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Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute

Logan D. Hurricanes

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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


I managed to get a hold of my HeroDesigner, and here is my first draft of Blackhawk.


Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
20	STR	10	17-	Lift 6400.0kg; 8d6 HTH damage [3]
20	DEX	30	13-	OCV: 7/DCV: 7
20	CON	20	13-
15	BODY	10	12-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
14	EGO	8	12-	ECV: 5
13	PRE	3	12-	PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6
10	COM	0	11-
10	PD	2	Total: 10/20 PD (10/20 rPD)
10	ED	6	Total: 10/20 ED (10/20 rED)
4	SPD	10	Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
12	REC	0
40	END	0
45	STUN	0	Total Characteristics Cost: 100
Movement:	Running: 7"/[Noncombat]"
Leaping: 8"/[Noncombat]"
Swimming: 0"/[Noncombat]"

[b]Cost	Powers	END[/b]
[i]Hardened Artificial Body[/i]	
12	1)   Damage Resistance (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (12 Active Points)	0
37	2)   Armor (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (37 Active Points)	0
10	3)   Knockback Resistance -5"	0
10	4)   Flame Retardant Skin: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2)	0
10	5)   Impact Resistant Skin: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2)	0
[i]Efficient Artificial Body	[/i]
15	1)   Running +1" (7" total), x8 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (15 Active Points)	1
25	2)   +20 STR, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (25 Active Points)	1
[i]Enhanced Artificial Senses[/i]	
12	1)   High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)	0
5	2)   Infrared Perception (Sight Group)	0
3	3)   Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group)	0
5	4)   Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group)	0
33	Flight 6", x8 Noncombat, No Turn Mode (+1/4), Usable Underwater (+1/4) (33 Active Points)	3
45	Gravomagnetic Emitter: Energy Blast 9d6	4

Martial Arts: [basic Brawling]
Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Notes
3	Basic Strike	+1	+0	10d6 Strike
4	Choke Hold	-2	+0	Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND
5	Defensive Block	+1	+3	Block, Abort
4	Martial Escape	+0	+0	55 STR vs. Grabs
3	Martial Grab	-1	-1	Grab Two Limbs, 50 STR for holding on

20	Custom Perk
5	Rapid Healing
3	Absolute Range Sense
[i]Enhanced Artificial Brain[/i]
3	1)   Absolute Time Sense
3	2)   Bump Of Direction
4	3)   Speed Reading (x10)
5	4)   Eidetic Memory
3	Bureaucratics 12-
2	Navigation (Land) 12-
[i]Was a night watchman[/i]
3	1)   Security Systems 12-
2	2)   PS: Appraise 11-
3	3)   Systems Operation (Metal Detectors, Radio, Telephone Communications) 12-
3	Mechanics 12-

[b]Total Powers & Skills Cost[/b]: 300
[b]Total Cost[/b]: 400

[b]250+	Disadvantages[/b]
15	DNPC:  Elaine Thomas (Sister) 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)
15	Distinctive Features:  Tall, Bald Silvery-White Man with Big Black Wings (Concealable ; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
20	Hunted:  ERS, Inc. 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
5	Physical Limitation:  Dense Body, Twice Normal Human Weight (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
20	Hunted:   8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
15	Hunted:  Ferriman Institute 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
10	Physical Limitation:  Medically Resistant (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)
10	Social Limitation:  As an artificial being,does he have rights? (Occasionally, Major)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Code vs. Killing (Any Sentient) (Common, Total)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Protective of Innocents (Common, Total)
Total Disadvantage Points[/b]: 400

[b]Background/History[/b] : He took a job as a night watchman for Earle Research Systems, when one of their employees Dr. Albrecht von Heyn decided to use him as a test of his new mind transferral device before using it himself to inhabit an advanced robotic body.  Due to unknown circumstances, there was an explosion and Roger escaped.  ERS covered up the doctor's deeds and declared it an accident, declared Roger dead and paid a sum to his only living relative, his sister Elaine.  But in truth, they know what happened and want Roger's body back.  In addition, there was never any body, so there may be a copy of him out there, possibly still being experimented upon by ERS.

