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First character(s). Recommendations?


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I have yet to play the game, and this is the first characters I've finalised. Any recommendations? For you GMs out there, would you let this Multiform fly in a 150/100 game?


Thanks in advance.

Harold Farnsworth



Harold is a genuinely nice guy. He'll take you to the airport, pick you up when you're too drunk to drive, help you move, baby-sit your four year old so you can have a night out with your S.O.


He has one vise. He is.. well... curious.


Harold has always had a love of seeing what's behind door number three. As a child, he would sneak into places where he wasn't supposed to be, from the neighbor's houses to the warehouse's in the middle of the night. He wasn't interested in taking things, just seeing what was there. His older brother is a member of the FBI. Phil tried to keep an eye on little brother growing up without much success. When Phil started working for the FBI, he made the mistake of talking of a case he was assigned but was totally stumped. That night, Harold broke into the feild office of a crooked corperation, hacked the computer system, and came away with records without leaving a trace. When he presented the info to Phil, Phil was outraged, but ended up using the information to crack the case. And when things get bad on cases, Harold turns out to frequently be a good "reliable source".


Everything is going with with his life until he is on vacation in Japan. After doing the usual touristy type stuff, he becomes interested in a well known family of the area, and hears the rumor that they are shugensa, or magic users. Being his usual self, he sets out to look around their home while they aren't there. He had just found an interesting amulet and had just reached for it when he was discovered and attacked with a magic spell. He manages to get away, but the result is his being bound with Kudo, a kami of martial arts.



He loves finding out secrets and what is behind closed doors. He has no desire to do anything with what he finds out, just knowing is enough. The exception is when innocent people are being threatened, then he will do what he can to end the threat, usually by passing an annonomous tip to the appropriate law enforcement agency. He has no interest in fighting. His objective in a fight is to just get away. His biggest weakness is a damsel in distress. Where normally he would try to just get out of a fight, or get away when it starts, for a woman (or a girl, or an old lady), he will stick it out and try to make the guy too tired from punching and in too much pain (from buised fists) to bother the lady any more.


Powers: Breaking and entering, either buildings or security systems.


Tactics: Don't get caught. If caught, try not to get hit.




Val Char Cost Roll Notes

10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 HTH damage

17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6

10 CON 0 11-

10 BODY 0 11-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3

10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6

10 COM 0 11-

2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)

2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)

2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12

4 REC 0

20 END 0

20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 31

Movement: Run: 7"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

50 Kudo-: Multiform (250 Character Points in the most expensive form)

0 0" Running (7" total)


Martial Arts: MA NAME

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort



5 Computer Link

9 Contact (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has: useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (+2) (9 Active Points) 8-



11 Acrobatics 16-

9 Acting 14-

11 Bugging 17-

11 Climbing 16-

13 Computer Programming 18-

7 Concealment 15-

9 Cryptography 16-

7 Deduction 15-

9 Disguise 16-

7 Electronics 15-

11 Lockpicking 16-

11 Persuasion 15-

9 Security Systems 16-

7 Shadowing 15-

7 PS 16-

12 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Hanggliding, Helicopters, Large Motorized Boats, Large Wind-Powered Boats, SCUBA, Small Motorized Boats, Small Planes, Small Rowed Boats, Snowmobiles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 219

Total Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

20 Hunted: Organised crime 8-, Organised crime, Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence

15 Psychological Limitation: Hates fighting (Common; Strong)

10 Dependent NPC: Brother, FBI agent 11- (Normal; Useful noncombat position or skills)

20 Physical Limitation: Normal Human Stats (All the Time; Greatly Impairing)

10 Psychological Limitation: Compulsive rescuer of women in distress (Common; Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Nice Guy syndrom. (Common; Moderate)

15 Hunted: Super Villians 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)


Total Disadvantage Points: 250








In Japanese Mytho's, Kami's are a bit lower then demi-gods but above mortals. The can be kami's of the home, the farms, boats or woods. Kudo is one of martial arts. A few hundred years ago Kudo was bound to an amulet. Harold Farnsworth accidentally managed to partially free Kudo. Rather than being bound to an amulet that gives the wearer remarkable skills in martial arts, he is now bound to Harold. Most of the time he spends in the spirit world, but if Harold gets into a fight, Kudo swaps places with him in the physical world and takes over the fight. Once he is called, Kudo stays around until the fighting is done, even if Harold's talents are more appropriate to the situation. Oh, and Kudo only understands Japanese. He knows who Harold's friends are, he just can't understand a word they say.



