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Armored Suit


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Re: Armored Suit


Sure' date=' go very light on the stats, all OIF for the armor, not very powerful really but sure, armor, flight, EB, some LS, and good to go.[/quote']


I might add some TK (at low to mid strength (say 20 to 30 range)) to allow

for the 'tractor beam' effects sometimes seen in the comics. And don't forget

to add in some sensor foci (High Range Radio, Telescopic Vision, etc)....


And while it's not Tony Stark, you might want to give a look at Canada's

answer to Iron Man, James Hudson in a 250 pt version at:




and a 344 pt version at:




They might give you an idea or two on your build. :)



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Re: Armored Suit


Depends on how close you want to get to Iron Man, some versions of Tony with out the armor would be 250 points or more


However assuming you are willing to start small a basic armor would be (all OIF)


20 10/10 Armor

25 +25 Str, 0 End

13 +10 Con

20 +10 Dex

7 +1 Speed

11 Life Support (Need not breath, Safe in radiation, Heat, Cold, High Pressure)

13 High range radio, Targeting, Descrimitory, flashed as more than one sense

10 EC: Energy System

30 8d6 EB, 0 End

10 10" Flight, 0 End

10 10/10 FF, 0 end


169 Points


Comes in kind of heavy, only leaves 31 points for the wearer, but a 250 point character will have 81 points, which should be a decent low powered hero

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Re: Armored Suit


Others have pointed out how to do the baseline Iron Man - the only thing I'd add is that if you want to go whole-hog, you've got another choice too. Namely, build a 200 point 'baseline' Tony Stark with all the perks and the goodies, reflecting the fact that, as Tony Stark, he's got contacts and perks and goodies that would make Bruce Wayne drool.


Include a 200 point Multiform with, say, 4 extra forms, to reflect the fact that he had more than just the one suit. Chews up 50 points, but since this version of him doesn't *have* any superpowers, just perks skills stats and maybe some MA's that he can't use in the armor, he doesn't need those 50 points so badly.


Then go ahead and build the MF's with all the assorted goodies, remembering to specialize the suits to different purposes (I'd start out with aquatic, baseline superhero, Bricked-out "demolition" model, and space-worthy flight/speed model, myself).


That ought to get you most of what you need there, assuming the GM doesn't balk at Multiforms.


200 points total, or 200 + 150 disads?

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Re: Armored Suit


Others have pointed out how to do the baseline Iron Man - the only thing I'd add is that if you want to go whole-hog, you've got another choice too. Namely, build a 200 point 'baseline' Tony Stark with all the perks and the goodies, reflecting the fact that, as Tony Stark, he's got contacts and perks and goodies that would make Bruce Wayne drool.


Include a 200 point Multiform with, say, 4 extra forms, to reflect the fact that he had more than just the one suit. Chews up 50 points, but since this version of him doesn't *have* any superpowers, just perks skills stats and maybe some MA's that he can't use in the armor, he doesn't need those 50 points so badly.


Then go ahead and build the MF's with all the assorted goodies, remembering to specialize the suits to different purposes (I'd start out with aquatic, baseline superhero, Bricked-out "demolition" model, and space-worthy flight/speed model, myself).


That ought to get you most of what you need there, assuming the GM doesn't balk at Multiforms.


200 points total, or 200 + 150 disads?



Assuming my Gm is looking at this page Lets say 200pts with 150 in disadvantages. Of course if my GM is looking here he can post what I do have to play with point wise :hail:

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Re: Armored Suit


200+150 in disads? So a total of 350? You can do some NICE stuff with that.


Problem is, we need to know what's the limit?


I have a Powered Armour character as well, Mach 5, who's suit has different 'modes' (Transportation/Flight, Light Infantry, Melee, Heavy Assault) and I built him about as powerful as a man portable fighter plane.


I just wish I knew where I put the old sheet. He was also built in HERO 4th ed. :P

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Re: Armored Suit


Assuming my Gm is looking at this page Lets say 200pts with 150 in disadvantages. Of course if my GM is looking here he can post what I do have to play with point wise :hail:


The current baselines for the 'Team Norfolk' campaign:


Starting points: 150 base + 75 Disads = 225 points total


Shooting for a 40 AP cap on most powers...as of now.


