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Some Build Help, Please.


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OK. I'm working on a PC named Lazarus. Basically he is a near immortal with slow regeneration and resurrection powers. He was a heroic level character in the Dark Ages, until he gained his powers, and has since lived about ten full lives. During that time, he has accumulated a vast library of skills. Archetype-wise he is a weapons master with a twist, like a mystic Nick Fury.


My problem is how to accurately represent the skills and the resurrection.


He can heal himself, but not at Wolverine speeds. It might take him up to a day to heal a significant injury. If he dies, he can come back to life, but it could take years. He is also immune to disease and will live about 800 years all told, give or take. Here is what I did for those powers:


16 The Spark of Life: Healing 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (79 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Month (-3 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), Limited Power (Only Activates At The Point Of Death ; -1/4)

13 The Spark of Life: LS (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: 800 Years)

10 The Spark of Life: Power Defense (10 points)

6 The Spark of Life: Healing 1 BODY, Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (22 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)



For the skils, I went with a martial arts multipower and some CSLs, including a couple of Overall levels. Easy enough. Now, how to simulate a guy who may have had dozens of occupations and mastered dozens of academic subjects. I cribbed a VPP (I Can Do Anything) from The Ultimate Skill, but I think the build may be wonky. GMs chime in:


31 Ten Lifetimes of Experience: Variable Power Pool, 22 base + 9 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (44 Active Points); Only For Skills and Languages (-1/2), Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Only Skills or Languages That Could Have Been Reasonably Available To Him (-1/2)


The activation role is meant to represent the fact that he might not be able to pull out a specific skill set. It is a lot to remember, after all. The other limitation is meant to repesent the fact that he has lived from the 1600's to now, with some breaks. He last died during Vietnam, and he is only coming back now. As a result, he cannot have many modern skills, or must suffer appropriate penalties when dealing with modern equipment.


Thanks in advance for the assist.

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Re: Some Build Help, Please.


You will likely get major static for a VPP of skills...maybe use the Universal versions, that has a skill roll built in, and you can use extra time to think real hard and remember...?


True jack of all trades 20 pts


Savant (Universal scholar) 20 pts


thats all Ps's and all KS's, add in scientist as well if you wanta....expensive but it should be....

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Re: Some Build Help, Please.


Oh yeah. You do NOT want a Skill VPP. It'll get abused so fast it'll make your head spin, and I do strive to make sure I don't build a power on an NPC that I would never POSSIBLY allow for a PC, and a Skill VPP is right out. I agree that he should pay for the full boat system laid out in Ult. Skill.

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Re: Some Build Help, Please.




This is how I did it for the Lazarus in the Wardens Chronicles... first time Hero player wanted to play an immortal...


That's a nice character, and pretty close to what I'm thinking of minus the mental and healing powers. Thanks. I see you got it down to around 400. Repped.

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Re: Some Build Help, Please.


One online GM I'd done some emails with made a good point about resurrection and immortal characters, which was that if the GM wants your character dead their ticket is punched. If you want a character to live a long time and feel relevant in their skills then the best way is by seeing to it that the GM likes you and your character.


In other words, a restrained list of useful skills, basic regeneration, and some life support should be all you need so long as you have a good relationship with the GM. If the GM happens to be a jerk all the points jiggering in the world won't help you.

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Re: Some Build Help, Please.


That's a nice character' date=' and pretty close to what I'm thinking of minus the mental and healing powers. Thanks. I see you got it down to around 400. Repped.[/quote']


Thanks for the rep...


The "ego attack" isn't really a Mental power... Ego Attack was just the mechanic that the player and I agreed on for the effect... due to his long life and his empathic healing (he takes a person's wounds and transfers them to himself), Lazarus has experienced a lot of pain... the "ego attack" isn't a mind attack, it is more of a nervous system to nervous system attack and the no range limitation takes away a lot of the advantages of a Mental power... additionally, I have always equated EGO to willpower, so a stronger willed opponent is more resistant to pain, i.e. harder to hit... also most folks with mental defense are said to be strong willed, have a disciplined mind or protected psyche, as such they can resist the pain...

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