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New Character Idea...


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Had an intensely bizzare dream last night, and it spawned a character concept. The only problem is one aspect is puzzling me. Here's the idea.


A cybernetic partial limb. A hand, and forearm. By itself it contains and houses a Structured Energy Force Field (S.E.F.F.) generator inside of it and a powerful Sentient Artificial Intelligence.


The hand is incredibly strong. On par with about 75 ST. But it can't lift or punch, it's used mostly to grab, grip, crush and tear damage.


It can utilize the S.E.F.F. generator for a number of uses, attack beams, force fields, etc.


It's armoured and very tough, around 15/15 defense, and doesn't take stun and can't be stunned.


Here's the hardest part. It's an independent entity, it first cripples a victim, shearing off the right hand and forearm of a victim then attaches itself to the stump, inserts nano probes into the arm up the shoulder, into the brain and takes over as primary conciousness. It can detatch at any time and escape, or reattach at it's whim.


So how would I 'make' this last part as an ability?


Any help is appreciated. =)

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Re: New Character Idea...


Can't imagine a PC being terribly happy about becoming the victim of this character.


You could do this any number of ways, mechanically: Mind Control, linked to Transformation Attack (human to one-handed human), sounds like you also want No Range for the Mind Control.


You'd also likely want Shape Shifting (limited class of targets: the hands of its victims)

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Re: New Character Idea...


When the arm detaches, is the victim still under its control, or does he/she regain free will?


To me the effect of attaching to/taking over the victim sounds like the SFX of Major Physical and Mental Transform, reversed by surgery to remove the implants, electronic interference to neutralize the arm's controlling intelligence, or (if the victim regains free will) leaving the body. If the victim is still controlled, the arm could have Duplication to account for the two separated entities.

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Re: New Character Idea...


Couldn't you just build the entity, then give it the power of no range Mind control, the mind control having a custom disad of needing to physically merge with the victim to be used, then the nanointegration could just be a special effect of the power? at first the mind conrol would be strong enough to affect commpetent norms, but through the campaign it may become strong enough to take over superhumans(gaining ep). in this manner it would have control of the body like a rider has control of a horse, but could still use its own actions...?


The other way I could think of would be to build a template of a possessed being by the arm and give the arm a summon only usable with a focus(prepaired human body) and the summon would be the template. You could build several different templates in this case and give the summon more power to summon a defined group. you could then build different stages of integration int the templates, the first stage the summoned MOUNT or human Vehicle still having its human frailties and stun end etcetra, maybe the later stages of integration being more like a AUTOMATON that takes no stun and has superhuman attributes die to the invasive conversion the entity has caused in the now DEAD body. again the entity could control its body like a mount or vehicle if you so choose with ego rolls instead of riding rolls.


just shooting out ideas. Hope you find a way that works:D

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Re: New Character Idea...


So is this body jumping carnivorous arm supposed to be a player character or a NPC?


Not sure yet. Was thinking of making it a character in a villainous campaign perhaps. =)


When the arm detaches' date=' is the victim still under its control, or does he/she regain free will?[/quote']


Yes, if the hand leaves the person regains their senses. Of course they're still missing one of their forearms and hands

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Re: New Character Idea...


Is the host going to retain all their own stats? The limitation on the arm's strength seems to point to that (the arm can lift the car, but human skeletal structure can't!:eek:). It might get annoying if you lose your ride every few attacks. Either way, I've had similar ideas about inteligent items as character's with a follower as their meat-puppet (in some ideas, it's an altered human; others, it's an iron golem).

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Re: New Character Idea...


Build the arm as the primary character with mind control that only works on the host then build the current host as a follower.


I'm guessing that the essential part of the character isn't the obvious powers, but the ability to switch meatpuppets by a gruesome method. I suspect a nasty transform "Whole human into one-armed meatpuppet" might work the way he needs it to. One Probable limitation would be "must follow grab", and I'm sure there might be others such as "Victim must be unconscious or otherwise immobile". The rest is just powers and movement.

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