Kudo is a spirit of martial arts. He loves to fight, even when he is out matched. About the only thing that comes close to matching his love of fighting is his love of drinking, and a good bottle of sake is one of the few things that will slow him down in a good free for all. His biggest disapointment is when a foe surrenders.



Kudo never shows up with a weapon. He loves to take weapons away from others and then use them against people who are still attacking.

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

20 STR 10 13- Lift 400.0kg; 4d6 HTH damage

30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

10 CON 0 11-

10 BODY 0 11-

10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-

10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3

10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6

10 COM 0 11-

4 PD 0 Total: 16 PD (12 rPD)

2 ED 0 Total: 14 ED (12 rED)

7 SPD 30 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12

15 REC 18

27 END 4

39 STUN 14 Total Characteristics Cost: 150

Movement: Run: 12"/NC"

Swim: 2"/NC"


Cost Powers END

45 Find Weakness 14- (All Attacks)


Martial Arts: MA NAME

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 Martial Strike +0 +2 STR +10d6 Strike HtH

4 Martial Strike +0 +2 STR +10d6 Strike Weapon

3 Martial Throw +0 +1 STR +8d6 +v/5, Target Falls

4 Nerve Strike -1 +1 6d6 NND HtH

4 Nerve Strike -1 +1 6d6 NND Weapon

5 Passing Strike +1 +0 STR +8d6 +v/5; FMove

4 Weapon Bind +1 +0 Bind, +50 STR

4 Basic Shot +0 +0 Strike, +2 DC



24 Combat Luck (12 PD/12 ED)



7 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Thrown Chain & Rope Weapons

56 +7 with All Combat


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 201

Total Cost: 350


250+ Disadvantages

25 Psychological Limitation: Cannot leave a fight in progress (Very Common; Total)

15 Distinctive Features: Fox like features, 3 tails (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Hunted: Other Japanese dieties. He is not supposed to be in the open. 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)

20 Custom Disadvantage-doesn't understand English.

10 Psychological Limitation: Will stop in the middle of a fight to drink, loves Sake (Uncommon; Strong)

15 Custom Disadvantage - Cannot use modern weapons


Total Disadvantage Points: 350

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Well developed background for a first champs character.Here are some impressions and recomendations.


1.) I don't see a problem with the Multiform, maybe if you were planning a whole series of Kami thus having many power and skill sets but not for a single player character.


2.) Very well done, and very playable-GMable character. Right of the bat he is a personality and not just a list of powers.


3.) You'll need to make some changes in the Kudo form though. Even for a 250 point pc he'd need some enhancing and for 350 it is a must.


a.) His dex is fine. it's his main defense afterall, but you need to buy up the Constitution, score so that when he is actually hit, by say a area effect attack or explosian, he won't be stunned too easily. The same goes for Physical defense, Enegy defense and, this is just a reccomendation but I emphasize it, Body.


Normal human maxima for Constitution is 20. For a representative Kami I'd give him at least that much. That will cost 20 points but it will up your Enegy defense to 4 points, save you 4 points on Recovery, up your Endurance to 48 ( at speed 7 you'll need endurance or your character will peter out before a 3rd round) as well as upping your stun to 44.


2.) I recomend you drop a point of speed for 10 points, and drop the point total on your find weakness or something else to get the other 10 in order to up your Constitution. (Note-several of your martial art combat maneuvars are repeated, I assume that is a typo but if not eliminate the redundancy to get some of that 20 points for Con.)


3.) Body isn't as important but I'd reccomend at minimum another 3-5.


Hope this is helpful

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I always make the same recommendation to anyone and everyone playing the game for the first time:


Play a brick.


I know, it sounds uncreative and uninteresting, but trust me. Play a really simple brick withtwo powers: damage resistance and leaping. That's it. Keep your character simple until you understand the game better. Better yet, play the simple brick with a 30 point power pool which changes every adventure into a random, single power (GM's choice). That'll allow you to learn the system one power at a time.

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I agree with Redmenace that you shoyuld get CON up to 23. This costs you another 16 points. You recover 7 of that in STUN and 6 in REC, so you're only really paying 3 points (plus boosting ED 3 and END 26 - settle for only +20 END and the CON is paid for)


Duplicate martial maneuvers can be cleared if you've paid for the same one more than once. A "Strike" can be a punch or a kick - you don't have to pay once for each.


