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How would you build?


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I'm thinking of a new mentalist character that is superpowerful maybe the most powerful mutant ever...the only problem he has no control over which abilities are currently active and they are in a constant state of flux changing sometimes even while in use. I'm thinking of VPP with a high point count with some kind of power chart that changes...but how to write the limitation is the real question.

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Re: How would you build?


That's pretty straight forward. It sounds like you're thinking of No Conscious Control, Cannot Control Power Selection.


So once you HAVE the powers you can elect when and how they're used, but you can't select the powers themselves. It's a smaller version of that lim, and it would likely go on the framework as a whole.

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Re: How would you build?


That's pretty straight forward. It sounds like you're thinking of No Conscious Control, Cannot Control Power Selection.


So once you HAVE the powers you can elect when and how they're used, but you can't select the powers themselves. It's a smaller version of that lim, and it would likely go on the framework as a whole.


And you'd want to add the Limitation "Mental powers only" If you use a VPP. I've personaly found that VPPs are very hard to deal with if that is the primary power of the character. You could also have a MP with all ultra slots and "no Conscious Control"

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Re: How would you build?


And you'd want to add the Limitation "Mental powers only" If you use a VPP. I've personaly found that VPPs are very hard to deal with if that is the primary power of the character. You could also have a MP with all ultra slots and "no Conscious Control"


Sorry, I was about to say "that goes without saying," but you're absolutely correct, it does need to be said. I use "IVPPs" -- InVariable Power Pools for my own Arcane magic construction. I didn't want to go into designing the VPP/MP itself. You're dead on, though -- it does need to be specified in the construction so it does what you want it too.

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Re: How would you build?


I'd recommend a multipower with the NCC on the control cost. There are relatively few mental powers, and mixing and matching them can lead to a great deal of fluxiness: mind control + telepathy, mental illusions + ego attack, eg.


This will cost fewer points than the VPP, but be no more 'point shaving' in my opinion, giving your mentalist more points to spend on survival traits, which he'll need since he'll be the natural target of many (considering his annoying power set).

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Re: How would you build?


I'd recommend a multipower with the NCC on the control cost. There are relatively few mental powers, and mixing and matching them can lead to a great deal of fluxiness: mind control + telepathy, mental illusions + ego attack, eg.


This will cost fewer points than the VPP, but be no more 'point shaving' in my opinion, giving your mentalist more points to spend on survival traits, which he'll need since he'll be the natural target of many (considering his annoying power set).


Er... sure, those are "classic" mental powers, Comic, but this is Hero. I can build a Force Field and call it a mental power, or buy Damage Reduction and call it a mental power if I really want too. Saying "only mental powers" is as much GM call as it is power design, yes? We may be talking past each other, but I see "only mental powers" as a definition of the SFX; nothing more.

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Re: How would you build?


I'm thinking of a new mentalist character that is superpowerful maybe the most powerful mutant ever...the only problem he has no control over which abilities are currently active and they are in a constant state of flux changing sometimes even while in use. I'm thinking of VPP with a high point count with some kind of power chart that changes...but how to write the limitation is the real question.


You're better off with a big multipower. They come with a built-in "power chart".

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Re: How would you build?


I'm thinking of a new mentalist character that is superpowerful maybe the most powerful mutant ever...the only problem he has no control over which abilities are currently active and they are in a constant state of flux changing sometimes even while in use. I'm thinking of VPP with a high point count with some kind of power chart that changes...but how to write the limitation is the real question.


Gonna suck when your Flight becomes Spatial Awareness. Or your Force Field flickers out. If this is all the eggs in your basket, if I were the GM I would ask that you reconsider. But anyway....


It's came up before to mixed response but one of the ways to represent powers erratically firing off is Enraged/Berserk. Disadvantage kicks in and you start "attacking" any available target; you don't necessarily have to go into a berserker rage or Hulk out. Also Requires Skill Roll with Side Effects (random power from list) can work well.

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Re: How would you build?


..I see "only mental powers" as a definition of the SFX; nothing more.

While this could be one way of doing it, I've always called that 'psychic' or 'psionic' or the like.


To me, 'mental' powers, like 'attack' powers or 'adjustment' powers are.. you know, the ones from 5Er p116, sidebar.


Though I'd certainly allow either as a limitation, I'd want to understand there was an objective reason for using the mechanic, as opposed to a mechanical reason for achieving the objective.

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Re: How would you build?


You can also just go with a Physical Limitation or Side Effect, which is what I'd do. It will make your GM's job a hell of a lot easier if you just have an activation roll and side effect(gm's option), indicating your power doesn't always do what you want and you can't control what it does very well.


Frankly, when a pc says 'I want to be the most powerful guy ever but my powers only work half the time', I say 'Interesting special effect. In game terms you're the SAME POWER LEVEL as everyone else. But you do have a cool background and limitations and go ahead and rp that and if you do it well maybe someday it will come into play. Someday. Once.'

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Re: How would you build?


Gonna suck when your Flight becomes Spatial Awareness. Or your Force Field flickers out. If this is all the eggs in your basket, if I were the GM I would ask that you reconsider. But anyway....


An easy way around this would be to build the character with a basic set of powers that he can access regularly, like any super; then in addition he has the big uncontrolled VPP/MP. Because it would be pretty much unplayable if all his powers were a random selection from moment to moment (or even adventure to adventure). And even if the player is willing, it would be unplayable for the GM when planning, if she didn't have at least a basic grasp of what powers would available.

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Re: How would you build?


This concept places a lot of work and responsibility on the shoulders of the GM. Basically, you are asking the GM to decide what powers you have at any given point in time. I could easily see this as a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.


The character's powers aren't very useful in the current situation? You're hosing my character.


The character's powers are dead on to the current situation? You're making all the other characters into sidekicks for Deus Ex Machina Man.


As a GM, I want you to answer the following for me, so I can understand what we're looking for here:


How often should your character's inability to control what powers he can access:


- hose him utterly (ie his powers are completely worthless to the situation at hand)


- place him in a sidekick role (ie his powers are useful, but he will likely take a back seat in effectiveness to the other characters)


- keep him level with the other characters


- place him in a superior role to the other characters (ie his abilities are quite useful to the situation at hand)


- render the other characters superfluous (ie his powers can pretty much solve the problem)?


Now ask yourself how easy you would find it to achieve that balance if you were the GM. That's the reason I tend to dislike characters whose powers/power levels are subject to GM discretion.

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