A common origin will be shared by all the characters, which I've spoken

some about already but most of which will be played out in the first session.


My initial concept is for a slightly higher than street level set of heroes. More

of Capt America or Spiderman than Superman. And more Silver Age than

Iron Age.


Setting is (as the current campaign name implies) Norfolk VA, in the

present time.


That said, I will almost certainly be passing out about....well, lets say 30 more

points or so to play with once we get the first full session under our belt and see how

the group stacks up, etc.


Hope that helps. :D



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Re: Armored Suit


Well, the short answer to the original question is, "Sure!"


The longer answer is, it really depends on what you mean by 'Iron-Man-type'. Obviously, if your GM is shooting for a lower-powered game, you're not looking at being able to model everything Tony Stark can do in current continuity. But you can still do a credible homage, and work in some ideas of your own if you like.


As you can tell, we're happy to help you work on the character. My first piece of advice is: Help us help you. One of the biggest strengths of the Hero System (or GURPS, or any other free-form point-based character design system) is that you can really tailor your character's abilities to fit your concept. The big downside is that you often have too many choices available to you, especially when you're just getting started. The more we know about what you want, the more we can help you narrow down those choices. You don't need to give us a 3-page essay on your character's background, of course. But even something as simple as his name can give us something to work with. It might help if you tell us what you like most about Iron Man and similar characters, too. That way we can prioritize the parts you're most interested in, and not waste your time working out the best way to model (for example) a variable beam weapon or a tactical computer, when you might not really want them.

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Re: Armored Suit


Good point. I would like me character to be a brilliant inventor type, Stark's intellect ect.

For the armor, typical stuff:

Armoring, an alloy or force field reinforced alloy ect for protection

Ranged weapon

Flight with pretty good manuverability


Computer, or A.I. that helps with sensor analysis, targeting ect

Communications and life support

Modular so as I gain points I can improve and or add powers as needed


Thats a tall order but thats what I come up with for now.

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Re: Armored Suit


OK, here's something I threw together as a sample of what you can do on 225 points. I even came up with placeholder disadvantages and stuff, just for laughs.


Steel Sentinel


Val Char Cost

15/40 STR 5

18 DEX 24

13 CON 6

10 BODY 0

18 INT 8

13 EGO 6

15 PRE 5

12 COM 1


3/25 PD 0

3/25 ED 0

4 SPD 12

6 REC 0

26 END 0

25 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

3/8" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 67


Cost Power

Steel Sentinel Armor

24 Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

8 Commo Suite: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

3 Sensor Suite: Nightvision (5 Active Points); OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

17 Power Plant: Endurance Reserve (60 END, 20 REC) (26 Active Points); OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

11 Tactical Computer: +2 with All Combat (16 Active Points); OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

8 Sealed Suit: Life Support (Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) (12 Active Points); OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

5 Vectored Thrust: No Turn Mode (+1/4) for up to 30 Active Points of Flight (7 Active Points); OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)


40 Pressor Technology: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

5m 1) Pressor Blast: Energy Blast 8d6 (40 Active Points); OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

4m 2) Pressor Flight: Flight 15" (30 Active Points); OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

2m 3) Servo-Assisted Limbs: +25 STR (25 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

3m 4) Pressor Field: Force Field (10 PD/10 ED) (20 Active Points); OIF (Power Armor Suit; -1/2)

Powers Cost: 130



Cost Skill

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Electronics 13-

1 Gambling 8-

3 High Society 12-

3 Inventor 13-

2 Systems Operation (Radio) 13-

Skills Cost: 15


Cost Perk

4 Reputation: High-Tech Hero (A large group) 11-, +2/+2d6

9 Contact: Clark Enterprises (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (9 Active Points) 11-

Perks Cost: 13



Total Character Cost: 225


Pts. Disadvantage

15 Psychological Limitation: Compulsive Gambler (Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing (Common, Total)

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)

10 Reputation: Cut-throat Businessman, 11-

10 Hunted: The Bronze Barbarian 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

5 Rivalry: Professional (Abraham Rockford), Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry


Disadvantage Points: 75

Base Points: 150


So, that's one way to do it. I tried to keep it fairly simple, but a few complications crept in... :eg: Still, it's pretty similar to the second character I ever designed, way back misty days of yore.


