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modern fantasy story seed, needs quick grow fromula


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OK, running my Mississippi Burning campaign, a somewhat tounge in cheek Modern Fantacy campaign tomorow, I have the seed of an idea, but would like to flush it out some


The idea is that it is the week before christmas, and the mall bell ringing santa is giving away free chocolats, the candy turns the people who eat it into greedy little bastricks, (literaly) insanly greedy, a little bit of zombie like fun with the PC's traped in the mall with all of these semi demonic patrons going for things

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Re: modern fantacy story seed, needs quick grow fromula


Sounds like the players need to


1) Escape from the mall.

2) Figure out what's going on.

3) Find a way to reverse it.


Some sort of greater demonic entity is responsible for the tainted chocolate. Basically a given, haha. A mischief demon. What kind of powers/talents do your characters have?

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Re: modern fantacy story seed, needs quick grow fromula


Sounds like the players need to


1) Escape from the mall.

2) Figure out what's going on.

3) Find a way to reverse it.


Some sort of greater demonic entity is responsible for the tainted chocolate. Basically a given, haha. A mischief demon. What kind of powers/talents do your characters have?


Let's see we have a girl with a Holy Sword (Extra damage vs SUper natural), teenage rebel w/o a cause


A Gardner with a chain saw


A exterminator


A survival nut


a occultist (academic


a shamen (With some spells)

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Re: modern fantacy story seed, needs quick grow fromula


Tastes like Dead Rising. The question is are they going to kill the infected indiscriminately, or can they be saved? Because some players will react to killing the infected, some will try and save them, depending on the set up. There also needs to be a clue line leading back to Santa for the boss battle.

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Re: modern fantacy story seed, needs quick grow fromula


At this point, what I'm mainly looking for is ideas on different scenes


I know I want to have the first encounter be something fairly creepy, like a little kid attacking his mother for not buying him a toy



I know it will end with them "killing santa" then him showing up in his true form (Castlevania for the win), but looking for some good stuf in the middle

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Re: modern fantacy story seed, needs quick grow fromula


I'd make it have the kid throwing the tantrum over something else like food.


Your scenario just begs for a massive mob riot/battle at the toy store over the hot toy of the season. It could work with another store like shoes or handbags, but the toy store is the classic for Christmastime. (If it were say April or May, than the mob scene could be at the bridal shop.)

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Re: modern fantacy story seed, needs quick grow fromula


Some quite disturbing stuff could develop out of this.


Players find the creche and have to prevent infected toddlers from slaughtering each other over who gets to play with which toy.


The players rescue a store clerk. She proves very helpful, guiding them around the mall and offering to take them to the head of security's office so that they can acquire the master keys to every door and device in the place. When they reach this office the clerk locates the keys and picks them up, an observant PC might notice at this point that she is chewing something, (cursed bubblegum). Otherwise they only realise that something is wrong when she refuses to hand over the keys, or let the players near her in case they steal them. She thus reveals herself to have become infected by laughing insanely, screaming profanities at any player who tries to relieve her of her newly acquired 'present' and possibly hurling herself off something high if the PC's aren't careful or lucky enough to stop her.


A very vicious version of baseball is being carried out in the sporting goods section. It seems to involve beating other players over the head with bats and stealing their baseballs. To one side a gang of demonic cheerleaders tear at each others clothes and hair, whatever they were originally fighting over has long been trampled into bits, (weak-willed male characters may have difficulty tearing themselves away from this spectacle).


A restaurant or food shop could serve as a safe haven, not because it is uninhabited but because the infected within have gorged themselves until they can not move.


Some shoppers were in the antique weapons store when the infection took over ... it got messy.


One infected man got hold of the car which was the star prize in the Christmas raffle. Now he has a terrible urge to run over all those people who might steal his new toy, or he might just want to chase the PC's, because it's funny.

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Re: modern fantasy story seed, needs quick grow fromula


One of those candy dispenser island catches a shotgun blast/gets hit by a motorized cart and spills slippery, spherical candies all over a wide section of mall concourse.


The Orange Julius runs red.


First one to take and hold the Scheel's Sporting Goods Store wins!


Unsettling sounds coming from the photo booth. Don't look at the strip of pictures, just don't look!


The security guards all have cleavers and are looking for shoplifters. A necklace of hands is evidence that they've found at least a few.


A Victoria's Secret clerk, dressed to sell the new Spring line, is using a garter to staunch the bleeding from her mangled arm.


Someone took fish from the pet store and put them in the mall's fountain. Little Nemo-esque clownfish nibble at a corpse floating facedown in the water.

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Re: modern fantacy story seed, needs quick grow fromula




Men fighting over diamond necklaces in the jewelry shop. If nothing else makes your players stop and tilt their heads, that oughta do it.


My apologies to the manly men who like diamond necklaces. I'm sure you're out there somewhere.


I can imagine that easily...

"It's for my WIFE!!!"

"That cow doesn't deserve it!"

"Well, neither does your harpy of a girlfriend!"




See's Candies gives out free samples to everyone who comes in. Are they part of the plot, or do they have an antidote? ("Oh, you want the Old-Fashioned Special Anti-Demon Butter Cremes!") Their secret service, the Women in (Chocolate) Brown (not Men in Black, no sir!) are ready to respond!



The Salvation Army bellringer turns pickpocket or outright mugger, braining people with their little coin bucket. "It's for CHARITY, you pig! Hand it over! All of it! Now!"



The unflappable store manger, already being insanely greedy, is unaffected by all this, and happily rings up sale after sale to the crazed and/or desperate mob. Even selling things at grossly inflated prices(...oh, wait, that's too much like real life...)

, or just taking the credit card in exchange for the demanded toy.



...yeah, first prize might be the sporting-goods store (though many malls don't have one, at least not a fully (ahem) loaded one with guns and all); second place goes to the big kitchen store (have you SEEN some of the knives in there?)

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Re: modern fantasy story seed, needs quick grow fromula


Well adventure is done, it went really well IMO (But room to improve)


We were only at about half power, which I was glad for. They stoped at the stereo shop, where they met the first greed inflicted, proceeded on to in the hallway a little girl strangling her momma, the grissly and bloody sight of the sporting goods store, a quick stop to the toy store, next door to the deserts shop, and a fight with Demon Santa, where one player was on death's door briefly...

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