Total defenses are 16/14 (16/17 with 23 CON), which is probably enough for a character whose main defense is avoiding attacks.


I'd consider a higher DEX (33 or even 35) before I'd buy more BOD, but that's just me. He can get a 17 DCV with his levels, if he puts all in DCV and uses a no DCV modifying maneuver.


A 10 PRE and a 10 EGO means presence attacks will cost you some phases. That's offset a bit by your high speed, but not bveing able to act in your first phase means being an easy target, something you can't afford. I would buy some presence only to resist PRE attacks to solve this.


I don't see a lot of need to buy END - you'll have a base 46 with 23 CON, and you'll use what - 2 for STR and maybe 1 to run in a phase? At 15 REC, that 46 END will last a long tim, even spending 21 per turn. I'm also not a big fan of buying up Stun, but that's personal preference.


You could shave a few points by making FW only on martial attacks - what else will you likely use?


I'm not certain how you're working the multiform. At first, I thought all the base form's disad's carried over, but that's clearly not the case as the characteristic maxima on DEX and Speed would kill you. I think you are operating on the basis you pay 50 to get a 250 point base, and add in disadvantages from there.


The cost is actually 1/5 of the total points of the second form, including disadvantages (so 350/5 = 70 points). The second form has the same base points as the base character (150), so you need to take 250 points of disadvantages in the second form to balance him.


You could get a point break on the multiform if you revert to Harold if knocked out. Given your description of the change (to Kudo when fighting starts, back after), you might want to consider an Accidental Change disadvantage. It's to Harold's advantage to change in most cases, but the automatic shift back if the fighting's done could be a drawback (since Hardold stioll needs a half phase to change back, and won't have those extra defenses until he does).


Some form of healing/regeneration can be handy for low DEF characters, who are prone to take body. Logically, Kudo (an immortal) could have regeneration, and pass this along to Harold due to their joined nature.


whoa...just noticed that 150/100 thing...


The construct is legal, but as a GM, I would not allow any structure (multiform, duplication, slavishly loyal summon) which allows a character who exceeds the campaign point limits. I would restrict Kudo to 150/100 like any other PC.


In a 250 point campaign, his abilities will make him a combat monster, virtually unstoppable. Talk to your GM about campaign norms - I suspect Kudo would be competetive with fewer/no levels, lower attack DC's, reduced Speed and/or less (or even removed) Find Weakness.


The standard for supers in this range is 3-8 Speed, Combat Values of 6-11 (your DEX alone puts you at the high end - the levels put you well above), 6-12 damage classes (eg. 12d6 strike, or 6d6 NND) and defenses of 12 (6 resistant). You're at or above the high end of the scale in pretty much all categories, so scaling back wouldn't be too tough.

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question concerning martial strikes


If I buy Martial Strike with HtH, don't I also have to buy it seperately for weapon use? Or is a melee weapon considered HtH?


Also, if I do Accidental Change, how should it be listed in HeroDesigner? Frequent, common? I I'm considering it for Harold if his oponent outclasses him, and for Kudo if he gets knocked unconsious. I can see where being picked on by a some big beefy guy being a time when Kudo really wants to pop out, but having that happen in a bar would be a really, really bad idea.

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Re: question concerning martial strikes


Originally posted by revanick

If I buy Martial Strike with HtH, don't I also have to buy it seperately for weapon use? Or is a melee weapon considered HtH?


Also, if I do Accidental Change, how should it be listed in HeroDesigner? Frequent, common? I I'm considering it for Harold if his oponent outclasses him, and for Kudo if he gets knocked unconsious. I can see where being picked on by a some big beefy guy being a time when Kudo really wants to pop out, but having that happen in a bar would be a really, really bad idea.


Generally, you buy the martial maneuvers once, then purchase weapon elements for 1 point each.


"opponent Outclasses him" should be pretty common. Unconsciousness is probably in the middle range - it's certainly going to happen.


As for bringing him down to the 250 total points level, see my prior post - he's currently got lots of "overeffectivenesses" that could be trimmed to shave off 100 points.

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I like the history (especially that you put it first!), but I do think it gets a bit weak at the point where he starts getting powers. As GM I would have some questions about exactly what happened, to give me a better idea of the character.


Is this a heroic or superheroic game?


Personally I wouldn't allow a Multiform of more than about (total points minus points in Multiform), which works out to around 225 points overall for one form or the other. (Otherwise, Multiform characters are easily flat-out better than other characters.)


