original human dies or they continue in both the virtual and flesh version until organic death of the latter. In any case, they're dead, and they can't vote, now, can they? There is no reason a virtuality ought to need to reside within a biosphere, taking up valuable limited space without cause. Ergo, the actions of the virtual humans are on their face irrational aggression. They're a video game. Pull the plug."[/quote']


Revenant: Arrests Dr. O.




Green-lighting the genocide of billions on such sketchy logic cant be allowed. Dr. O has failed to consider the third option, which is that the Human consciousness and "soul" are actually transferred during the upload process. (For a good example, see Shirow Masamune's Ghost in the Shell series)

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