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Asp - Marvel Universe.


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Does anyone know anything about any stats on this character from maybe the Marvel RPG? I'm trying to do a conversion of her into Champions, but she sounds so..


useless. From what I read from online entries, she can fire one Bolt of energy and then she's out. It mentions that her energy replenishes, and that she can speed it up with rythmic movements, but it doesn't really say how long it takes. I want to try and recreate the character as faithfully as possible.


I know the character's a bit esoteric in the Might Marvel Pantheon, but, if anyone knows anything in the way of stats or something concrete game wise, I'd appreciate it. Thanks. =)


She'd make a great Viper villain.

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Re: Asp - Marvel Universe.


Well, Asp was a villain for folks like Captain America, Nomad, Daredevil ... you know, tough normals. Against a real super, she (along with 99% of the rest of the Serpent Society) were toast.


Anyways, according to the Marvel Adventure Game, her stats are:

Str 3X (slightly above average, no strength skills)

Agility 7X (quite high but not superhuman)

Intellect 3X (slightly above average)

Willpower 3D (ditto)


Skill in Performing (Dance).


Energy Blast 8 (8 DC, I figure), 30 minutes to recharge

Paralysis 2 (value doubled every exchange of dancing)

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Re: Asp - Marvel Universe.


Well, Asp was a villain for folks like Captain America, Nomad, Daredevil ... you know, tough normals. Against a real super, she (along with 99% of the rest of the Serpent Society) were toast.


Anyways, according to the Marvel Adventure Game, her stats are:

Str 3X (slightly above average, no strength skills)

Agility 7X (quite high but not superhuman)

Intellect 3X (slightly above average)

Willpower 3D (ditto)


Skill in Performing (Dance).


Energy Blast 8 (8 DC, I figure), 30 minutes to recharge

Paralysis 2 (value doubled every exchange of dancing)


Hm, I see, I see. =) Thanks, you've been very helpful, CC.

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Re: Asp - Marvel Universe.


The FASERIP stats were:

Fighting: Good

Agility: Remarkable

Strength: Typical

Endurance: Excellent

Reason: Typical

Intuition: Excellent

Psyche: Typical


Does Feeble damage to anyone in area with her for over an hour. Prolonged contact fatal. Can redirect energy into single blast vs. living creatures. Remarkable damage and must make Remarkable Endurance FEAT or be stunned for 1-10 rounds. Hour to recharge, or 10 minutes if engaged in strenuous activity like dancing.


Skilled dancer, Agility considered Incredible when Dodging.


Not a world beater by any means, but not useless. In Champions stats, would probably give her something like an 8d6EB + 6d6NND attack and figure out the appropriate End reserve to do the one shot+recharge, or just make up a custom lim for it. Bunch of 2pt levels in the one attack, levels with Dodge. Acrobatics/Breakfall/PS:Dancer. If she can Stun someone, another teammate can finish them off. Especially if she manages to hit from surprise at 2xStun!

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Re: Asp - Marvel Universe.


Here is the official info from the Marvel website.


Asp (Cleo Nefertiti)




Little is known of Cleo Nefertiti, the Asp, including her origins and nature of her powers. She was recruited by the villain Sidewinder in becoming a founding member of his newly-formed criminal team, the Serpent Society. As Asp, she stayed with the Serpent Society for its entire tenure, often clashing with Captain America.

At one point, the Asp, fearing the repercussions of the Mutant Registration Act contemplated by the U.S. Congress, fled into Canada. Her presence was noticed by members of the Canadian team Alpha Flight, who assembled to fight her and other villains who similarly arrived. Unknown to all, however, the villains were subconsciously controlled by the evil Llan the Sorcerer, who used the resulting violence of the confrontation to help him create a mystical convergence.


During her time in the Serpent Society, the Asp became great friends with her teammates Black Mamba and Diamondback. In fact, when Diamondback began dating Captain America, the others defeated many villains and diffused many trouble spots behind the scenes to ensure the success of the pair's first date. However, Diamondback was ultimately put on trial by the Society because of the relationship, and the Asp and Black Mamba had to contact Sidewinder to rescue her. The Society in turn imprisoned the Asp and Black Mamba, and in was Diamondback’s turn to rescue them, this time with the mercenary Paladin and Captain America.


The three women split from the Serpent Society, forming their own team with an acronym of their names: B.A.D. Girls, Inc. Almost immediately, the three were contacted by Superia to join her team of Femizons, but they ultimately sided with Captain America and Paladin to overthrow her. They also tried to help Diamondback overcome her greatest fear, the villain Snapdragon, during which time they stole a Serpent Saucer from the Society’s old headquarters, fought Sersi, and with their friend Impala, overthrew Superia during a weapons expo organized by A.I.M. Despite their successes, the mercenary team drifted apart and never worked very closely for very long.


The Asp rejoined the Serpent Society with Black Mamba when King Cobra again targeted Diamondback, but this proved to be only an LMD android. However, the BAD Girls, Inc. was nevertheless reunited. They were most recently hired by Cable to battle Deadpool over purloined new computer technology, but they joined forced to defeat the true thief, the Cat.



Real Name

Cleopatra "Cleo" Nefertiti



The Temptress (her stage name)






Professional criminal, mercenary, exotic dancer





Place of Birth

Tanta, Egypt


Known Relatives



Group Affiliation

B.A.D. Girls, Inc.; formerly Secret Avengers, Femizons, Serpent Society









115 lbs.









The Asp possesses the ability to generate and project an unknown form of radiant energy which causes paralysis in those exposed to it. Her body constantly produces this energy, which upon exceeding her body's storage capacity, discharges itself in minute amounts through her skin. (Prolonged physical contact with the Asp is fatal to human beings.) By tapping her body's total store of energy, she can emit directed, visible, lightning-like discharges she call her "venom bolts." She generally projects them from her fingertips. At maximum strength, these venom-bolts can kill an average size man standing six feet from her. The energy causes a rapid paralysis of its victim's nervous system. A non-fatal discharge will retain its potency for about four hours, depending upon the strength of the blast and the strength of the nervous system of the victim. The venom-bolt has effects on anything other than living organisms.


After discharging her body's total store of energy, it takes the Asp about one half hour to regenerate her power to peak levels. She can recharge her body's store of energy faster by accelerating her metabolic rate through physical activity. She generally rebuild her energy level by making swaying and undulating motions with her torso and arms. An accomplished dancer with superb muscular control, the Asp moves in a manner that is almost hypnotic in its provocativeness. Engaging in her "snake-dance," the Asp can regenerate her energy to peak capacity with in ten minutes.



The Asp possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. She possesses the skill, grace, coordination, and muscle control of an accomplished dancer. Deploring violence, she has never learned traditional methods of hand-to-hand combat.







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