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The question and Steve Long's reply below make me want to open this up for discussion.

What would you use as the DCV of a military E target?




DCV of stationary object

This is referring to ranged attacks only.

If an inanimate object is stationary, it would seem that its DCV should be based on its size. But if a hex (non-adjacent) has DCV of 3, it would seem a manikin should have a higher DCV.

How should we compute the DCV of, say, a standard military E target?

(For those not familiar with it, it represents (and is the size of) a kneeling man.)

Thank you.


Feb 14th, '08, 01:57 AM

Steve Long

Re: DCV of stationary object

The DCV of an object is typically based solely on its size. Beyond that your question seems to veer into design/philosophy topics, which I generally won't discuss here.


Re: DCV of Stationary Object


It is DCV 3 to hit anywhere in a 2m hex. The hex is approximately a circle, so to determine the square feet it would be pi*r^2, and 1 meter is 3.28 feet, so that's

pi*(3.28)^2 = 33.8 sq. feet


A kneeling man would be, what, about 4 feet by 3 feet? That's 12 sq. feet, just a hair over a third of the square feet that qualifies for DCV 3. I'd say that's DCV 4 or 5, but since it's motionless, that bonus would be easily overcome by the OCV bonus of bracing and taking extra time for accuracy.


Re: DCV of Stationary Object


It is DCV 3 to hit anywhere in a 2m hex. The hex is approximately a circle, so to determine the square feet it would be pi*r^2, and 1 meter is 3.28 feet, so that's

pi*(3.28)^2 = 33.8 sq. feet


A kneeling man would be, what, about 4 feet by 3 feet? That's 12 sq. feet, just a hair over a third of the square feet that qualifies for DCV 3. I'd say that's DCV 4 or 5, but since it's motionless, that bonus would be easily overcome by the OCV bonus of bracing and taking extra time for accuracy.


A little more simply...


a Kneeling man is between 1/4 and 1/2 the Hex in size. DCV3 and a -2 OCV (Size Modifier Rules p382) to the Attacker (effective DCV 5 if you want to call it that).


Re: DCV of Stationary Object


A little more simply...


a Kneeling man is between 1/4 and 1/2 the Hex in size. DCV3 and a -2 OCV (Size Modifier Rules p382) to the Attacker (effective DCV 5 if you want to call it that).


Well, sure, if you want to skip all the fun math. :D


Re: DCV of Stationary Object


The formula for the area of an equilateral, equiangular (aka regular) hexagon, where Z is the distance between opposite sides, is:


area = Z^2 * sqrt(0.75)


where sqrt() is the square-root function.


For a 2-meter hexagon, the area is ~ 3.464 square meters.


However, this is unimportant. The important matter is the size of the target object, relative to a human being. Via "Shrinking" a target half human height has a +2 DCV; via the "Combat Modifiers Table" such an object imposes a -2 to OCV. That, however, is at 1/2 the height; your target is ~61% the height so I'd be inclined to give it +1 DCV (or impose -1 to the attackers OCV).


Since an umoving target has a standard DCV of 3, your E ride -- sorry, E target -- has a DCV of 4 (or effectively 4 if you modify the attacker's OCV).


Re: DCV of Stationary Object


The formula for the area of an equilateral, equiangular (aka regular) hexagon, where Z is the distance between opposite sides, is:


area = Z^2 * sqrt(0.75)


where sqrt() is the square-root function.


For a 2-meter hexagon, the area is ~ 3.464 square meters.


However, this is unimportant. The important matter is the size of the target object, relative to a human being. Via "Shrinking" a target half human height has a +2 DCV; via the "Combat Modifiers Table" such an object imposes a -2 to OCV. That, however, is at 1/2 the height; your target is ~61% the height so I'd be inclined to give it +1 DCV (or impose -1 to the attackers OCV).


Since an umoving target has a standard DCV of 3, your E ride -- sorry, E target -- has a DCV of 4 (or effectively 4 if you modify the attacker's OCV).


Now, that's the math I'm talking about. :)


Re: DCV of Stationary Object


This is a bit off topic but in Cyberpunk v3, it's easier to hit a person who's trying to dodge than a garbage can. In that game stationary object "target number" is determined by size. For people, the "target number" is lower than a stationary object but you get to add your dodge skill to it. But guess what, you have to BUY your dodge skill and it's a major point investment to get your dodge skill so it's harder to hit you than a stationary object. That's one reason why I hate this game system. In a firefight, the best way for most characters to avoid being hit is to drop to one knee and stay still (becoming a stationary half-man object).


But Champions isn't much better. A normal (DCV 3) person dodging has a DCV of 6. An object with the equivalent of one level of shrinking has DCV of 5.


Re: DCV of Stationary Object


A normal (DCV 3) person dodging has a DCV of 6. An object with the equivalent of one level of shrinking has DCV of 5.
All that does is imply that the difference between one DCV and the next higher is fairly significant, so proportionately higher DCVs are even more effective.


If you think about it, what's involved in a normal (non-Martial) Dodge? IRL what does the average person without Martial Arts training do when he dodges? He ducks down a bit, or sidesteps a little, or steps back to avoid a swing. There's not much change in his actual size or posture; anything more energetic is more likely covered under Dive for Cover.


So IMO a literal doubling of DCV from a Dodge is really rather generous when one considers how much that decreases the odds of that normal getting hit by another normal.


Re: DCV of Stationary Object


This is a bit off topic but in Cyberpunk v3, it's easier to hit a person who's trying to dodge than a garbage can. In that game stationary object "target number" is determined by size. For people, the "target number" is lower than a stationary object but you get to add your dodge skill to it. But guess what, you have to BUY your dodge skill and it's a major point investment to get your dodge skill so it's harder to hit you than a stationary object. That's one reason why I hate this game system. In a firefight, the best way for most characters to avoid being hit is to drop to one knee and stay still (becoming a stationary half-man object).


But Champions isn't much better. A normal (DCV 3) person dodging has a DCV of 6. An object with the equivalent of one level of shrinking has DCV of 5.


Technically, a Dodging Person increases their DCV and a smaller target imposes an OCV Penalty.


It may look the same, and without any other factors is Effectively the same.


If something causes the DCV to halve the Dodging Normal is back to DCV3 but the smaller object is still at the same OCV Penalty.

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