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Tee Hee.


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So I used the random her name generator Badger kindly linked to. I entered in my parameters hit the 'go' button and it spewed a few random nonsensical names at me, including 'Slicing Kill'.


But one name did stand out as being possibly cool.


So, without further ado, I present


Death Panther.


Mittens was a normal little kitty.

He had a home.

He had a loving family.

He even had a pink collar with little bells and his name on it.


But that would change one day. Mittens was exploring his neibourhood, enjoying the sights, smells and sounds when he saw a strand of shiny wiggly silver string. Overcome with curiosity Mittens pounced on it.


Suddenly his mind was overcome with memories and thoughts. Mittens howled out his confusion and pain. He felt his body changing, getting larger and more dense. He could feel his bones lengthening and changing. he howled again but it came out as a scream, a scream that was far too human.


He awoke to pain, confusion and rage. He got up and stumbled home. The night air felt cool on his ravaged body. As he climbed over his fence, which was far smaller then he remembered, he noticed that his house was dark. He figured this was because the family was asleep. quietly he tried to enter his catdoor. But all he could get through was his head, He was stuck! He started meowing to draw attention to his plight. The sound of boots on the floor made him look around just in time to see a long metal rod swinging towards his face.


He awoke again, the pain was still there, so was the confusion. the rage was there as well, but it had been refined.

Someone had attacked him in his house...

Someone had attacked him in HIS house...

SOMEONE had attacked him in HIS house!..

SOMEONE had ATTACKED him in HIS house!!.



Mittens lashed out with his claws, he felt them scrape against glass. He opened his eyes. Blinding light flooded them, but as his eyes adjusted he could see he was in a room. A room full of white, steel and men in white coats. On one wall was a large green symbol. But more importantly he was inside a tube.


Mittens howled his rage. The Tube reverberated to his anger.

He struck and struck and struck the glass, but it would not yield. Mittens howled again.


One of the men in the coats grinned and said something to another. Mittens felt a sharp stab of electricity in head. Too late he realized they had attached something to his head. Mittens suddenly had his mind bombarded with images, noises, memories and feelings again. But this time, he did not pass out. As an intelligence spawned inside his mind, His feline nature lashed out. The human intelligence tried to break free, but it was overwhelmed and subdued by the feline inside. Mittens took everything that intelligence had and discarded the rest.


Mittens understood now.

Mittens knew who to hate.

Mittens knew how to get out.

Mittens knew what to do...


Mittens stood staring at his reflection in the shallow pool. The image staring back tinted red by the viscous pool. The flames bathing him in a ruddy glow. the occasional crash making his ears twitch.


Mittens knew how VIPER had made people suffer...

Mittens knew how Viper had made him suffer...

Mittens knew how VIPER had made his family suffer...


Viper would never make anyone suffer again, Not if Mittens could stop it.


Mittens became Death Panther.



Mittens is a cat who absorbed the intelligence of a head VIPER scientist.

he is still coming to terms with what he is and who he was. But he's still a kitten inside.


Playful and inquisitive, Mittens will fight to the death to protect those who care for him, He is loyal, affectionate and friendly. But he also has a dark side.


As a result of the incidents surrounding his creation, Mittens has an almost limitless reserve of rage and hate. luckily this has locked onto two targets.

VIPER and people who hurt cats,




Mittens is much stronger then the average human, has super-human reflexes, Catlike sensory abilities, Genius level intelligence and a in-depth knowledge of VIPER technology, especially pertaining to Gene manipulation.


He has also begun learning some tiger style Kung Fu and has looted more than his fair share of VIPER weaponry.




Mittens was a small tortoise shell kitty with a pink collar.

Now, he is a BIG tortoise shell anthromorph wearing black cargo pants, A combat vest, some VIPER tech and a Blue Collar.

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Re: Tee Hee.


FWIW - Tortie cats are almost always female.


I'm a little wierded out by the concept because I play a character named Mittens who just discovered her 'claws' in that she has been played for years and years and was finally pushed to the point where she manifested her telekinetic attack as a killing attack (and nearly eviscerated a villain in the process)...

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