I don't know what the DEX/CV/SPD limits are like in the game, but SPD 7, DEX 30 plus 7 combat levels would be too much for my games.


For Harold, look at Skill Levels or higher stats, you could save points instead of buying each skill up by itself. Also, I enforce the 10 point minimum for Martial Arts, so just buying Dodge is a no-no.


For Kudo, you don't need to buy actual Maneuvers multiple times -- just buy the maneuver once and buy a Weapon Element for the martial art. That should save you quite a few points.


It looks like Kudo has extra DCs (quite a few!) but I don't see them on the sheet.


14d6 attack plus Find Weakness plus a weapon if you can find one is pretty high for most games, I'm guessing you'll be toning it down a bit.

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Missing it


Using HeroDesigner, and looking at the Martial Strike, it gives me the option of HtH or Weapons. I to me that implied that I had to buy one Martial Strike for HtH and a seperate one for Weapon. Did buying Weapon's Familiarity get me that without having to buy it as a seperate catagory?


So far, I've eliminated FW, changed Combat Skill Levels to "with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks", down from All Attacks, bought PRE up to 16, speed down to 6. There are also a few other changes as seen below.


I'll reread you post again and see if I can fine tune it a bit more.



Player: Roger

Val Char Cost

20 STR 10

30 DEX 60

20 CON 20

10 BODY 0

10 INT 0

10 EGO 0

15 PRE 5

10 COM 0


16 PD 0

16 ED 0

6 SPD 20

14 REC 12

40 END 0

30 STUN 0


12" RUN 12

2" SWIM 0

6" LEAP 2

Characteristics Cost: 141


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

4 Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +8d6 Strike

4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, Weapon +8 DC Strike

3 Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +6d6 +v/5, Target Falls

4 Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 5d6 NND

4 Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 5d6 NND

5 Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +6d6 +v/5; FMove

4 Weapon Bind: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, +40 STR

4 Basic Shot: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +2, Strike, +2 DC

24 +6 HTH Damage Class(es)

Martial Arts Cost: 60


Cost Skill

7 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Thrown Chain & Rope Weapons

18 +6 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks

Skills Cost: 25


Cost Talent

24 Combat Luck (12 PD/12 ED)

Talents Cost: 24


Total Character Cost: 250


Val Disadvantages

25 Psychological Limitation: Cannot leave a fight in progress (Very Common; Total)

15 Distinctive Features: Fox like features, 3 tails (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Hunted: Other Japanese dieties. He is not supposed to be in the open. 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)

20 Custom Disadvantage-doesn't understand English.

10 Psychological Limitation: Will stop in the middle of a fight to drink, loves Sake (Uncommon; Strong)

15 Custom Disadvantage - Cannot use modern weapons



Disadvantage Points: 100

Base Points: 150

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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I believe that setting in Hero Designer is just for display (since the damage total changes for weapons). You definitely don't need the maneuver twice, just the right Weapon Element.


Do you know what the average SPD and CV values are for the game? Kudo can hit 16 OCV and 21 DCV, which is high for most games.

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I have to admit I just scanned the highlights of the manual. At the moment, a friend has my copy of the book, so yes, I am mainly relying on HeroDesigner. Said friend just had major work done on his house and is more than a little short on cash.


I don't know the average SPD or CV. I'm totally new to this system, and relatively new to any RPGs. I've played a couple sessions of a novice run GURPS fantasy, and an old RPG called Bushido. With this system, I don't even know what questions to ask. Before posting on this board the only advice I had was from someone who played a previous edition (and whose chief memory was looking stuff up in many tables to see what happened when someone threw a punch), and that advice was to make sure I had a good speed.


Pattern, you say you hate RTFM type replies, and I can understand that after having looked through a bunch of character posts to try to figure out what things where critical. I tried to put the key points of the changes made in the text above and added the RTFM stuff just to let everyone see the changes that I might have forgotten to mention. If you have a method of posting the changes in a better format (which I admit shouldn't be hard since that format is about as interesting as reading an index at the back of a physics book) I'll be happily to go along with your suggestions.


I posted for suggestions, got them, and modified the character. I appriciate the feedback. I'll try to take the advice of not trying to build the perfect character on the first shot. The main thing I'm concerned about with these characters is being viable, GM friendly, and no glaring weakness' that will turn it into an unplayable character (no Terrified of Rain and have the locale being Seattle in the winter).


Thanks again for the advace, folks.

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For a first-pass by an RPG newcomer, this was a great job.


I would ask the GM the following questions:


1) What are values for low/average/high defenses?


