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Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


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From a world where the Roman Empire never fell and lasted into modern times. The style is a rough and tumble evolution of Pankration along with unarmed fighting styles from the eastern edge of the Empire. It was developed for female covert operatives and focuses mostly breaking holds, throws and disabling a stronger opponent to delay pursuit Alongside the espionage use the style is used as a form self defense by high society women, a down and dirty form has evolved that is used by whores and courtesans along side of a "sport" form used by female gladiator/wrestlers for entertainment purposes. The combat style is economical and effective but is considered "unmanly" and dirty fighting among men.

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


First, because it's a light sci fi universe and it's a fun idea (IMO) and second its from a version Roman Empire after centuries of expansion and progress so it seems reasonable to assume SOME changes occurred. The where this will come up in set in the modern era.

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


A style developed by women for women to use against men?


Survivors are going to call it cheating, fighting dirty, or a lucky punch.


Call it Amazon Fighting, or Amazonia. Be sure to include the low blow as one of the maneuvers.

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


Just a thought (as I tend to have and discuss them) but the roots of pankration don't really lend themselves to practice by females, and certainly not those likey to be 'working girls' or spies. The nature of the style relies on brute strength and muscle mass and toughness: not exactly the earmarks of such individuals. Have you considered looking to somethign like chi'na (Chinese small hand grappling), which focuses more on precision and skill than brute strength? Such a style would be a great counter to the brutish style of pankration. As far as nomenclature, how about the 'Silken hand,' or possibly the Silk Purse, for the art form with the combat method that counters the brutish 'sow's ear' of Pankration?


[this post edited by by the LCpt. Thia Halmades]

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


Just a thought (as I tend to have and discuss them) but the roots of pankration don't really lend themselves to practice by females, and certainly not those likey to be 'working girls' or spies. The nature of the style relies on brute strength and muscle mass and toughness: not exactly the earmarks of such individuals. Have you considered looking to somethign like chi'na (Chinese small hand grappling), which focuses more on precision and skill than brute strength? Such a style would be a great counter to the brutish style of pankration. As far as nomenclature, how about the 'Silken hand,' or possibly the Silk Purse, for the art form with the combat method that counters the brutish 'sow's ear' of Pankration?


[this post edited by by the LCpt. Thia Halmades]


I mentioned in the original description some techniques from the "Eastern edge of the Empire" which is this case is our Asia/the "Far East" were also incorporated into the style and I know how Pankration developed (it's also beleived to have inspired or been inspired by some early forms of the Chinese martial arts, IIRC) but it also sounded good as basis for quasi "Roman" martial art so I went with it.


I'm not going to get hung up "realism" I have people hopping from dimension to dimension with soft science device dealing with a race of militant cro mags and assorted "Elder Beings" from taking over the multiverse after all. Adherence to the foggy history of unarmed combat seems like a pretty small SOD stumbling block. :)

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


Some random female gladiator info...http://ejmas.com/jcs/jcsart_murray_0703.htm

I thinko Boudicca or Zenobia would sound cool (as a homage to women who stood up against Rome). http://listverse.com/history/top-10-badass-female-warriors/

More women warriors...http://www.lothene.demon.co.uk/others/women.html

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


Hope this helps, from wikipedia:


Pankration (Greek: Παγκράτιο(ν), Pagkratio(n), IPA: [paŋ.'kra.ti.o(n)]) is a martial arts sport introduced to the Greek Olympic Games in 648 BC and founded as a blend of boxing and wrestling. The term comes from the Ancient Greek παγκράτιον, literally meaning "all powers" and that from πᾶν (pan) "all" + κράτος (kratos) "strength" or "power". It is also used to describe the sport's contemporary variations. Some tout it as the first all-encompassing fighting system in human history. Modern mixed martial arts have many similar methods.[1]

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


Just a thought (as I tend to have and discuss them) but the roots of pankration don't really lend themselves to practice by females, and certainly not those likey to be 'working girls' or spies. The nature of the style relies on brute strength and muscle mass and toughness: not exactly the earmarks of such individuals. Have you considered looking to somethign like chi'na (Chinese small hand grappling), which focuses more on precision and skill than brute strength? Such a style would be a great counter to the brutish style of pankration. As far as nomenclature, how about the 'Silken hand,' or possibly the Silk Purse, for the art form with the combat method that counters the brutish 'sow's ear' of Pankration?


[this post edited by by the LCpt. Thia Halmades]

good idea thia:thumbup:

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


The nature of the style relies on brute strength and muscle mass and toughness: not exactly the earmarks of such individuals. Have you considered looking to somethign like chi'na (Chinese small hand grappling)' date=' which focuses more on precision and skill than brute strength?[/quote']


And you know this how exactly?


I'm going to skip on giving a long lecture about Pankration, since that's not really the heart of the thread. However, if Pankration was all about brute strength and muscle mass, then all of the Pankration champios would have been big burly men. While many Pankratists were known for their strength, the fact that smaller men were also champions in a sport without weight classes is quite telling...

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


IIRC' date=' it means something like "All Power(ful)", "All Force" or "All Strength"[/quote']


Hope this helps, from wikipedia:


Pankration (Greek: Παγκράτιο(ν), Pagkratio(n), IPA: [paŋ.'kra.ti.o(n)]) is a martial arts sport introduced to the Greek Olympic Games in 648 BC and founded as a blend of boxing and wrestling. The term comes from the Ancient Greek παγκράτιον, literally meaning "all powers" and that from πᾶν (pan) "all" + κράτος (kratos) "strength" or "power".


All of which agrees with what a friend of mine told me.


Unfortunately, that means the Latin would be Omnivis, which sounds like a supervillain played for laughs, or a laundry detergent. :tonguewav


Pugnus is Latin for "fist". You could make up a feminine form, Pugna; that, however, means "fist fight, brawl".


Pugna|tor, -o|ris is "fighter, warrior" and masculine; you could invent Pugna|trix, -tricis as a feminine form.

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


Decending into humor for a second.

Why not consider Python's "Lap Goch", the Welsh art of self defense? The best form of defence is to attack and the secret of attack is surprise so Lap Goch relied on turning your enemy into 4 tins of cat meat before he even knew of your existence.


Back on discussion.

Given mass/strength ratios between todays average male/female frames, I'd have thought a martial art style that was more based on speed and surprise rather than grappling would have evolved. I mean, who really wants to get into a martial art where you can spend long moments smelling each others armpits as you grapple for supremacy?

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


I missed if this was covered' date=' but Pankration is "all powers." That would make the Latin, "Omnipotent."[/quote']


Back #18 an before. ;)


"potens, -entis" is Latin for "capable, effective" and that kidn thing. Not quiet the same.

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Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art


I think I'll just go with Pankration Effemanitus with Oppulentia and Potentia as the substyles. Sounds close enough for government work. Thanks everyone.


"Effe|mina|tus -a -um" Means "effeminate" and is insulting.


"Fe|mina|rum" would be "Women's" so its right.

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