Left with an incomplete manual on a handheld computer, Roger deciphered what he could and started helping people as Blackhawk.  Since joining the Ferriman Institute, he has made progress in discovering just what this body can do.  Due to the complexity, there is some debate about the true creator of the body, as Dr. von Heyn's notes indicate he did not create it, and at least one researcher believes that the Iron Emperor is true creator of Blackhawk's body.

[b]Personality/Motivation[/b] : He never had much in the way of heroic impulses before, but now he feels a responsibility to shield those who can't bounce bullets.  Much of this is because if he keeps moving and helping others, he doesn't have to dwell on the question of just what he is now.

[b]Quote[/b] : "Wait...I can do what now?"

[b]Powers/Tactics[/b] : A jack of all trades, he can fly, run fast, lift lots, and fire a variety of energy bolts out of his palms.  In addition, he can do a lot of this very efficiently, and has superhuman senses.  He can surprise enemies who expect just a flyer, just an energy blaster, or just a brick by switching roles mid-battle.  Unfortunately, he doesn't have much of an academic background.


EDIT: I noticed an error in the STR reduced End, and played with it in HD a bit. I ended up removing the Multipower for the energy blasts and upping the flight a bit. I decided that he had just discovered the energy blasts and was still exploring the ability.

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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


My math may be a little off but it's finally done.


Character Name: Flying Fox

Real Name: William T. Fox

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Springfield, Ill.

Date of Birth: 2/23/73

Height/Mass: 5'8, 185 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

10 STR 20

51 DEX 27

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

8 INT 18

30 EGO 25

5 PRE 15

COM 10

PD 4

ED 4

23 SPD 6


END 40



OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 8 DECV: 8

Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Armor (10 pd/10 ed) 30 pts must concentrate to activate (-½) OIHID (-1/4) Harms the environment when activated (-½) Needs Material to use (-½) 11 pts

Flight 20' 40 pts usable by 8 others (+1) linked to armor (-½) variable advantage (+1/2), variable disadvantage (-1/2) Gestures (-½) 27 pts

Teleport 1" 2 pts Usable by 8 others (+1) megascale (+1), linked to armor (-½) Extra time (-1/2) Must cross intervening space (-1/4) gestures (-½), Must be in the air (-½) 2 pts

Energy Blast 8d6 40 pts linked to armor (-½), gestures (-½) physical manifestations (-½) 16 pts

Ranged Killing Attack 3d6 45 pts linked to armor (-½) gestures (-½) Physical manifestations (-½) 18 pts

Radar 15 pts linked to armor (-½) 10 pts

Life Support Self contained breathing, all safe environments 19 pts Linked to armor (-½) 13 pts


Flying Fox's extras 30 pts + 15 pts VPP linked to armor (-½) 30 pts


Cost Skills

3 Combat piloting 14-

3 Combat driving 14-

6 TF: Wheeled vehicles, jets , planes, helicopters

2 Navigation: Air 12-

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Electronics 12-

3 System operations 12-

3 Tracking 12-

3 KS: Physics 12-

3 KS: Engineering 12-

3 PS: Engineering 12-

3 PS: Vehicle Design 12-

2 Survival 12-

3 Stealth 14-

40 + 5 levels with all combat

20 point Ferriman Institute Package

3 Bump of direction


150 Points Disadvantages

25 Watched by the Ferriman Institute 14-

15 Reputation: Speed Demon 14-

20 Psych Lim: Likes to go fast always

20 Subject to orders

10 DF: Speed Aura detectable with Vril detector

30 Hunted by Ferriman Institute's Rogues Gallery 14-

15 Watched by FAA 8-

15 Overconfident


CHA Cost = 167

Total Powers Cost = 127

Total Skills Cost = 106

Total Cost = _____400_____________



Background Information: William T. Fox has always had the ability to create vehicles out of thin air. His father was a trucker, and his mom worked a factory job making gears. They both said it felt like they were one with their machines, which made it easier to use them.


Unknown to the family, Roscoe and Billy Jean Fox had been exposed to a type of radiation and subliminal programming that allowed them to merge with machinery like it was part of their own bodies.


The Ferriman Institute discovered the Fox family after a routine sweep picked up Vril radiation in a minute quantity. After several interviews, and a demonstration of what Will could do, they hired them on to work for the Institute.


Will joined the Challenger program to help keep the world safe and to go really fast.


