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What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


I must admit never to having seen any of these matches.


Are these guys professional fighters? By that, I mean can they spend 4+ hours a day training? Do they travel to fights Nationally and would it be a viable career choice? Would they spend hours poring over VHS of previous oponents fights looking for weaknesses in their opponent.


Obviously if you can dedicate yourself to something 100% then you would be better than someone who trains for an or two after work.


For the hour or two after work I'd give them normal stats, perhaps con and str slightly inflated and perhaps 15-20 points worth of Martial Arts and skill levels for 2nd/ 3rd Dan types.


For a professional fighter who also has a professional trainer, visits a fitness coach has a dietician to consult and the like I'd make him a 50+50 character.


Keep in mind that dedicating yourself to a combat pursuit is going to be more expensive in Hero terms than a scholarly one does. So a Lawyer is going to be based on less points than a pro boxer although both have studied equally hard. That is just the nature of Hero, fighting and characteristics optimal for combat are more expensive than PS: library search and a high Int.



Just reading over that I havn't actually answered your question but ho hum.

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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


Here is my best guess at a middleweight or light heavyweight MMA fighter for a realistic game. This assumes a fighter that wins about half of his professional fights, and is fairly run of the mill as MMA fighters go. Generally, these guys are decent athletes. Many were involved with college athletics or at one time had olympic aspirations. The truly great MMA fighter are world class athletes, and there is a marked difference between that level of fighter and the one I've statted out below.


Obviously, certain types of fighters, and certain fighting styles, would need to alter this write-up to reflect their particular abilities. Some very general observations about MMA fighters I've watched on TV...


1) Stronger fighters seem to have less endurance than average,

2) Some excellent BJJ guys seem to be physically weaker than average,

3) tradional wrestlers generally seem to be in excellent shape, but frequently lack striking skills,

4) etc.


So, without further ado...


  • Middleweight MMA Fighter
    STR: 13
    DEX: 14
    CON: 15
    BOD: 12
    INT: 10
    EGO: 10
    PRE: 13
    COM: 10
    PD: 6
    ED: 2
    SPD: 3
    REC: 7
    END: 30
    STUN: 30
    Mixed Martial Art: 15 points worth of moves from Muay Thai and Brazilian Jui-jitsu.
    PS: MMA fighter
    KS: MMA world
    KS: Common opponents
    KS: Martial Art styles
    +2 with Martial Art


* Edit: upon further consideration, I decided to lower the STR of this Middleweight down to 13. Weighing in at only 170 lbs puts him at a distinct STR and size deficit when compared to his larger athletic counterparts. I needed to leave room in the STR chart for NFL QBs (10-13), LBs (13-18), and linemen (15-20).

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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


6 pd? He can take a baseball bat to the ribs or the back of the head and essentially be unharmed?


If we're keeping it real I'd peg a toughened combatant at 3 pd. Apart from that very minor quibble I'd say that looks like a very reasonable write-up.

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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


6 pd? He can take a baseball bat to the ribs or the back of the head and essentially be unharmed?


If we're keeping it real I'd peg a toughened combatant at 3 pd. Apart from that very minor quibble I'd say that looks like a very reasonable write-up.

Seems like that would have to be a pretty bad damage roll for him to be essentially unharmed by a bat to the head...


I'd give a baseball bat 4d6N. That seems like a pretty good fit to me, all the way around.

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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


This is what I would give for stats based on weight class. Generally American fighters are very good athletes, even the average ones. Because of Boxing and amateur wrestlings popularity in the U.S., American fighters tend to have the art of diet, excercise, and weight cutting down to a science. Brazilian and Japanese fighters tend to emphasize technique over physical prowess so you could lower the stats a bit for them. It is important to note also, that a MW fighter doesn't come in weighing 185. They cut weight and weigh in at 185 the day before the fight, then they rehydrate and for the next day and show up with 10-15 lbs. heavier.


LW 155lbs.

WW 170lbs.

MW 185lbs.

LHW 205lbs.

HW 206+ (But more than likely 220-250lb)


STR 13 14 15 17 18+

DEX 15 15 15 15 15

CON 15 15 15 15 15

BOD 13 14 15 17 18+

PD 3 4 5 7 8

SPD 3 3 3 3 3

REC 6 6 6 6 6

END 30 30 30 30 30

STUN 30 33 35 38 40


Combat skill lvls

1 Undercard fighter

2 Top 10 fighter

3 Division champion


MMA (As a martial art style)

Martial grab

Martial escape

Choke hold

Martial throw

Martial strike


As far as PD goes, 8 is max human. If a HW fighter who basically gets punched in the face for a living doesn't have the max human PD then who does?



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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


8 pd? Nobody living. 8 PD means you could leap off a 5 story building and walk away. Be run over by a car at 40 mph and not need medical attention. 8 pd allows you to be stomped by a raging elephant and dust yourself down and take multiple shots from a baseball bat with no lasting harm.


If you want to tweak reality a hair you can say you got lucky, landed on something soft, took a glancing blow and survived each and everyone of those encounters but not in our world.


8 def for humans is not realistic. I'd set it at 4. I think it's a great benchmark for cinematic games, John MacLean from Die Hard movies has at least 8 PD for example.

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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


Seems like that would have to be a pretty bad damage roll for him to be essentially unharmed by a bat to the head...


I'd give a baseball bat 4d6N. That seems like a pretty good fit to me, all the way around.



Okay say you roll average. 4 body, doubled to 8 for location take off his 6 pd and you're left with a really nasty cut on the head and a big lump to go with his headache but no chance of impairment or disabilty.


That just screams Wrong to me.

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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


Okay say you roll average. 4 body, doubled to 8 for location take off his 6 pd and you're left with a really nasty cut on the head and a big lump to go with his headache but no chance of impairment or disabilty.


That just screams Wrong to me.


Actually, you apply the location modifier after defenses are taken into a account so on average a 4d6 Normal Attack won't do any Body to a PD 6 character. At maximum it will 4 body. 8-6 x2 for Hit Location. It would take a 7d6 attack to do Body on an average roll.

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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


Here is my best guess at a middleweight or light heavyweight MMA fighter for a realistic game. This assumes a fighter that wins about half of his professional fights, and is fairly run of the mill as MMA fighters go. Generally, these guys are decent athletes. Many were involved with college athletics or at one time had olympic aspirations. The truly great MMA fighter are world class athletes, and there is a marked difference between that level of fighter and the one I've statted out below.


**write up snipped for length*




Nice write up, a little buff for my games but its very well thought out.

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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


This coincides (oddy enough) with my reading of PS238 Hero. The metaprodigies there tend to have low PD/ED and no resistant defenses. Makes them taking BODY damage on an average roll with Normal attacks. Scary.


So... how about PD/ED, Protects Against STUN Only (-1)?


(Or flavor the Limitation to taste.)


I was thinking of this as a core mechanic for Hero6 as well. I mean, you can do it with the RAW, but it seems to have a favored spot for more 'realistic' genres.

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Re: What would the character sheet for a MMA competitor look like?


If I design realistic normals most have 2 pd and combat hardened ones would have 3. 4 would be über tough hardmen


PD only to counteract stun would be one way to go If you wanted to make a fist of realism while retaining longevity in a fight.


Can take a punch! 4 pd, only v stun (-1) 2 points.

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