The complications, as I see them, are the Multipower, the END Reserve and the naked 'No Turn Mode' advantage. The END Reserve represents the suit's generator. All of the suit's 'active' systems run off of this generator, and the pilot can control how much of that energy he assigns to different systems. Essentially, if you don't run your suit at full power, the generator will supply your energy needs indefinitely. If you're flying, using vectored thrust, and blasting every Phase, then you'll run out of energy after a couple of turns. However, it really shouldn't happen that often. (In fact, if I were looking to squeeze another power or skill into the character, I'd probably do it by stripping points out of the END Reserve.) I went with the END Reserve, rather than buying the powers with Reduced Endurance cost because the 40-point Active Cost limit is pretty tight. And having advantages on powers in a flexible Multipower can be a headache. Speaking of which...


The Multipower represents those active systems. So, you'd max out the flight when you're just cruising around, and when you got into a fight, you'd redirect power into the blasters, that sort of thing.


The Vectored Thrust ability essentially represents directing emergency power into greater maneuverability. You won't want to do it all the time, because it has the potential to chew up your power reserves if you're flying and fighting at the same time, but it's handy for barrelling full-speed through back alleys and underground cave complexes. I bought it outside of the Multipower just so you wouldn't have to calculate the advantage value in your head when you were assigning Multipower points. Basically, when you're in tight quarters and you need extra maneuverability, you can spend an extra point of Endurance from the END Reserve to get it.


So, that's one way to build an Iron Man-style character on 225 points. I think it strikes a nice balance between being relatively simple, and giving you a chance to learn about some of the tricks you can make the system do. Certainly not the only way, probably not the 'best' way. The 'best' way is the way you would build it...


Hmm, now that I look at it... The defenses are a little high for a 40 AP cap... I threw in that force field on the assumption that you'd only want to use it situationally, but the more I think about it, the more it looks like a really good deal. Oh, well. I've got to go to work in a few minutes. I'm sure your GM will weigh in on the subject. Maybe drop the FF slot for another power, or boost the base Armor a bit, or something.

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Re: Armored Suit


not by a PC :sneaky: Thanks. >

I'm sure your GM will weigh in on the subject. Maybe drop the FF slot for another power, or boost the base Armor a bit, or something.


As far as stock Disads go....The group will all be getting the following (anyone

in the 'Team Norfolk' campaign should take note):


10pts Monitored: Corona Research Group: 11- (As Pow, NCI, Watching)


5pts Distinctive Feature: Genetic Vibrational Aura: The characters

uber-abilities can be detected by certain technological and/or psionic

methods. (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable

Only By Technology Or Major Effort)


Please note that the DF will include many "tech based heroes" as I intend

to be invoking the "Papa Schimmelhorn effect" to explain how some of

the uber-tech in my campaign world works.....A brief (and somewhat incomplete)

description of what I mean is to say that some uber-tech

works due to the psi powers of the user. Which is part of the reason why

we see supers with antigravity units in their powered armor but don't see

Ford Motor Company producing an antigravity sedan. Thus the DF disad.


Additionally, the group will (as of right now at least) all be having the

following Perks:


4pts CRG Staff : Dr Elizabeth Dehner: Contact: Dr Elizabeth Dehner

(Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant

Contacts of her own, Good relationship with Contact) 8-


1pts CRG Mainframe Access: Computer Link (3 Active Points); Extra Time

(5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1)


I may be changing the extra time required for the mainframe access,

depending on exactly how I work out the teams commo units. The access is

thru the (lacking a better word) comlinks the team has and allows them to

get info from the mainframe while in the field. And given the nature of the

tech, I'll probably be adding in a 'plot dependant activation roll' too...Just

so you are warned. :sneaky:


EDIT: Oh, also the team members will all have at least the minimum 0pts

Disad 'Reluctant to Kill'....So Punisher types are pretty much out. :D




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Re: Armored Suit


Thank you Haerandir, and others for putting together suggestions about suit. I am impressed by the community here :D


Now question to the Gm. Since powers are going to be psionically based, how can I work the above armor that the power source is mostly psionic?


Perhaps the suit works because my subconcious mind can interface with the suits systems and act as the processing unit


Thank you guys foir helping me tweak this out



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Re: Armored Suit


Now question to the Gm. Since powers are going to be psionically based, how can I work the above armor that the power source is mostly psionic?