2) Does the average character have lots of resistant defense?


3) What are values (low/avg/high) for SPD?


4) What are values for OCV/DCV?


5) What are values for DC (Damage Classes)?


Going by overall averages, your character is way too high on DC, too high on CV, high-ish on SPD, and low on defenses. In my campaign I'd insist DC and CV both be lowered. But on the other hand, you don't want to show up and find out that everyone else (villains included) is built to a higher standard...so asking is good. :) If possible, have the GM provide a standard or sample NPC sheet so you can see his vision of characters.

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Pattern, you say you hate RTFM type replies, and I can understand that after having looked through a bunch of character posts to try to figure out what things where critical. I tried to put the key points of the changes made in the text above and added the RTFM stuff just to let everyone see the changes that I might have forgotten to mention. If you have a method of posting the changes in a better format (which I admit shouldn't be hard since that format is about as interesting as reading an index at the back of a physics book) I'll be happily to go along with your suggestions.


Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant, I hate to have people be told to Read the Manual when they ask a question. IOW, I didn't want to offend you by suggesting referencing the book, but I did think it might help here. Generally, I prefer to assume the person has read the book, and didn't understand or missed a minor detail (easy with 5th!), and they're asking to clarify. So, it's better to explain. I didn't mean that I had a problem with your post, was just trying to politely frame my own.

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Re: Missing it


Originally posted by revanick

Using HeroDesigner, and looking at the Martial Strike, it gives me the option of HtH or Weapons. I to me that implied that I had to buy one Martial Strike for HtH and a seperate one for Weapon. Did buying Weapon's Familiarity get me that without having to buy it as a seperate catagory?


Weapon Familiarity means you can use the weapon without penalty (ie you are proficient in its use). Weapon element would entitle you to use your HTH martial arts maneuvers with the weapon, so you don't have to buy the maneuvers twice. A martial art has a "default" (normally HTH, but Fencing would be with Swords), and you pay 1 point for each additional weapon element (or for HTH where a weapon is the default).


Weapon elements cost the same as the equivalent weapon familiarity, so you can ditch the duplicated maneuvers and pay another 7 for weapon elements. Probably nmot a lot of difference there!


Looking at the character:



Player: Roger

Val Char Cost

20 STR 10

30 DEX 60

20 CON 20

10 BODY 0

10 INT 0

10 EGO 0

15 PRE 5


You may want to d/w your GM, but this is still pretty open to presence attacks. It's rare to see a "super" with under 20 in this regard. You could buy +10 PRE, only to resist PRE attacks, for 5 points.


10 COM 0


16 PD 0

16 ED 0

6 SPD 20

14 REC 12

40 END 0

30 STUN 0


12" RUN 12

2" SWIM 0

6" LEAP 2

Characteristics Cost: 141


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

4 Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +8d6 Strike

4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, Weapon +8 DC Strike

3 Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +6d6 +v/5, Target Falls

4 Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 5d6 NND

4 Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 5d6 NND

5 Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +6d6 +v/5; FMove

4 Weapon Bind: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, +40 STR

4 Basic Shot: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +2, Strike, +2 DC

24 +6 HTH Damage Class(es)

Martial Arts Cost: 60


As noted above, you can save some points here by using weapon elements.


Cost Skill

7 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Thrown Chain & Rope Weapons

18 +6 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks

Skills Cost: 25


I know someone else already noted this, but the OCV/DCV result here would be too high in most 350 point campaigns (10 OCV 18 DCV w/ 12d6 attack).


Cost Talent

24 Combat Luck (12 PD/12 ED)

Talents Cost: 24


Total Character Cost: 250


Val Disadvantages

25 Psychological Limitation: Cannot leave a fight in progress (Very Common; Total)

15 Distinctive Features: Fox like features, 3 tails (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)


Your GM may question "not concealable" as he can Multiform it away, but I'd allow it given the limited choices of when to change, and the obvious limits keeping the base character in combat.


15 Hunted: Other Japanese dieties. He is not supposed to be in the open. 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)

20 Custom Disadvantage-doesn't understand English.


Actually, this should be a physical limitation - I think it's priced appropriately. Basically, something he can do but won't is psychological, and something the character cannot do (which others can) is physical.


10 Psychological Limitation: Will stop in the middle of a fight to drink, loves Sake (Uncommon; Strong)

15 Custom Disadvantage - Cannot use modern weapons



Disadvantage Points: 100

Base Points: 150

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0 [/b]

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