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Tike's Toybox of Doom!


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For the Next Champions campaign me and my wife are going to be playing in her character is the Tike. A 10 year child super-genius gadgeteer with her toybox. Her parents are wealthy but inattentive. they don't realize what she has done with her 'toys'.


She rides around on a Big Wheel towing her Toybox of Doom.


What we need are ideas for what is in said toybox.


we have Acid filled ballons and her rabid teddy bear with adamantium claws and teeth.


What would you suggest we have for more 'Toys'?:sneaky:


Be creative yet sneaky.:sneaky:

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Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!


Oooh. This reminds me of Childsplay and NPC I had in an old game.


I recall a bag of anti-gravity marbles meant to be spilled on the ground. They made the surface essentially frictionless.


Then there was the tar-baby doll (StickyEntangle). The high pressure super soaker (Double Knockback EB). The bubble wand (It made spherical force walls). The Security Blanket (an invisibility cloak).

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Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!


Jacks that are caltrops with an explosive ball.


Multiple android servants disguised as dolls. (Points to a bad guy and says "Get'im Barbie!")


A jump rope or hair ribbons made of super high strength tensile material (good for lots of things: Swinging, Entangle, bonus to Climbing)


a toy Nerf gun (possibly stolen or traded for from her brother?) that's been converted to fire various forms (Explosive and/or Entangle come to mind) of silly puddy.


A make up kit that actually has chemicals in it that she can use on the spot to create a variety of things (Acid, Explosives, Truth Serum...)


Cakes she made in her Easy Bake oven that instill powers or Healing

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Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!


Tee shirts with big eyed cartoon charactors whose eyes can hypnotize.


Area effect plush purple dinosaurs who make everybody sit down and singalong with him (that's probably a NND)


simple little gameboys whose sound effects are sonic stun attacks.


A Tamaguchi who can leave the little wrist wrist strap device and becomes Balrog equivalent? (But Mom, I have to feed and pet him or he gets mean!) Hmmm, hang on. I can use that one in my own campaign. Forget you heard this.

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Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!


Skipping rope force wall barriers (Can't cross that because it's really a wall, can't see through it either.) Red/Yellow plastic bucket and spade tunneling devices. (Not doing anything Mom, just digging) Pogo stick or Moon hopper - (can too go down the stairs!)


Oh lord but this could go on forever. Thank the lord my daughter is 6 and doesn't live in a Champions world.

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Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!


Hmm, what hasn't been covered yet..? :think:


Slinkys, entangle


RC cars/copters/construction machines, multiple uses (surveillance, distraction, demolition, etc.)


Crying baby doll, forces all who hear it to start weeping uncontrollably


Fire truck, with a siren so loud it drowns out all sound (darkness vs hearing) and a fire hose (dispel vs fire powers)


Play-doh C4


Robotic roller skates, running UAO


And many, many more...

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Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!




AE: Mind control, one command: Have a tea party...the image of grod, sitting at a small table, drinking tea in one hand, eating a cookie in the other, and pooring more tea in his 3-4 hand is hilarious to me...




Shapeshift, imitatio, any person, etc...

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Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!


My wife has changed the age of the character. She is now 5 3/4 years old.


Her "costume" is pink footie pajamas(10/10 armor) and a Darth Vader helmet with holes cut into each side for her ponytails to hang out of. She even has a Light Saber she carries. It looks like a toy but does 4d6 HKA STR does not add.


I would love to see a drawing of this character. However finances don't allow for her to be done at this time.


However ....it is christmas... sooooo if you feel like drawing it for my wife, I won't object....

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Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!


I might be able to assist you for free.... If you care for my style of artwork.


Too cute to pass up. I haven't drawn a child for a long time, would be good practice, and wouldn't take too long. I am off on vacation next week and will be doing a bit of drawing, so it would give me something fun to draw.


If you have any more details you want to add, add them here, otherwise I will improvise... ;)


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Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!


I might be able to assist you for free.... If you care for my style of artwork.



Your stuff is COOL! I am actually using your wall paper of Saebri and Vangaurd.


So feel free.


For a background show her bedroom with all the "toys" just a suggestion.


She is like 3 ft tall

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The cutest lord of the Sith EVER!


My wife has changed the age of the character. She is now 5 3/4 years old.


Her "costume" is pink footie pajamas(10/10 armor) and a Darth Vader helmet with holes cut into each side for her ponytails to hang out of. She even has a Light Saber she carries. It looks like a toy but does 4d6 HKA STR does not add.


I would love to see a drawing of this character. However finances don't allow for her to be done at this time.


However ....it is christmas... sooooo if you feel like drawing it for my wife, I won't object....

That is ... horrifying.




I can't wait for the pics! :eg:

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Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!


My wife has changed the age of the character. She is now 5 3/4 years old.


Her "costume" is pink footie pajamas(10/10 armor) and a Darth Vader helmet with holes cut into each side for her ponytails to hang out of. She even has a Light Saber she carries. It looks like a toy but does 4d6 HKA STR does not add.


I would love to see a drawing of this character. However finances don't allow for her to be done at this time.


However ....it is christmas... sooooo if you feel like drawing it for my wife, I won't object....


Wear does she carry her toys? Utility belts are the standard, but a backpack or toy chest (hooked to a suped-up big wheel) might fit the character conept better. If you give some details about the power framework she plans to use (mutlpower with Xactive points, variable power pool with Y active points oif, etc.), we could write up complete slots.


Also, what is the psy-limits and tone of the character (I have a little trouble seeing a 5~6 year old heroine cutting off arms and heads with a hka without some serious issues developing.) Black harlequin has a similar powerset, but he's a murdurous psychopath that butchered his parents, not a hero.

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