Perhaps the suit works because my subconcious mind can interface with the suits systems and act as the processing unit


Thank you guys foir helping me tweak this out


The concept is that the tech will work for you, but for others it would

probably just sit there as a big old paperweight...So in game terms that would

make the Focus (the armor) personal as opposed to universal. Another

example would be if someone pulled the 'battery' from your suit and tried to

use it in another off the shelf device it probably would do nothing at all, since

the 'Papa Schimmelhorn effect' would apply. But if you tried to jury rig the

'battery' to power a gadget you cobbled together in mid-adventure, it might

just work.... :D


Your example about your characters mind acting as a control system works

too....We'll figure out the exact details as to which one (or combination) it

is... :)



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Re: Armored Suit


Hmm... Interesting. One way I can see to represent the psionic basis of his powers would be to give him a Power Skill. Call it 'Psionic Gadgeteering' or something similar, and base it off of Ego instead of Intelligence. This would represent him grabbing random bits of electronic gear and wiring them together in a way that probably shouldn't work, but does, just because he wants it to. Sort of like the guy in the Wild Cards novels, the one who 'invented' Modular Man but could never quite explain how he did it.

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Re: Armored Suit


Hmm... Interesting. One way I can see to represent the psionic basis of his powers would be to give him a Power Skill. Call it 'Psionic Gadgeteering' or something similar' date=' and base it off of Ego instead of Intelligence. This would represent him grabbing random bits of electronic gear and wiring them together in a way that probably shouldn't work, but does, just because he wants it to. Sort of like the guy in the Wild Cards novels, the one who 'invented' Modular Man but could never quite explain how he did it.[/quote']


While I'm only slightly familiar with the Wild Card novels, that's really a good deal like

the effect I am thinking of.


And I like the 'Psi Gadgeteering' concept. Consider it stolen....err, adapted. :D


I had originally considered (back when I was going to be exclusively building

all the characters (with player input of course)) the idea of having his armor

be much like the way Mechanon builds his 'robot followers' as described in the

attached free PDF from here on the Hero Games site, using an 'Animate

Technology' style power.....But I think I like this idea as a better fit to the




EDITED for clarity at 1123hrs CST 02/18/08

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Re: Armored Suit


It gets a little trickey but to my knowledge you can change the powers you are using in your MP as a 0 phase action upto 3 times per phase. The downside to this is you need to pay END for each activation. Should allow you to 1/2 move fly, 0 phase switch to blaster, shoot then switch back...is that right?

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Re: Armored Suit


Haerandir, the issue I have with your PA build is putting his flight with his weapons into a Multi-Power. You do realize he can only use ONE slot at a time, yes?


So no super strength when flying. No forcefield when blasting... So on and so forth.


You sure that's what he'd want?


Hmmmm. If I'm reading it correctly (and if my somewhat old school

understanding of Multi-Power frameworks is still valid) then he has the

powers written in as 'multi's' not 'ultra's'. Which means that the character

can use any mix of powers up to the total of the pool in any combination.

Just not all at full strength. If the powers were 'ultra's' (ie: have to use all

or nothing) then yes, potentially that would be no flight while super

strength, etc.....




EDIT: A good example is on page 318 of 5th Ed (revised) where it talks about

the sample character Kerendor.....



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Re: Armored Suit


10 Hunted: The Bronze Barbarian 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

5 Rivalry: Professional (Abraham Rockford), Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry


BTW, even if I don't use them in this campaign (and I shan't say if I will or

won't :sneaky: :sneaky: ) I'll be stealing these names from you, thanks very much..... :D



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Re: Armored Suit


Yep, clsage is right. It's set up so that he has 60 points worth of multipower pool, but none of the slots cost more than 40 Active Points, and they're all fully flexible. Basically, he can use any combination of the powers in the MP, as long as he doesn't use more than 60 total Active Points at a time, and doesn't exceed the limit on the individual slots.


So, you can mix and match. I figure he'll probably want to use the Energy Blast at full power whenever he's fighting, but that still lets him have up to 10" of Flight, for instance. Alternatively, he can run the +STR at maximum, have 15" of Flight and have enough left over for a 2 PD/2 ED Force Field. That'd be a decent setup for duking it out with other flyers. And so on.

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