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Portal to another World


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Stage 1: Somewhere in the wilderness, close to Campaign City a great swirling portal opens. Within few seconds a small robot drives through, looking much like the MALP from Stargate.


Stage 2: After a minute or so, half a dozen human troops come through the portal, dressed in assorted military camouflage. They spread out and take up defensive positions.


Stage 3: A few moments later a VIPER hover APC comes through the portal. It lands, drops off some more troops. The first two out the door are in VIPER uniforms, with the next three being UNTIL Troopers. A PRIMUS agent and a solider of Dr. Destroyer round out the squad. They're equipment looks like it has seen heavy use. They start digging in, while the hover tank takes a patrol around the area.


Stage 4: Another 50 troops and 3-4 armoured vehicles from forces all over the world (including some from forces you don't recognize) come through and start building defenses. Strangely, the defenses are mostly orientated towards the portal.


Stage 5: 30 minute after the gate opens, hundreds of apparent refugees start pouring through the portal. They seem to be from all over the world.


WWYCD if s/he happened to be on hand starting at any of the stages?

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Re: Portal to another World




Stage 1: Blinks like a curious anime character, walks up to this thing knocks on it


Stage 2: Well, Badger probably has backed off from it, he might be pondering what else is coming through. Watches in hiding.


Stage 3: VIPER? Ehh, who cares. (He generally ignores VIPER as much as he can get away with, Badger hates DEMON, so, he sometimes considers VIPER an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" so he only helps against VIPER when they make it too obvious.) PRIMUS/UNTIL? Strange.........Dr. Destroyer :mad: (nearly attacks, Dr. Destroyer is his sworn enemy) Wonders? If they are from a dimension where Luther Black starting to win/won.


Stage 4: Refugees? This confirms his theory (though I guess a Takofanes win in place of Black is possible) Wonders how to help.

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Re: Portal to another World


Hermes: lives during the bronze age ( albeit a superpowered steam-fantasy version thereof ). He wouldn't recognize any of the uniforms. He *would* recognize that they are clearly different uniforms, and think "rag tag unit from multiple countries."


When they turn their weapons back at the portal, it would click. "Refugees, fleeing from something. Desperate enough to travel to another world or time." At which point, nothing to it but to make contact with them and find out what they are running from, and what can be done to help.


( oh, and to warn them that they are popping right into the middle of a superhuman god war in mythic China )

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Re: Portal to another World


All my characters would do the same thing, but would do it in slightly different ways. Ask what is going on and act depending on the answer. True refugees would be helped - and it seems they might be. Invasions would be fought. Refusals to answer would be taken as an invasion. SInce this seems to be a differnet dimension, they would not take the guys that look like bad guys really are.


Volt - Ask politely. If they act very defensive or refuse to answer, point out they are not native here and this could be considered an invasion. Patience and diplomacy would lead him, but he'd act violently if need be.


Olorin - Ask politely what they are doing and what they are expecting. He would offer to shut down the portal if they desired - and would do it if they were hostile. He's very patient, but is a bit of a goofball at times, so he'd be likely to find some kind of joke - "That portal looks like a toilet flushing sideways." Otherwise, see Volt.


Black Tiger. Not a patient man, would go off fairly quickly. Best answer fast and to his liking. Politeness and apologies would really help. Could be a recipie to disaster.


Futurian - Here's hoping he does not get sidetracked by any unusal tech. Not as bad as Black Tiger, not as patient as Volt or Olorin, but also a goofball. Basically, get past his distraction and goofiness, and he'd act very much like Olorin.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Portal to another World


Powerstar: Just seeing the makeup of the defending force -- PRIMUS,

UNTIL, and VIPER agents, not to mention a host of conventional soldiers from

various nations, all apparently preparing to defend against an as-yet unknown

foe -- would be enough to get him to find out just what's going on. That an

agent of Dr. Destroyer's is part of this effort would only reinforce the idea

that Something Seriously Evil This Way Comes, and would definitely encourage

him to immediately summon this universe's PRIMUS and UNTIL -- followed by

an urgent call to his teammates and as many of this universe's heroes as he

can get a hold of.



Major Tom :cool:

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Re: Portal to another World


American Angel:


As she is Golden Age would not recognise many of the uniforms or any of the technology. She would try to get them to explain themselves. If they attacked her, she could hold her own long enough to get away and bring reinforcements and help for the Refugees. She would warn them there's a war going on.

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Re: Portal to another World


Powerstar: Just seeing the makeup of the defending force -- PRIMUS,

UNTIL, and VIPER agents, not to mention a host of conventional soldiers from

various nations, all apparently preparing to defend against an as-yet unknown

foe -- would be enough to get him to find out just what's going on. That an

agent of Dr. Destroyer's is part of this effort would only reinforce the idea

that Something Seriously Evil This Way Comes, and would definitely encourage

him to immediately summon this universe's PRIMUS and UNTIL -- followed by

an urgent call to his teammates and as many of this universe's heroes as he

can get a hold of.



Major Tom :cool:


Yeah, it did make me think another version of Kings of Edom (though, one would wonder how they made it that long)

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Re: Portal to another World


As it turns out, they are willing to talk. Their homeworld have been overrun by extradimensional invaders or aliens from outer space. The reports are a bit garbled. Either way, the base that houses this portal is the only remaining stronghold and there are more then ten thousand refugees waiting to transit. There is a severe shortage of food, medical supplies, and just about everything else.


A closer inspection shows that the various troopers shows that they are not actually from UNTIL, PRIMUS, VIPER, or Dr. Destroyer. Simply a rather close version from this alternate earth.


Three of the worlds mightiest beings are defending the base from the attackers, trying to give time for the refugees to escape. There are also a thousand volunteer soldiers and agents that stand inside the base as a final line of defense, willing to sacrifice their lives to buy a few more minutes.


Lord Adamant, who sounds like a slightly more ethical (but just as powerful) Dr. Destroyer. He is the ruler of Russia, and leads the defense. He was also responsible for designing and building the escape portal.


The other two are less known. One is a former British soldier with truly immense flame powers and the other is an almost total mystery. Both are at least as powerful as Lord Adamant.


Already they have held off thousands of the invaders, but millions more are closing on the base. No doubt the some of the invader's champions will soon join the attack. These champions, though few in number, were known to single handedly wipe out entire superteams.


The gate is two way, and the defenders would allow anyone who wished to pass through and join the defense. They'd understand if there was a lack of volunteers to commit suicide though.

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