Quote: "Time to blow up this popsicle stand."


Personality: Will Fox likes to go wherever the action is as fast as possible. He has antagonized the FAA with his daredevil attitude. They don't like something blasting in a flight path without authorization. Free time is spent at a track, either watching the races, or borrowing a car to get in them.


Appearance: Will Fox is an ordinary looking guy who is either in jeans and shirt, or racing leathers in the Challenger colors.


Powers: Will has the ability to mentally build a vehicle around himself. He does this by stripping material around himself while he is concentrating on what the vehicle should be able to do.

AIM: csyphrett

Yahoo Messenger: csyphrett_us

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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


I spent yesterday doing little but recovering from illness. Bleah. I did formulate a couple different adventures, though, so at least it was productive in the realm.


I'll start reviewing characters this weekend when I can (I do have to work :() Gratuitous pictures are always welcome, even when they do lead to discussions of dragon lady breasts... :think:


If you have Hero Designer please add the attachment here. If not, I'll be translating characters into HD3 when I can. It helps me to look them over more efficiently.






Now I can't get that song out of my head. "Don't even fix a price..."

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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


Have to refer Spitfire to this week's Full Frontal Nerdity.. if only I could remember the link.. I'm sure it's somewhere near at hand.. I should get a henchman to help me with these things.


Spitfire would be very upset if she was robbed of her secondary sexual characteristics. It's one thing to be identifiably draconian, it's another thing entirely to loose her femininity. Even combat mechanics have their gender pride.

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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


Then it's a good thing no one's posted the link to the original thread that spawned the strip.


I mean, just how would one Google that topic to track it down?


Here's the thread.




Google search: dragon breasts D&D,

led me to topless robot

linked to the thread...


I did not read the thread.

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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


Just to let you know, I have been working on this. I think I have a plot now, possibly two.


I want to try something different with this campaign (in terms of running it) but I'm not sure exactly what. I was in a pbem over eleven years ago that I thought had some very interesting ideas so I'm trying to think of a way of incorporating the best of all worlds. So stay tuned, i'm still ironing some wrinkles out.


And now they want me to do actual work at work, sheesh.

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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


Just to let you know, I have been working on this. I think I have a plot now, possibly two.


I want to try something different with this campaign (in terms of running it) but I'm not sure exactly what. I was in a pbem over eleven years ago that I thought had some very interesting ideas so I'm trying to think of a way of incorporating the best of all worlds. So stay tuned, i'm still ironing some wrinkles out.


And now they want me to do actual work at work, sheesh.


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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


I'm sorry, guys, but this game is going on hold indefinitely. I'm home from work sick again with some violent vomiting thing, and I'm already way behind in the games I'm already playing in. I don't think I'm going to be able to GM for a while. I figured I better stop now before we really get going then drop out.


I do appreciate the interest and the characters, thank you.

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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


I'm sorry, guys, but this game is going on hold indefinitely. I'm home from work sick again with some violent vomiting thing, and I'm already way behind in the games I'm already playing in. I don't think I'm going to be able to GM for a while. I figured I better stop now before we really get going then drop out.


I do appreciate the interest and the characters, thank you.



Get better soon! It was a good campaign idea, and the characters don't have an expiration date, so maybe we can pick it up again at some later date.

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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


First rule: RL comes first.


Second rule, if the GM is using the expression 'violent vomiting thing' in any context, he gets to take all the time he needs.


Third rule: if it was fun while it lasted, then it was all fun, and I'm grateful to the one who thought of it.


Thank you.

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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


I'm sorry, guys, but this game is going on hold indefinitely. I'm home from work sick again with some violent vomiting thing, and I'm already way behind in the games I'm already playing in. I don't think I'm going to be able to GM for a while. I figured I better stop now before we really get going then drop out.


I do appreciate the interest and the characters, thank you.


It's cool, Log. Stomach virus has been going around the last month.


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Re: Challengers game: The Ferriman Institute


Log' date=' I offer this advice; lurch forward while projectile vomiting...it goes farther that way. :)[/quote']

Believe me, I've got the distance covered. :idjit:





Ok, how wrong is it that after one particularly spectacular hurl I started thinking of a character that used that as his primary power? :help:

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